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Everything posted by desensitized43

  1. My first instinct was that they were pretty unlucky yesterday and they’d be able to scrap enough points to be safe given it basically now looks like Southampton and Bournemouth have no chance at all but looking at their fixtures I’m seeing maybe 10 more points for them between now and season end. That’ll put them on 31 which is never enough but it’s close enough that the odd upset here or there could see them on 34-36 which might be.
  2. She also went all in saying she didn't agree with sex and children out of wedlock...nice way to light your campaign on fire.
  3. It'll need to be gradual. No one is going to come out and advocate for rejoining but joining a customs union with the EU of some description framed in a "we're lowering trade barriers" kind of way will definitely happen. You'll then get the "we're getting laws imposed on us we weren't involved in writing" arguments to which the only answer is what we have right now or go back in.
  4. I think the Tory's main problem is that there isn't an actual Tory party anymore. They are a collection of factions of the right that all don't like each other very much and in an ideal world you'd get some kind of split like with the Liberals and Labour but all sides recognise there just isn't enough right-wing support in the country to justify the existence of multiple parties of the right. They know that to split that vote means death to both sides. What you have now is some kind of Game of Thrones level of treachery and infighting where the faction that's on top is being clawed at by the one currently at the bottom until you get a reversal and on and on we go.
  5. I would guess that there would need to be some kind of guarantee of his safety. I doubt it would be the US patrolling or something that obvious but the Russians will need to be careful today because one stray missile or bomb and it's definitely kicking off.
  6. I think it's been rumoured that the quality of CGI in the Marvel/Disney films has gone down hill because a number of these effects studios are declining to work with them. Apparently due to them throwing their size around and generally overworking and underpaying for the work done. There have been some shots I looked at and thought "how did that pass quality control?" - Like the floating head thing in the most recent Thor film.
  7. It’s just a childish “you hit a ball like a girl” jibe to a friend. Is it funny? If you’re into that kind of humour, I guess, but most of us grew out of that kind of thing after about 15 years old. Is it offensive? Mildly, but given the state of society these days and in particular with all the stuff around misogyny this kind of backlash is to be expected. It’s not a joke I would have made but on the scale of the cuntish things woods has done in his life this barely even registers.
  8. Oh man the conspiracy theories on here . Give your heads a wobble before spouting such nonsense. The simplest explanation is most often the correct one.
  9. Tbh I’ve only ever voted “not Tory”. Until we get proper PR I doubt I’ll ever vote for what I actually want.
  10. I’ve never heard of people throwing themselves into a river for suicide. Not unless it’s off a high bridge or something. The whole thing is really really odd. Presumably with the amount of those godawful cctv cameras we have in this country they would know by now if she’d just had a meltdown and wandered off though.
  11. What are even basing that on? It's not a question of trusting you. Every case is different and these kinds of domestic cases bring another level of complexity because you're dealing with what a man and woman have done to each other when the bedroom doors are closed but people have heard the recording for themselves. I notice that you haven't addressed the recording in any of your replies so far, perhaps you think it's fake, don't believe it's him or that she's in some way to blame for it? I'm normally with you btw that there's 2 sides to a story but when you have something in the public domain that's as bad as that I think that you really should acknowledge it before leaping to his defence.
  12. He hasn’t been found guilty but he most certainly has been “cleared of any wrongdoing”. The victim has declined to go forward for whatever reason and without her they can’t proceed. We all heard that audio recording. It’s pretty clear what he was trying to do.
  13. It’s amazing how butthurt the Americans act over this when they’ve been running high altitude manned flights in U-2s over other countries for decades.
  14. Really interesting this. I know it’s a bit standard but Battle, 14th October 1066 for me. The day Anglo-Saxon England ended. The opportunity to see a pivotal moment in the history of the country take place and be a witness to a medieval battle. Although, I did once do a bit of reading on this and it turns out that if you go back much farther than the 15th century it would basically be impossible to understand anyone or have any kind of conversation since they wouldn’t be speaking English on anything like a level you would understand. Anyone who’s tried to read any Chaucer will get what I mean.
  15. Yeah it’s amazing how little you hear them crowing on about the vaccine rollout anymore.
  16. This. Let’s not forget that business with Fibian wealth. City just couldn’t take no for an answer and threw all that dirty cash around and the destabilising effect (coupled with the admittedly shocking reinvestment) sent us down.
  17. You keep talking about “the level of outrage”…are people supposed to be just a little bit upset that another team in the division has cheated for over a decade, pillaged other clubs of their best players and then refused to comply with the investigation? Doesn’t it make you angry at all? This is the reason why we have such a **** country. People who just accept corruption and wrongdoing…compliant, forelock tuggers.
  18. If it starts a precedent that clubs actually have to follow the rules and starts to clean up the game then no I'm not worried. If in future seasons we're found to have done wrong then I'll expect a fair and just punishment and answers from our management. The stadium sale was a loophole we and a couple of other clubs exploited which was then closed.
  19. 80k a day is his cost apparently. Of course that’s just his “official on the books” cost. Not counting his secret contract paid directly into his Cayman Islands account for his unspecified “consultancy” work.
  20. Or they did stuff like this https://www.sportspromedia.com/news/newcastle-united-noon-sleeve-sponsorship-kayak-saudi-arabia-pif/?zephr_sso_ott=z9SB6F The owner of the club gets another one of his businesses to sponsor the club at massively overinflated prices in a way to artificially boost their commercial income and circumvent FFP.
  21. This is where the problems will lie with this...It's football so it's all so tribal. Take a look at the Man City forums right now. It's all a mix of "we need the investigators to declare who they support" "they all hate Man City" "Whatabout what Man United did years ago" "Everytime there's a VAR call now it'll be because the Premier League hate us". The City fans will not accept they've ever done anything wrong, even if they were found to have done so, because it's their club. Sinclair isn't defending City because he genuinely thinks they've done nothing wrong, he knows they probably have. He's doing it because he loves his club and likes how successful they've been and wants it to continue that way. He doesn't care how City managed to afford the players they have, he doesn't care what rules were broken, he just cares that on Saturday afternoon he can sit in the stand and watch Erling Haaland and the other biggest players in the world pull on that City shirt and at the end of the season his team has won things.
  22. I think you’d be hard pressed to argue that standards of conduct in all manner of public life, including sport haven’t deteriorated significantly over the last 10 years or so. Things weren’t rosy before, we all remember when abramovich basically started all this in the early 2000s but it’s got much worse now we aren’t just talking about billionaire oligarchs, it’s state backed sovereign wealth funds, some of which are run by actual real life murderers but because they’ve got the money no one will dare challenge them.
  23. My problem is that over the last 13 years or so we’ve seen that if you have enough money and power you can pretty much have your way of everything. That’s not just a football problem, it’s a Tory britain problem. This will take years in the courts with some very expensive Man City lawyers who’ll delay and look over every crossed t and dotted i to find some way of scamming their way out of this on a technicality and my confidence in the systems we have in this country are so low that I think they’ll find some way to get out it. Sorry for being negative but I feel so beaten down by the staggering levels of greed, corruption and selfishness.
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