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Everything posted by ferguson1

  1. Reading El G’s recent interview, I think we’re quite fortunate to have Mings playing for us. A respected leader on and off the field and the players clearly like him around.
  2. I think that’s a pretty lenient decision. Hope Brighton are up for the game against Bristol.
  3. First major letdown was thinking that the signing of Tony Cascarino was the final piece in the jigsaw for Graham Taylor and us winning the league. He’ll be better for us than his other strike partner, Teddy Sheringham that’s for sure and we’re going to win the league! He wasn’t and we didn’t!! Following the above disappointment and following season we were 2-0 ahead after the first leg against Inter Milan (what a game) and going into the second leg at the San Siro thinking we could actually win the UEFA Cup. Could we win a cup? Unfortunately, we lost the second leg 0-3 and we finished 17th in the league. Following Big Ron arriving and again thinking we were going to win the league. What a team he built and we did win the League Cup during his leadership but ultimately we fell short of winning the league title and I really thought we would. The player ‘Juninho’ is actually signing for us saga. What a signing that would be. He visits us and Middlesbrough are also interested in signing him but he’ll sign of us after seeing Villa Park talking to Doug surely? I don’t need to go on. Stan Collymore. What an inspired and exciting signing I thought at the time. He’ll love it here, score bucket loads and we’ll adore him. Most recently, losing our Premier League status. We’re Aston Villa, so we won’t go down I thought, as there will always be 3 worse teams than us! Probably loads of others I’ve forgotten of but those are some of the stand out for me. Oh that reminds me, where’s the bloody theme park that I bragged about at work?
  4. Strange there’s been no update on this yet? I thought the case/charge was being heard yesterday?
  5. Exactly this. Absolutely loved watching the man and singing his name from the Holte End. Truly sickening way to go and hope justice is served for his family. RIP Dalian.
  6. On reflection, that was some performance last night against a very good team and probably our best performance this calendar year perhaps? We played some lovely stuff at times. My only concern/negative was a few easy balls over the top caught us out, especially in the second half. Konsa and Mings are usually very good with these but felt they missed a few, causing us to face our own goal. Offensively though we were bloody good. No fear, loads of good chances created, especially first half and a lovely second goal. Hard to single out one individual but Watkins, Cash, Barkley, and Traore had very good games indeed. Continue with a ‘no fear’ mentality until the end of the season and perhaps we can look at achieving 60 points, which would be fantastic.
  7. 9 goals so far this season and this was the best.
  8. Good half but with a couple of poor decisions and lapses by us. Could be 3-3 already.
  9. No mate, Reading. She was played the full game as well.
  10. Turns out Birmingham have been charged for fielding a suspended player last Sunday (Ruesha Littlejohn). Can you imagine a points deduction and subsequent relegation
  11. With Trez potentially being out for a long while, I’d have no problem starting next season with Grealish first choice on the left and El G as back up. Exciting new player on the right and Traore as back up. However, we may cash in on him this summer and freshen up the wide areas with a couple. He’ll always be remembered for some great and important goals in getting us back to where we are now.
  12. ferguson1

    The NSWE Board

    It’s ok I suppose and better than some of the awful gambling sponsors. However, the ideal for me would be Nike or Adidas with Cadbury as our sponsor. Although, I’d probably also be happy with a Apple or Samsung 10 year deal .
  13. ferguson1

    The NSWE Board

    Thanks for sharing OBE. Was hoping we would go with a new kit manufacturer and sponsor next season. I do like to see a new kit though.
  14. ferguson1

    The NSWE Board

    I get FFP constraints but this is a huge, huge summer for them. If any punishment is handed to the so called “big six” also, then what an opportunity. Big kit deals, improved sponsors, Jack staying and some genuine exciting signings, then year 3 back in the Premier League will be some season to enjoy.
  15. Thoroughly deserved after the season he’s had. Much fitter, stronger and switched on.
  16. Retain our best and add some real quality - top 8 and a possible cup final. The top 6 is a push but West Ham have shown that it’s doable if injuries are kind and you get the rub of the green. Hoping for an exciting summer of rumours, links and surprises first though.
  17. Haven’t seen much of this fella but could see him turning into a Jimmy Milner type. Could be totally wrong but one to stick with I reckon and see how he progresses.
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