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Everything posted by desensitized43

  1. Was listening to the radio the other day and someone made a good point that what was once a slogan of the far right racists - “send them back to africa” has actually become government policy. Scary.
  2. Can’t see Conte being allowed to get away with comments of that magnitude. He’ll be gone this week.
  3. I think the media are kind of asking the wrong questions of Forbes. Whether she supports equal marriage and abortions are a bit of a moot point. She's voted against both of them so the evidence is there. What they need to be asking her is if she was elected whether those bills would even have reached the parliament for a vote or if her freedom of concience would have denied people the right to theirs. Personally, I think calling her a "religious nut" when she did at least have the "courage" to where her prejudice openly...The other guy just hid in a hole for the day and didn't bother to turn up to vote.
  4. My grandmothers maiden name was Jem and she’s always believed that she was related to one of the founders of the lawn tennis association (Harry jem) but was never able to prove it so I managed to trace it back and found they had a common ancestor in the 18th century which made her pretty happy. For one of my grandparents I managed to trace back through the parish records to around 1620 which is utterly mental to me. That’s what, James I time around the time of the gunpowder plot
  5. This is just awful. Feel really sorry for Lineker that he’s been bullied out for daring to tell the truth to a bunch of pseudofascists who are demonising swathes of people. Hope they really struggle to find presenters to put on a show tomorrow night. The rank hypocrisy from the BBC when their chairman used his contacts to help Johnson get a loan which he then didn’t declare as a conflict of interest. The Tories have managed to infiltrate and corrupt every aspect of public life. **** them all.
  6. My comment was a joke but oh well. I’m more than familiar with how HS2 works since my brother works for them in the office at snow hill. Because of that I know all about how utterly wasteful and how ridiculously the whole thing has been managed. People on stupid wages, crazy contracts that have gone out to all kinds of companies, Compulsory purchases at massively over market rate. I could go on but I wouldn’t want to say things out of turn. Bottom line is that it’s not the worst idea in the world but it’s been terribly executed. They should have started by connecting the northern cities that for too long haven’t had the kind of investment London has. Starting with the Birmingham-London stretch has meant that we’ll likely never see the Manchester and Leeds stretches. Utterly pointless. I get what you’re saying about the added capacity but seriously without the bit that we were all interested in and the bit that could have added the most value to us as a country, it just hasn’t been worth it.
  7. I don't know about you, but I often think to myself on the Aviva train from Birmingham Int to Euston and wonder what it would be like to be there a whole 10 minutes faster.
  8. The thing is there’s not really a solution that’s politically acceptable for the tories. We all know there is one but it involves the government accepting that they need to invest in more processing centres, staff to process people in a timely fashion, housing, all the other services these people will need when they’re here and settled etc. Crucially all this hinges on the tories accepting that we have to accept people and that in order for the system to work properly we need to accept quite a few more than a lot of their voters want us to. Unfortunately they’re allergic to investment in things they don’t see as vote winners and even more allergic to telling their voters the hard reality of the situation. Its just populism. Governments sometimes have to do things that are massively unpopular for the good of the nation. It’s called leadership and they don’t have any. it’s easy to just take a referendum and do what the “majority” think you should do but what’s hard is interpreting the data, situation and making an argument and convincing people to come along with you.
  9. Like you I have a few members of the family and some good friends who I would regard as racist. The thing is I don’t think they regard themselves as racist. If you actually called them out on it they’d be pretty upset and insist that it wasn’t about race that they just don’t want foreigners coming over and “taking the piss” out of us. My favourite at the moment is when you hear people saying that “we need to look after our own before we start helping others” and then getting upset over “scroungers on benefits”. So which is it?
  10. It would be much easier to have a really sensible conversation around this if some people started just being honest and admit they don't want to take anyone at all.
  11. I do love it when you hear from bob the builder and he’s banging on about how these migrants should be trying to “fight for their own countries to make them better” rather than being such cowards and coming over here. Remind me how many tyrants you stood up to and how many guns were shoved in your face?
  12. I think the main issue is that now successive Tory governments have stuck to the ridiculous narrative that we can’t even start the public enquiry into the handling of the pandemic even as other countries around the world are already reporting the findings of theirs. We now know why they’ve been delaying this until it’s too late for it to report before the next election.
  13. Just heard siddiq khans meltdown at a public meeting where he accused those who were against the ulez expansion of being “far right”, “covid deniers” and “tories”. What a disgraceful thing to say. I’m none of those things but think what he’s doing is **** stupid.
  14. Everyone knew what city were doing when they were signing deals for sponsorships way over the price that a club of their size should have been. I would think that part of the Wrexham appeal for disney and TikTok would be the owners. Owners always have connections. The wolves owners basically brought their own agent with them. Have you watched the documentary? It’s clearly aimed at the American audience and is designed to capitalise on the owners appeal to that market. Im not saying that what they’re doing is definitely above board because I don’t know but I don’t think it’s entirely fair to lump them in with the likes of the sheikhs and actual real life murderers who own certain other clubs.
  15. It’s always been the case that owners come in, inject capital into the club to allow them to build stands, sign better players and leapfrog other teams. It’s not like they’re doing a Man City and deliberately hiding revenue and using creative accounting methods to essentially cheat the league.
  16. The fact they keep getting elected and still even with all they’ve done to the country 20% of the electorate look at that and go “yep, they’re the ones for me” is really worrying.
  17. I disagree about SNW but each to their own! Early days with Picard season 3 but it’s definitely an improvement on the complete abortion of the first couple of seasons but it still doesn’t feel like they’ve got Picard right as a character which is pretty unforgivable really.
  18. I'm finding all of the memes about the ships being so dark really funny. It's so true. In order to make the whole thing 'more edgy' they've turned out the lights.
  19. It's known in the community that all ST shows take 2 seasons minimum to really get going and find their feet. Enterprise was no different. The first 2 seasons of that were passable but nothing more than that but season 3 was some of the best story telling they'd done since DS9 and 4 was pretty good as well. It's a real shame that it was cut down just when it was starting to get into the founding of the federation. Quite happy Discovery is being cancelled as it's been very disrespectful to the continuity and general "feel" of a ST show. Strange New Worlds first season was pretty spectacular.
  20. I think what you’ve got is a bunch of right wing ultras getting a bit of payback on those that betrayed the dear leader and/or implemented lockdowns and government ‘handouts’ that saved the lives and livelihoods of people they see as lower than pondscum. People like oakshott didn’t want lockdown or furlough. They saw it as an infringement of their “civil liberties” and money to those they regard as “less deserving”. They’d have preferred it if the elderly and infirm had just accepted their fate and died quickly and quietly while the rest of us descended into destitution rather than the state stepping in to protect the people.
  21. Was disappointed they only half did the "Left Behind" stuff. In the game you've got two "mall" story lines happening at the same time while she looks for medication for Joel while remembering the last time she was in a mall with Riley. We only got the Riley stuff in the show which is kind of disappointing but I get with time constraints they left in the stuff they regarded as the more relevant to the characters.
  22. Doctors of Tom Sizemore have said there's no further hope for him and recommended his family make "end of life decision". Thought he could have been a much bigger star than he ended up being but just couldn't stay clean and keep his hands to himself.
  23. That’s true but when you start to rely on those to happen you’re in trouble. They’re not quite there yet but they are definitely running out of games you’d look at as “winnable”. I think they’d have looked at playing us at home yesterday and targeted a point minimum…shame
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