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Everything posted by desensitized43

  1. I hadn;t read the books so I didn't have that issue. Really enjoyed The Last Kingdom though, particularly when it left BBC and was picked up on Netflix it became much more polished. Clearly a much bigger budget as well.
  2. Just watched seven kings must die. Enjoyable if very rushed ending to the last kingdom. Would have preferred another season if I’m honest.
  3. Saw a Facebook post from an old colleague. Really unpleasant fellow who was known to go on Britain first marches etc. He was less than impressed by his choice of candidates in cradley heath. Apparently he can’t vote conservative as he normally would because the persons name suggests they’re of an Asian persuasion and let everyone on his Facebook feed know. Some people really shouldn’t be allowed a vote.
  4. I think the difference in those sports is you get the refs acting as a team. The main ref ultimately has the final call but they’ll encourage and welcome the assistance input, take advice then make a decision. The refs in football have prioritised keeping the speed of the game high with quick fire decisions which inevitably leads to error. I guess it all comes down to which side of the trade off you come down on. Personally I’d just like to hear what they’re saying to each other so we judge the bad refs for ourselves. Needs more accountability but I do think we’re moving that way. We’ve seen quite a few this season where they’ve apologised and admitted error which is something that never used to happen, you’d just get radio silence and then the ref in question wouldn’t be seen for a few weeks and you’d not know why.
  5. This year is so interesting purely from a consequence point of view when you look at the teams that could go down you would argue that for Everton, West Ham, Leicester, wolves and forest the consequences are catastrophic. None of them are set up for it and some of them have massive costs to meet that they simply won’t be able to if they went down. For the rest (Leeds, Southampton, Bournemouth etc) it’s probably bad but survivable.
  6. You mean that group of right wing skinheads that weren’t going to vote labour anyway?
  7. Europa can be in the way too. There's a lot of games and disatnt ties possible in that tournament too. You just don't value the Conference League and I do get that. It's a new tournament with some pretty unsexy sides in it but it's an opportunity to put European nights back on the calendar and raise the clubs profile a bit.
  8. I suppose those saying that we shouldn't be all out gunning for Europe would have been happy if we didn't win the playoff final a few years ago. I mean, we definitely weren't ready for promotion and it's turned out to be such a disaster.
  9. It's a great suggestion but all I can think of is the Monorail episode of the Simpsons! The issue with the currently Tram system they've built is that: a. It's been done using the shittiest, cheapest, lowest quality trams and materials. It's literally falling apart already because, as with anything in this country, we hold a bidding process and give it to the lowest bidder regardless of how unfeasible it is to produce for whatever they've bid and then have a moan when they inevitably come back asking for more money. b. It doesn't actually go anywhere anyone wants to go so no one uses it. If they'd started at somewhere like Halesowen which has no railway station and terrible transport links down the Hagley road and said "right, we're going to sort that out" someone might actually use it. c. It's also meant to be a replacement for buses, right? So the routes where the tram goes they need to stop the buses going otherwise you've just got 2 concurrent transport systems doing the same thing.
  10. Definitely holding out for sisko but I can’t get my hopes up.
  11. Feels completely backward that of all the shit that went on and all the things we know he’s responsible for he’s been indicted for the hush money to a porn actress. I guess that got Capone on tax evasion though so that’s just how the justice system works in that country.
  12. This is really where I am on this too. I think these young people need to be given help but we have to remember that they’re still minors. You really can’t go around prescribing life changing drugs that will do things to their bodies that cannot be undone. The help has to be in the form of talking therapies to help them understand what’s happening and support their emotional state. The counter argument that I’ve seen of “well if you don’t let them have the drugs then some of them will inevitably take their own lives” feels a bit like blackmail to me.
  13. I agree, but cigarettes are legal so if it had been cigarette smoke I wouldn't have been happy about it but I wouldn't have felt I was "in the right" to go over and tell him to be more considerate. I'd probably have just had to put up with it.
  14. I guess I'm a Tory then... I had to have a word with my neighbour (or more accurately her uneducated layabout son) who was smoking weed in his bedroom while my 2 year old daughter was asleep in the adjoining house (their rooms share a common wall in a semi-deteched house) and I could literally taste the stuff. I've always been pretty relaxed about legalising as much as you sensibly can do, particularly in the privacy of your own house but I wasn't exactly happy about a 2 year old having to sleep in a room where you can smell second hand weed.
  15. I think once you reach a point in any profession you start to look around and see people who are supposed to be 'on your level' but have simply just blagged their way through life.
  16. Really struggling with the channel 4 coverage. Just painfully bad.
  17. The most disturbing thing is that none of these MPs have actually done anything wrong here. It’s awkward, sure, but not against any rules. Something does need to be done about this because if you can earn over a 100k a year from a 2nd job when your 1st job is paying you around 80-90k a year then its not a stretch to say that being an MP is the 2nd job.
  18. That scene with with all the retro ships in the museum was sublime. This season has more than made up for the inadequate first 2 seasons.
  19. I don’t know mate. I definitely overordered that KFC
  20. I think weaponising a bunch of disaffected right wing nut jobs with guns and inciting them to overthrow the government reflects badly on American democracy.
  21. I’m really curious about the language being used, maybe someone can explain. It’s around the use of the word “recklessly”. Ive heard of people driving vehicles recklessly. Waving pointy objects around recklessly. Going into a tackle recklessly. I’ve never heard of someone lying recklessly. Not that I want anyone to think I’m some of kind of Johnson fanboy. I just don’t know how you lie in a reckless fashion.
  22. I love how him and his goons have spent the best part of 2 weeks telling us how biased Sue Gray is yet there's a line in there that says something like "as you can see from the Gray report I did nothing wrong". Which is it, you lying overweight piece of shit? You can't have it both ways, can you? Whenever the report says something nasty about him it's bias and when it vindicates him it's clearly not.
  23. He'll blame the way the Tories have gone about implementing his master plan in an incometent way and/or he'll say "remoaners" have undermined it from the start. What he won't ever do is acknowledge it was a shitty idea to begin with so if you're waiting on that I'd suggest you give up.
  24. It's not about things in the country he wants to change. It's all about Nigel Farage. He's worried that he's become irrelevant - The TV, Radio and Speaking gigs have dried up and he need some way to get some headlines and boost his ego.
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