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Everything posted by sidcow

  1. Me and the Mrs have just tried to relocate an oaktree sapling which was growing in our border but the roots were already too deep so we had to lop it instead
  2. I find what shuts them up when taking the p!ss is to agree with them that we are woeful. Embarrassing. The worst Villa team in living memory. An utterly horrendous set of players none of whom are worthy of gracing an Aston Villa shirt.............but we still beat them this season with these players. They go quiet then as there is literally no comeback
  3. Yes I have definitely come round to Pearson and most neutrals I speak to think he's a good idea for us as well not many pick holes with his past behavior either. His stock seems lower here than elsewhere
  4. I wouldn't mind having a look at this. You know kick the types, kick them again and again and again then put a key down the side of the body then get a Sledge hammer......... And breath
  5. I wish I hadn't found this thread because I am a right grumpy old git and can see myself venting my spleen on here quite a lot. Something just crossed my mind though is people who arrive at the barriers at rail stations and then begin to start looking for their ticket whilst blocking the gate. I mean how much forethought does it need to fish it out as you are on your way to the gate or to move aside when you realise it's not to hand They drive me nuts
  6. That's good news. I get worried about random twitter posts so thanks for verifying it. I agree I can't see any reason why Sir Brian would just say this and allied to kings comments I am totally satisfied that a deal is in the offing and we can dismiss the season ticket conspiracy theory
  7. Thank God he is involved in the decision on the new manager. We really need someone with his supreme track record onboard to ensure we get this right
  8. I didn't go today as both my kids were competing in an athletics meet in Derby. Originally I told the Mrs I couldn't go because of the game as have still paid due to my season ticket but then thought why the hell I'm I priotitising my life like that! Anyhoo so after Bacuna done his suicide back pass was he clapping excitedly to himself with a huge grin on his face? This is what my minds eye is imagining from the troll who's Black's 37 years experience tells him to pick
  9. Sorry are you the actual guy from twitter or you were around when he said this to the guys from Twitter and you are verifying what was said?
  10. I wouldn't quite agree this. I don't know for sure but I would imagine he is pretty close friends with Sir Brian who currently sits in the very heart of the club. He might not be told serious inside info but he may have had a sly wink with a suggestive remark from Sir Brian. I realise what I have written so no smutty innuendos pleas. Not allowed when discussing Sir Brian
  11. I actually am a fair weather cyclist as well of the floppy shorts variety. And my bike is a trusty old Raleigh which weighs a ton though not a chopper. These types of cyclists genuinely do produce a completely irrational annoyance in me though I admit I was aiming for an overdramatic (and I was pretty drunk) rant. I think a few people have had a sense of humor meltdown possibly because it hit a nerve. It's a good job I didn't go off on another rant I had boiling about golfers because there are even more of them and they definitely have a sense of humour bypass
  12. Sorry guys perhaps I have mis interpreted the title of the thread. I didn't realise this was a thread for discussing things that you had a really rational reason for getting annoyed about
  13. I get really really wound up by amateur professional cyclists. It's a growing trend. You see them blocking up the roads often riding arrogantly two abreast in their aerodynamic lycra, riding their £2,000 bikes boasting how they are so light made from micro carbon balsa so light they can pick the bike up with their erection 1) unless you are actually going for an Olympic record there is no need for the lycra especially with your Flabby arse on show in the back of it 2) they are actually cheating. If they really want to test themselves and prove their manhood they should tackle those hills on a Raleigh chopper wearing flappy shorts. If they want to use the latest tech to shorten their times get a fcuking motor fitted to the bike The latest wind up if the cameras fitted to their helmets to ensure they can edit out the footage of them manically performing some suicidal manouver whilst riding 4 abreast with their finance director and stockbroker mates accross both lanes of the A5 so they can sue the 80 yr old driver who smashed into them on the blind bend Fr!ggin hate them. Tw@ts
  14. I don't think he will be throwing them to the wolves though. I doubt at any future time in their careers will they play in front of a crowd expecting so little from them yet so delighted to see them in the team and so willing for them to do well and 100% supportive of them I actually think it's an ideal time to blood them. They will probably get olays each time they touch the ball followed by a boo if it is passed to one of the usual tw@ts
  15. I find it incredible that he can claim that he will only ever pick what he feels is the best team based on his 37 years of experience In 37 years he has not learned that defenders who leak goals should not play. Players who alienate the crowd leading to a poisonous atmosphere should not play. Attacking players who have absolutely no influence on the game should not be played and a team which has rolled over and lost easily for game after game does not need personnel changes......... Really l?..... Really in 37 years he has not garnered enough experience to see that? . In my job I would have just written my own instant dismissal
  16. Thinking of changing my name from sidcow to westiegivesmewood. My new hero and I take back everything I have ever said against him. He is the end of a leg for me
  17. Football focus are saying they are at Villa Park later to see how our situation is developing. Seems odd to be here today and make special mention. I wonder if they have some angle
  18. sidcow


    You could work this out assuming the staff numbers are reported in the same ways by looking at old accounts on companies house website. They have copies of docs going all the way back to the original certificate of incorporation in 1884 or whatever signed by William McGregor
  19. I am an insurance broker (commercial insurance for large corporations) so know next to nothing about mortgages so when I moved house a couple of years ago and was struggling with my building society I asked the estate agent for some advice and she put me in touch with a mortgage broker Strangely this professional adviser gave me some great advice for which he took commission but I ended up saving a load of money taking his advice Imagine my embarrassment having to have the advantages of my own profession pointed out to me by someone else So my advice is to go and get some professional advice. Yes you will pay for it but it will probably be from commission you don't see and you will get the best deal that way. I used oakleaf mortgage brokers in Shirley but I am sure there are many other excellent advisers out there plus some absolute charlatans as well
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