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Everything posted by heid3ster

  1. For the first time ever, I may actually go to a local pub to watch this match. It'll be 9 in the morning here and the place will probably be full of Arsenal fans (Arsenal is very popular in the States, in fact all of my friends who watch the PL are Arsenal fans), I expect I am the only Villa supporter in town. Which will make it all the sweeter when we win, and the bar is in complete silence, except me screaming "WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! GET IN, GET THE F*** IN! YIPPEE AYE AYYYYYYY, YIPPEE AYE OHHHHHHHHH!!" etc.
  2. I can maybe see that Shay could have been stronger and muscled Coleman away, but that is a clear foul -- hooking his arm and making no attempt whatsoever to play the ball.
  3. This is excellent. A perfect example of how graphics aren't paramount. I've been playing this game for the last few months -- savoring it, only allowing myself two or three levels per session, I don't want it to end. What a fantastic game. I never thought I'd be so emotionally invested in the lives of rectangles.
  4. Good performance today, and pleased to see that his defensive game is improving.
  5. I can't believe how much I'm enjoying watching us play since Sherwood arrived. What is this team?
  6. I've made myself dizzy changing my mind on this player so many times. Please stay, Tom.
  7. Good game today, much improved. That topknot is an atrocity, though.
  8. Great win, very important three points. Clattenburg was awful, how that foul wasn't called on Shay for their second is completely beyond me. Really pleased for Cleverley, that was a sweet goal. Good news everyone: we are no longer the lowest scorers in the league!
  9. Corner kicks? (I am joking, obviously.) He's regressed in the last couple of years. I worry that all his attacking intent has been coached out of him due to being deployed as a defensive winger for the past two seasons. In Lambert's first season he was a good instinctive finisher and showed great link-up play with Benteke, but that's all but disappeared since. I feel there's still a good player in there but we haven't seen much of him for a while. I don't know why, but I like the kid and still want see him do well here.
  10. I've been one of Ron's biggest supporters since he's been here, but I think he should go quietly at the end of the season, and until then he should be fifth choice behind Senderos and Baker. His heart's not in it anymore. He's been injured pretty much all season, and aside from that first month (when the transfer window was still open, tellingly), he really hasn't played all that well in the rare appearances he has made. I'm disappointed it's ended like this but I don't see any reason to persist with him.
  11. He isn't. No professional footballer can ever be 'one of us'. Joe Lolley?
  12. Page 5 and no plane movement reports?
  13. Where has this guy been for the last three or four years? Awesome, Charles, keep it up!
  14. Other teams go on winning streaks. Why not us? Let's do this thing.
  15. I've liked Steven Naismith since I read this story about him. He's not the greatest player, but this was a really classy thing to do. Steven Naismith buys Everton tickets to give to Liverpool’s unemployed
  16. Can't wait to hear Jose blame this on the ref.
  17. What's up with that barbed wire tattoo Oscar has on his 3-inch diameter forearm? Ridiculous, it looks like a henna tattoo on a child.
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