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Everything posted by desensitized43

  1. It's 4 days of meals for 4 people. I imagine we could reduce spend on the usual Tesco shop by going down the readymeal route but we do tend to cook with fresh ingredients as much as possible (I find cooking quite therapeutic) and like to have a variety of different meals over the week otherwise I find I juist get bored then you have the temptation to takeaway.
  2. The Mrs and I are trying Gousto this week. £15 for a 4 person box (we’re worried about the portion sizes being small) that’s 50% off the first week, then 25% off weeks 2 and 3. The main driver is just the obscene cost of doing our weekly shop which regularly tops out at £110. We’ve got other things to get as well with a 2 year old and the regular staple things but hopeful it might be able to cut the bills.
  3. Defensive solidity has always been the main way to improve results at the bottom. It’s really rare that you can coach a team mid season into being a decent possession based team.
  4. I don't think he'll be looking at far up the pitch. He'll be targetting clean sheets. Wouldn't surprise me if they've only worked on team shape, defending and set pieces for the last couple of weeks. There's not a manager in the world that will get that team scoring 2+ goals per game on average therefore he'll defend deep, reduce the chances opposition create against them and hope that they're good enough to average 1 goal per game that'll be enough for some draws and wins.
  5. The problem isn't whether he's guilty/innocent or something inbetween. It's purely commercials. Any club in this country that takes him on will instantly trigger a review from each of their current sponsors/commercial partners and will find it very difficult to find new ones. He's a toxic brand in an industry that's all about brand.
  6. Would love some kind of research into the daily mails ratios of xenophobia, racism, fear and sex.
  7. That episode was a masterpiece. Hit all the right emotional buttons and a really great way to go off script from the game to build out the world. Of course it’s made even better in my eyes by upsetting a few people online. We’ve got to see more stories told like that.
  8. Or it’s a word you use when the “news” organisation you work for also has a betting arm you’re trying to get people to spend money with.
  9. Speaking as a manager of a team. I’d want someone on my team to report that to me so I could get rid of them asap. It’s gross misconduct in any business. There’s no place for it in a modern workplace and on a personal level I just don’t want that kind of person on my team. It’s just not fair for everyone else to be subjected to that kind of attitude.
  10. There’s no excuse for any of this. You see heavy handed police action in other countries but it’s normally when there’s a protest that turns bad or a riot or something. You don’t see someone getting pulled over for something minor and then beaten to death in any other country. There’s clearly a racist element to it, although when you’ve got a bunch of exclusively black cops doing this to a black guy you will undoubtedly see some people (you may or may not have racist tendencies themselves) pointing to it and saying it proves it’s not about race. It’s always been my opinion that the primary cause for this kind of violence in the US is fear driven by the number of weapons in that country. Imagine being a cop and pulling someone over for having a brake light out. In the UK it’s a fair assumption that the driver isn’t locked and loaded. In the US it’s a much more real possibility that that stop is the last the cop can make. That fear combined with their obvious racial bias and lack of training (compared to the rest of the world) means they approach even the most benign stop ready to use lethal force. One of my vivid memories as a kid was going to Florida with my folks and some of their friends, one of whom had a brother working as a doctor in the states who drove down to see us for a few days. I remember him opening the “trunk” of his car and seeing 3 handguns in there. It only occurred to me in later life just how utterly mental it was that someone who was born in the UK, but emigrated to the US felt so unsafe that he needed 3 handguns in his car. He only has 2 hands! Why the 3rd one! I still don’t get it
  11. I’m sorry that the discussion of the topic has made you feel so uncomfortable and I apologise if any of my previous comments have added to that. I agree with everything you’ve said about non-violent offenders. Those trans people that have no history of violence towards cis women clearly there’s a sensible decision to be made on a case by case basis and like you I’d lean towards those people being in female cat D prisons. This case is very very different and I believe you know that. To conflate a non-violent offender in prison for either sex work or drugs with a two time rapist, still possessed of his penis - sorry if that’s crude, but it’s relevant - is wrong. He/she is a threat to the cis women in that prison, a lot of whom will probably be victims of sexual violence themselves.
  12. This person has a history of sexual violence against women. That’s why he needs to be elsewhere. You wouldn’t stick a peadophile in a school. You can’t put a two time rapist in a women’s jail. Thats not saying all trans women are predators. If this persons crime was driving under the influence I don’t think we’d be having this discussion. I think if you were looking at making the prison system less violent that’s very much fantasyland. You’ve locked a bunch of violent people in a building together you can’t expect all of them to get along.
  13. Is it bigotry? I’m quite happy to accept men as women and vice versa but just standing up and proclaiming oneself a woman and deciding to live that way without changing any of the biology doesn’t sit right. He’s still possessed of his male genitalia so in what way can he be described as anything else even if we assume it’s not some kind of game and he genuinely feels this way?
  14. Had he “transitioned”? What I read indicated he still had of his…equipment. Those people used to be called transvestites.
  15. Will they? Can they even afford to complete it down there? I heard all sorts of stuff like they’ll complete it but the bank will own it and they’ll just be tenants. Also the more outlandish stuff like Liverpool will pick it up and move there from anfield.
  16. Yeah like you I do expect their form to pick up if only because it’s just so atrocious at the moment. I just don’t think they have the quality in the squad to turn it around to the level required. Especially the attacking players. McNeil in particular has been a really terrible signing. Glad all the rumours about us being in for him were false.
  17. Assuming no one else picks up anything then yes. That’s a big ask though. They’ve taken something like 2 points from a possible last 18. They need a big turn around and fast. They’ll need another 7 wins from their remaining 18 games to get them to 36 points. If you think that might be enough? It’s not quite at the level where you need champions league level form but it’s certainly needing top half level form between now and the end of the season.
  18. How long can the Everton board allow this to go on for? Part of me thinks they’re delaying the inevitable because they want the January window closed so they don’t have to back the next guy.
  19. Maybe that’s going a little far but I definitely think I would have a good go . I remember when we appointed mcleish and someone on the football phone in listed a bunch of reasons why he didn’t want him and one of them was “he finished 3rd in a two horse race”.
  20. Why? Because Gerrard won a two horse race in Scotland against a tired Celtic side? I could win the league up there with either Celtic or rangers. It doesn’t mean anything.
  21. I think the unofficial reason for not doing it is that you’ll end up hearing all the bad language the players use and the disgusting way they speak to the officials. I suspect the broadcasters would have a problem with that.
  22. This. He’s only been moderately successful at one club, derby. A club where he used all his Chelsea contacts to put players in who should have pissed all over that division but he still ultimately failed. I will say he’s not quite as big a fraud as Gerrard. I don’t think Gerrard would have kept Everton up last year.
  23. We need to hear what these fools are saying to each other. That goal today was a total disgrace. I think even rashford expected it to be ruled out. They need to be heard so we can all understand the rationale behind decisions like that otherwise we’ll just have to assume it’s good old fashioned corruption to favour united again.
  24. Would it really be unheard of? If the board are having to come out publicly to boost the manager then he’s probably on borrowed time.
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