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Everything posted by Rodders

  1. Bad Education - got lost half way through what was going on. I don't care for Almodovar, he's a bit mental. Looking forward to seeing The Avengers tomorrow.
  2. I'd recomment Jean Amery's account of suffering under the Holocaust as an example of consequences and the trauma of a void in understanding. He was born Hans Maier in Austria but after capture and torture and post liberation he renounced all links to a Germanic heritage. He never even felt Jewish before hand but due to a blood-link he was still victimised, and there's an excellent collection of essays he wrote on his experiences "At The Minds Limits" including one titled the necessity and impossibility of being a Jew, which talks about the paradox of identity 'bequeathed' to him. It's a powerful read, and a contrast to some of the attempts not at "reconcilliation that's not correct, but in tone it's just different to some of the well known Holocaust accounts like Primo Levi or Robert Antelme. I've recently done some reading on the victim-perpetrator debate in Germany which is interesting with respect to sensitivities in this sense, for example there was for a long time - and perhaps still is an issue of Germans private memory focusing on their own particular family history, and less on the totalising environment that created the Holocaust. Of course I think it's perfectly natural that any individual will always have that family loyalty and interest first, and there was a study In German recently that showed a 'cumulative heroisation' of transgenerational memory - the grandchildren wished to make the eyewitness generation into models of anti-Nazism - which whilst proof of a positive model, has the problematic element of eliding a consideration of the conditions that enabled Hitler and co in the first place, where everyone's grandparents were resisters, none complicit etc. It's a tricky situation, as every victim of war, of trauma deserves space for the 'talking-cure' as it were but with an event like the Holocaust, there's an extra moral imperative that's not easily been understood - google Bitburg commemoration controversy and the Historikerstreit ( historians debate ) for more of that.
  3. Rodders

    Job websites

    never got any job through any site. Though I'm still looking! Monster is beyond garbage. there's another one locally called jobsinwales - perhaps there's a similar one for where you live?
  4. deserved. Hate City, but United were so **** useless they've actually made me support City :shocked: such a dirty feeling.
  5. united's shitness in this game actually makes me want City to win the title. Pathetic effort.
  6. think if spurs beat bolton we've got an increased chance of nabbing a point, but if they don't beat bolton we're screwed.
  7. Ahahahahahaha. Unlucky 'Arry - end of season collapse for no reason. Roy's no bad candidate for the job anyway.
  8. i think spurs will beat both us and bolton to be honest, can see their win giving them a boost. Bolton only beat us because we panicked. We should have been 3/4 up as we overran their midfield. Spurs' midfield will have a field day i think. At any rate, I still think the final spot is between qpr and bolton. given how poor qpr were today I don't think its a certainty they'll beat stoke either, I think they will as they sime have to , but can see them slipping up. Wigan will go ahead of us with a win against Blackburn
  9. Qpr are awful and chelsea are warming up nicely to batter liverpool in the cup next week. also anyone thinking Qpr will get anything v man city?
  10. it also suggests an outlay of £7million on one player,double whammy on the not happening reality.
  11. content with the result. a point that just about will see us safe i think, yet a crap match, which still highlights amcs ineptitudes one would hope to the board and results for wigan and bolton will keep it close and possibly see us drop to 16th or 17th, but not go down, the perfect worst position to ensure absolute no excuse for keeping him on,
  12. i like warnock in midfield tbh, though more in a central role rather than a winger, as the left centre mid. I think that's the strongest side we could put out, not going to rage against a manager for going with experience in this point. doesn't matter anyway when they all line behind given on the pitch
  13. It's a very male dominated sphere, the comedy arena anyway. When I've been to comedy clubs and they've had multiple acts I've never seen a woman even appear, so proportionally out of the women available to audiences to hear the chances of remembering a funny one is all the more harder. I think there are some good ones out there, I've heard a good few occasionally on the radio, never caught their names mind. Also I confess, I don't mind the daftness of Millican et al on the radio 4 comedy shows, they're usually amusing enough, but in terms of stand up itself, I think we'll see more coming through in the next generation or so, but still definitely quite a cock-heavy arena.
  14. I actually fear collecting 4or 5 points from our final three games would provide excuse enough for RL to keep him on. I want us to stay up, but not to keep Mcleish. If we win I also want Wigan and Bolton to win too, 17th is preferable to 15th when it comes to whether AMC stays or not. Dear God that sounded perverse to write, not sure I really mean it, but urgh. Well, sod what other teams do, Im just going to hope we win and Randy doesn't let that come across as excuse enough not to sack him.
  15. that monty python dead parrot sketch... not funny in the least. well ok first time it's vaguely amusing, but THAT IS ALL. sorry, just saw a reference to it in an episode of buffy the vampire slayer ffs, how does that skit travel so? Its not funny! grr
  16. slowly getting excited voldemort is finally going.
  17. probably, but it was still a chance to capitalise nevertheless, confidence wise etc and he still failed.
  18. maybe that 24% is the angry minority who didn't even give him a chance at his initial appointment and have upped the stakes to wanting him dead? Or I suspect foul play by some cunning bluenose / wigan / bolton etc etc voters.
  19. agreed, AMC has had plenty long enough to win over fans and he's failed. The win at chelsea even suggested there was a glimmer he was on the right path, but two days later that was put to bed and pretty much since the defeat to Swansea ( and including it ) it's been wretched.
  20. holy crap breaking bad is getting gooood barely any sleep last night due to a four episode marathon of season 2 last night, from the 2nd episode of season 2, it was just outstanding.
  21. i always wanted to work in waterstones. my plan after my undergrad was to work there for a year whilst I considered what to do, never happened sadly. With borders closing a couple of years ago, there's fewer bookstores in cardiff to peruse now sadly. A couple of small independent stores but meh, online stores can compete - and I'm as guilty as the next man for going with the cheaper price sadly.
  22. I think we'll get something of a reaction, but how much that goes on the start. I expect them to start fired up and desperate to start well, and if we score in the first half an hour or so, we can get something from the game, but if west brom soak up what we throw at them I expect jitters to set in in the second half and can see west brom winning it after that.
  23. Finishing essays that have dominated your day to day concerns, and then feeling directionless? Currently unsure what to do! I have a disseration over the summer but Im having some time off, but this afternoon, with other people still working on theirs, I'm just all a bit meh at the moment. Which is irritating!
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