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Everything posted by veloman

  1. Considering the barbarity of these murders, the subject hasn't attracted much comment on this Forum. I wonder what would have happened if the murdering piece of excrement had been identified as a 'Tommy Robinson' supporter .
  2. Sounds like Ron Saunders !!
  3. Great Story. Not sure where in Great Barr Bill lived but Steve Winwood lived in Atlantic Road IIRC. Bill studied music at B/ham School of Music (I think it was) - he could sight read fly shit. After leaving Wizzard , he obtained a Teaching Certificate and worked as a peripatetic music teacher. I was privileged to play on the same stage as him. I've lost touch with him too but believe he has retired from gigging.
  4. Yep , that's him ! Plays :- keyboards, French Horn and bass (he has/had a Hofner Violin as per McCartney). Played with him a couple of times - brilliant musician - way out of my league.
  5. Great comment ! I saw Sweet at The Top Rank in Dale End, before it became The Humming Bird. I was a package show and I really went to see Wizzard's first B/ham gig 'cos I knew the keyboard player. Also, supposedly, on the bill were Mac and Katie Kissoon ... but they didn't turn up !!! Anyway , Sweet were bloomin' excellent; I couldn't believe it - I thought they were just bubble gum. Nope - top rate rock band - did an excellent Who medley .
  6. I wouldn't have minded playing with Dolly Parton !
  7. Are these people 'protesters' or rioters. Although I'm sure they have good reason to be very angry, what is happening over there is insurrection now.
  8. For someone who is probably not as knowledgeable as most on here, could you elucidate please.
  9. When all this is over (and hopefully we all survive in tact) do you think people will boycott/cut down on the number of Chinese takeaways they consume ? After 'The Twin Towers' atrocity , Radio WM interviewed some Balti House owners in Sparkbrook; they said that trade had declined significantly. I wonder, if by association, the same will happen with Chinese outlets ?
  10. Yep , you are dead right; I have been mis-informed. (Robin Sarstedt number was in 3/4 time I think ).
  11. I expect you know that he was the brother of Ian Sarstedt, AKA Eden Kane (Get Lost was a big hit for him).
  12. ^^^^ Yep , he went to Torquay after us. My main memory of Torquay is when we thrashed 'em 5 - 0 (was it?) at home. Brian Little burst on to the scene - assisted to great extent by Andy Lochhead (who was our King !!!)
  13. Yes - I think so . It is such a long time ago but I think he played at No. 5 and Fred Turnbull at 6. Poss Brian Godfrey at 4. On thinking about it, Ian Ross comes into the equation but just can't remember - Ross may have been a bit later.
  14. George Curtis !!!! You must be nearly as old as me !! Remember when we signed him from Coventry - made a big difference to Villa's defence IMO
  15. Something to keep you occupied if you are a musician. Listen to Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush (hussey !!) and follow the off beat. Where is the odd bar or change of time signature - it drives me mad (although I am/was not a very good drummer.)
  16. Really don't like boxing but to see this arrogant get floored was priceless.
  17. Would I be correct in thinking it was Labour who initiated HS2 ?
  18. There is a fortune awaiting the first person who learns how to transplant the hairs , that grow in profusion, from you ears as you grow older onto the top of your head where the reverse in happening. Thought For The Day !
  19. So ; if the defendant was found not guilty but could still be guilty and the accusers are not believed by the jury but haven't lied ....... where does that leave the English Criminal Law system ?
  20. Ah, I didn't know that chrisp and as you say would throw a different light on it. My wife had to serve on a jury ,a couple of years ago, involving an accusation of rape and although there was compelling evidence that the the defendant was innocent (and found so) the woman was never named. Just seems a little unfair to me.
  21. Now , I have no particular liking or affinity with Alex Salmond but he has been found 'not guilty' ,by a Court of Law , of the charges levelled against him. However , his accusers still bask in anonymity. So is this fair because if he was found not guilty it is possible that some or all of his accusers were lying and on the premise that mud sticks is his reputation may be forever tarnished. Realise it happens quite frequently but this high profile case emphasises the situation. Thoughts ?
  22. Just to endorse your post; I would suggest that also happened during The Falklands conflict. Didn't Thatcher get back in with an increased majority. Apologies if I have got this wrong.
  23. Going to spend an hour listening to 'The Very Best of U2'. Not sure what to do with the remaining 58 minutes.
  24. Do people think it was a good move or indeed necessary to suspend Trevor Phillips from The Labour Party ? His ' crime', I believe was "Islamaphobia". I have a good friend who is a card carrying member of the PLP (and Villa season ticket holder) who reckons he is something of a complex character but is pretty high profile and probably did a lot of useful work combating racism . Opinions ?
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