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Everything posted by ferguson1

  1. Oh well, that’s me done for today and for the week. Won £44 and a few pence overall but spent £35 on bets. Still, up £9 and a few pennies. I’ve enjoyed it over the week and nothing like the thrill of a win. edit - thanks again for all the tips everyone
  2. A draw against West Ham away probably wasn’t the worst result in the end and again helps to give us a nice buffer against the teams below us. Hopefully we can go a place or two higher still, it’s going to be tough, but Fulham at least seem catchable. Another win on Saturday and it keeps the pressure on the teams above us. Kamara, Coutinho and possibly Dendoncker out? Maybe Dendoncker will make it on the bench at least? I don’t think Emery will shuffle the pack too much, although Bailey has been in woeful form for a while now, I can still see him starting this one, especially being at home: Martinez Cash Konsa Mings Moreno McGinn Luiz Buendia Ramsey Bailey Watkins Subs: Olsen, Sinisalo, Young, Digne, Carlos, Chambers, Dendoncker, Traore, Duran Bournemouth had a great result last weekend but they’re still near the bottom for a reason. If we can keep an eye on Billing who seems to charge forward a lot, then I’m pretty confident that we can get the right result here to keep our decent form going. Going to say a 2-1 win but could be a right slog and nervy game. UTV
  3. Having bet £20 so far this week, I finally got an e/w right today and got £25 back. So at least I’m slightly up and tomorrow is another day. Thanks for all the tips etc you’re posting on here guys
  4. Keep the tips coming guys. I’m down £5 today but it’s a bit of fun for me.
  5. Haha, yes she did seem annoyed. Great strike of the ball though. I must admit, that one West Ham CB is a bit of a nasty piece and kicks anything that moves. We’re really building something and Carla Ward deserves a lot of credit here.
  6. Having watched the game in full yesterday and most games this season, we really are a pleasure to watch. Really good football. Quite rightly, Hanson, Daly and Dali deserve all the accolades but we have real quality all over the pitch now. Hannah Hampton will be knocking on the England door again soon no doubt and Danielle Turner probably deserves consideration as well. Going under the radar a bit have been Sarah Mayling and Maz Pacheco, both of whom are very solid and dependable. I’ve been really impressed with both of them. Finally, the signings of Staniforth and especially Nobbs in January were truly inspired. If we can add two, three or four additions of similar calibre in the summer, maybe just maybe, we can really push the top four teams. Already we’re establishing ourselves as the best of the rest, which again is truly remarkable after only a couple of seasons in the WSL. Onwards and upwards, UTV.
  7. I know he hasn’t scored for a good while but I fancy McGinn for a goal tomorrow.
  8. Yes totally, although my hands were clammy all the way through.
  9. Anyone watched Fall on Netflix yet? For someone that hates heights, it was a difficult watch for me.
  10. My closest is the Merry Hill Shopping Centre or Darlaston, just off the Black Country route. Neither are very nice and it’s mainly because I’m forced to have something due to the kids begging for it. I could just be unlucky with where I am and when I’ve ordered though.
  11. Surprised at the positive comments for Burger King on here? On the few times I’ve tried them, I’ve found their burgers to pretty mediocre, cold and most probably microwaved. In addition, the hygiene levels in Burger King establishments leave a lot to be desired. Just my experience and opinion of course. KFC establishments seem even worse.
  12. Wait, what…..I don’t? I love Great British Menu and The Repair Shop.
  13. They’re simple but a very underrated biscuit in my opinion and very moreish
  14. Just watched it and really enjoyed it. Andy Serkis was a fantastic addition. It certainly borrows a few ideas from a couple of movies, Hostel being one.
  15. Agree, I think it’s a really boring food anyway but on top of a burger is a real no no.
  16. Agreed, love pulled pork but not on a burger.
  17. I do like a good burger (couple of smashed patties, cheese, bacon, onions, gherkins and of course some sauce), but you do see some really silly toppings now with places trying to be too clever, ie Wotsits, Nachos, Mac & Cheese, Pineapple , Fried Egg etc.
  18. Great win again last weekend against our closest rival to secure a minimum eleventh spot. Hopefully we can go a place or two higher but it’s going to be tough. However, another win on Sunday and it keeps the pressure on the teams above us. Have to say, I really don’t like West Ham as a club, horrible fans, horrible people running the place etc and I always take great pleasure when we beat them. Would happily like to see them drop. Kamara being out is a big blow and with Dendoncker unlikely to feature, it’s probably Chambers in the holding role alongside Luiz, unless we shuffle the midfield around some more? I don’t think Emery will though and it’ll be a like for like swap. We’re going to be a little light on the bench for this one I’m afraid. Martinez Cash Konsa Mings Moreno Chambers Luiz McGinn Ramsey Buendia Watkins Subs: Olsen, Young, Digne, Feeney, Swinkels, Raikhy, Traore, Bailey, Duran I’m totally guessing with the bench but perhaps Dendoncker will feature after all, which will help. I’m still pretty confident that we can get a positive result here and keep our excellent away form going. Going to say a 1-2 win with Watkins and McGinn grabbing the goals and let Ings have a consolation goal in the 94th minute. UTV
  19. I never said he did accuse me of anything? Just a strange way of making his point.
  20. Not sure of your reasons are for quoting multiple people here but I haven’t knocked him? If anything, I’ve always praised him.
  21. I never realised Steve Bruce was a VT member. Welcome Steve and how’s things
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