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Everything posted by sidcow

  1. I often wonder why you can buy some stuff, particularly following the advent of the manufacturing might of China at absolutely ridiculously cheap prices, often prices where there is simply no need for it to be that cheap. But then there is other stuff where you can see absolutely no need for it to be so expensive. Why can't they chuck those things out of China at 1/4 the price. Prime example I want a new cushion for a garden bench. You go into any Diy store or garden Centre and you won't get a piece of thin foam wrapped in cotton for less than £25. However in homebase I saw a whole new garden bench WITH cushion for £40. So basically they can't make a bl00dy cushion for less than£25 which I refuse to pay but they can build a whole bench for £15 It's madness. Can't someone in China make me a cushion for £5 instead of a power drill for a tenner?
  2. He has a wife, you know. You know what she's called? She's called... 'Incontinentia'. 'Incontinentia Buttocks'.
  3. I was wondering about this. Absolutely no way will this deal be worth what he was spouting about. If he really wanted to do us a huge favor he should have kept as much an eye on how much we got if relegated as if we stayed up. Relegation was very much on the cards when they announced it.
  4. You mean apart from the aqueduct and sanitation?
  5. Ironic as it is the owner of The Evening Mail so SHOULD have a better ear on the ground than the other nationals or would if the Evening Mail had any proper hournalists
  6. I dearly love a pasty, a 'ot leaky one; With mayt, turmit and taty, h'onyon and parsley in 'un The crus' be made weth suet, shaped like 'alf a moon; Crinkly h'edges, freshly baked 'e es alway gone too soon!
  8. If the takeover happens and we are given money or Randy makes good on his promise to do whatever he can to take us back to the PL (which I doubt) then we need to pillage all the best players we can from the teams that just missed on promotion and see what we can loan from the likes of Chelsea and Arsenal We have some of our own loaners like Gardner coming back who will be adequate to replace the probably departing Frenchman or Gill
  9. Well we should be fine then, we have a load of those already!
  10. How long do you think before he gets himself into trouble I. The middle east. Probably stroll down some high Street swinging from a whisky bottle with a joint in his hand
  11. Just though of another. Huge global corporations that make themselves look like a small cosey sleepy business not a steaming great cash cow of a juggernaut ripping off their suppliers The dolmio adverts and current Stella Artois adverts are of this ilk
  12. I find beer cheers me up. It's so much more than just a breakfast drink you know
  13. Me and the Mrs have just tried to relocate an oaktree sapling which was growing in our border but the roots were already too deep so we had to lop it instead
  14. I find what shuts them up when taking the p!ss is to agree with them that we are woeful. Embarrassing. The worst Villa team in living memory. An utterly horrendous set of players none of whom are worthy of gracing an Aston Villa shirt.............but we still beat them this season with these players. They go quiet then as there is literally no comeback
  15. Yes I have definitely come round to Pearson and most neutrals I speak to think he's a good idea for us as well not many pick holes with his past behavior either. His stock seems lower here than elsewhere
  16. I wouldn't mind having a look at this. You know kick the types, kick them again and again and again then put a key down the side of the body then get a Sledge hammer......... And breath
  17. I wish I hadn't found this thread because I am a right grumpy old git and can see myself venting my spleen on here quite a lot. Something just crossed my mind though is people who arrive at the barriers at rail stations and then begin to start looking for their ticket whilst blocking the gate. I mean how much forethought does it need to fish it out as you are on your way to the gate or to move aside when you realise it's not to hand They drive me nuts
  18. That's good news. I get worried about random twitter posts so thanks for verifying it. I agree I can't see any reason why Sir Brian would just say this and allied to kings comments I am totally satisfied that a deal is in the offing and we can dismiss the season ticket conspiracy theory
  19. Thank God he is involved in the decision on the new manager. We really need someone with his supreme track record onboard to ensure we get this right
  20. I didn't go today as both my kids were competing in an athletics meet in Derby. Originally I told the Mrs I couldn't go because of the game as have still paid due to my season ticket but then thought why the hell I'm I priotitising my life like that! Anyhoo so after Bacuna done his suicide back pass was he clapping excitedly to himself with a huge grin on his face? This is what my minds eye is imagining from the troll who's Black's 37 years experience tells him to pick
  21. Sorry are you the actual guy from twitter or you were around when he said this to the guys from Twitter and you are verifying what was said?
  22. I wouldn't quite agree this. I don't know for sure but I would imagine he is pretty close friends with Sir Brian who currently sits in the very heart of the club. He might not be told serious inside info but he may have had a sly wink with a suggestive remark from Sir Brian. I realise what I have written so no smutty innuendos pleas. Not allowed when discussing Sir Brian
  23. I actually am a fair weather cyclist as well of the floppy shorts variety. And my bike is a trusty old Raleigh which weighs a ton though not a chopper. These types of cyclists genuinely do produce a completely irrational annoyance in me though I admit I was aiming for an overdramatic (and I was pretty drunk) rant. I think a few people have had a sense of humor meltdown possibly because it hit a nerve. It's a good job I didn't go off on another rant I had boiling about golfers because there are even more of them and they definitely have a sense of humour bypass
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