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Everything posted by veloman

  1. Great thread but no mention of Charlie Parker so ..........
  2. Or worse still ..... Lancashire !! But agree with you 100%
  3. Teletext (am I the only person who still reads this?) saying that Warks still hope to get Ashley Giles and Jamie Troughton would work with him. I certainly like the sound of that. On a different note; I wonder if Warks would ever consider trying to get Kohli, who, it seems, wants to play in England. Warks don't often seem to go for such big names but, with the number of Indians in the West Mids, I would have thought it would put a few 100 on the gate.
  4. Bet Stanley Clarke could play it !
  5. Whilst admitting a slight bias, I bet England wish they had someone with the class of Ian Bell back.
  6. Mose Allison - my goodness that is a name from the past ! The first R and B band I ever played in did a number called Parchman Farm which I think he made famous. We did another number too but I can't quite remember the title - something like 'I live the life I love and love the life I live'. Might have got that wrong - it was 50 years ago !!!
  7. Oh dear, Leon Russell. Now that was a proper musician, think he did the original Delta Lady. As I slip into senility my memory fades but I seem to think he was on OGWT or some other live programme with a tour called Mad Dogs and Englishmen. If I'm correct, it also featured Delaney and Bonnie and even Eric Clapton. *seem to think Bonnie was a bit rude looking !!
  8. Sod all this Engalnd stuff Anybody think Ashley Giles will come back to Warks !
  9. Blimey, can't claim to have played with such 'famous' people but would have kept quiet about Snoop Dog and P Diddy !! Your sight reading must be damned good 'sight read fly shit' we used to say. My sight reading was (one( of the things that let me down, miss a coda or a repeat and you were in trouble.
  10. Have had MTB serviced 'cos of annoying click from transmission; so thought I'd go out this morning to check it was ok - a steady 30 mile route on roads. Cycling along A513 between Kings Bromley and Alrewas when Fiesta (I think) drives slowly by the side with passenger leaning out of the window bellowing 'get tax and insurance !'. Now as far as I know there is no provision for "road tax" on bikes and a great many cyclists will have insurance - most if not all cycling clubs insist on it and you can't race without it. What a moron; either a Blues fan or not taken medication for today. Rant over.
  11. This could turn into a "Best of " and "Worst of" thread if we aren't careful. For instance, 'The worst of Steely Dan' would be a blank disc.
  12. Indeed ! This should be used with A level English students as a classic example of Oxymoron !
  13. I noticed that Amazon were doing 'The Best of Kanye West' - 50 track cd for .42p. I thought that was overpriced !
  14. Bear in mind that I only studied Contract Law as part of an accountancy qualification so am not really qualified to answer but ..... I think you will find that an article offered for sale is called 'an invitation to treat' . So you (as prospective purchaser) make the offer and the vendor accepts. The case I remember was Fisher v Bell and related to a flick knife. Hope that helps and is actually correct.
  15. I have a mate - Villa season ticket holder since the old king was alive- who was also a full time branch secretary for NALGO, then UNISON. He thus went to many Labour and Union conferences. He reckons that these Labour party members are not truly anti-semitic (surely that would be mutually exclusive) but are very supportive of Palestine which, it seems, is a 'cause celebre ' with a number of London MP's (in particular). I wonder if that is where all this stems from ?
  16. Don't forget that John Terry, Ron Atkinson and Suarez were branded racists for just one comment' as far as I am aware. So, yes, surely that was a racist comment?
  17. veloman

    The Sidemen

    I thought this was about session musicians too ! In which case ..... Steve Gadd.
  18. Rod Temperton - excellent song writer and musician passed away today. You would see his name on a great many really big hits of 70's and 80's. Wiki him to see the 'who's who' of music who he worked with. NB - no Kanye West, Snoop Dogg, Vibz Kartel et al !!!
  19. Well Warks making a real fight of this. It would be a HUGE bonus for Warks to stay up and send Lancs down. I have sometimes thought Warks have been slow to sign 'big name' players but is there a better spinner in the World, at this moment, than Jeetan Patel ! I see he has been nominated for the PCA player of the year. Should get it easily but bet the geezer at Essex gets it. (Graham Napier)
  20. 'Neuromancer' - William Gibson 'The Coming Race' - Edward Bulwer-Lytton The former might have inspired The Matrix and the latter was a favourite of Adolf Hitler (I think)
  21. Well I did warn you dAVe80. They have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory too many times this year. Although he is Warks through and through, I think Dougie might struggle to hold on to his job if they do go down. PS Could the rain dance hold off until Thursday, it's the club training ride on Wednesdays
  22. Yep , Trott was excellent and so was Jeetan Patel. BUT ..... it is really the County Championship match against Wankashire that worries me ! This (easy) victory should be good for morale but I have heard that the ECB are requesting/instructing Woakes not to play ! Anyone know if this is correct and, if so, I wonder if Anderson will be allowed to play. Hmmm
  23. She was in the "non para" squad for the Team Pursuit in Beijing. In the end, they picked another rider which may well have been justified 'cos the women won Gold . Yep, you don't pull on the bars much in time trials and I guess the same goes for pursuit (I have never ridden a pursuit though) . She certainly is a hell of a rider.
  24. Although not the original either. "good Madness song" - oxymoron perhaps !
  25. Yep very sad demise of Gene Wilder who I thought was excellent. Don't want to detract from the thread but if you like the number 'Pure Imagination' then check out the Bob James version from the LP 'Bob James 4' with Steve Gadd on drums, I seem to think it was jointly written by Anthony Newley (for those old enough to remember him).
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