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Everything posted by DevonIsAPlaceOnEarth

  1. I think he loves the club, and loves the fans interaction. Tony is a good guy, and I hope the club and it's officials doesn't let him down. He hasn't let us down so far, that is for sure.
  2. I like Adomah in an effort sense. I don't get the impression he is lazy, and he does try. He's had a 7/10 season I think. I am really surprised he's the second top assister in the league. shouldnt be considered for moving on, I think having Green and Grealish (and gabby?) as potential wide players gives us options.
  3. All these things are true, I guess it was the feeling that I don't think at any point we would really concede. I see I'm in the vast minority here, just how I saw the game.
  4. Thought it was actually a decent game today, although that may have just been the atmosphere blinding me. We certainly controlled the game, without having too many efforts on goal. Biggest positives for me was seeing Villa Park like that, what a club we are when we can be bothered. And the result clearly meant something to the players - there was finally a connection with the fans. Gabby scoring was spine tingling, I will try to remember these moments when he leaves the club. Hutton was an absolute colossus today, he won't win the MOTM award on here, but he was everywhere. Brilliant. Final shout out to the referee, it was probably the best refereeing performance I have seen this season for us. By some distance. They get blasted so should give credit when it is due. Above average day out.
  5. I believe that was due to the timing of that match over the easter break. The league informed all clubs that appeals wouldn't be heard before the next match. As a result, Celtic appealed knowing they'd lose, but would allow him to face Rangers.
  6. A great guy above all else. Met him at the training ground in the 90s and he was a total pro and gent. Had time for all us kids. A terrific defender too, vastly underrated at the time. Very sad to hear this news.
  7. Just seen the side view, you're right. Nothing borderline there. Stupid.
  8. Borderline red card. Was stupid to give the referee the option though.
  9. For me, tomorrow is our first pre-season game for next season. We need to figure out who is up for the fight next season, and who needs shifting on. I think Bruce has a good idea of what he is looking for this summer, which is reassuring because I've not felt that with previous managers. Bruce has shown in patches that he can be he man to take us back up next season, that said he does need to hit the ground running.
  10. Respect your opinion, but Chester is probably our second best player. We could sign no better than him, we aren't in the premier league anymore and capable of attracting better. i think what is happening around him is probably not helping him. Amavi pretending to defend for example.
  11. In fairness, Bacuna deserves to keep his place after the last game. Hoping for the win, fear a draw.
  12. Today I renewed for my 9th season. Wasn't such a dilemma this season. Think the club is being well ran, and have the right ingredients for a memorable season next year. I was positive in Lerner's early years, but this somehow feels different under Tony.
  13. Horrendous. No place for that challenge, that said I'm sure he regrets it deeply.
  14. Connor's recent performances have certainly made me want to Snap, Crackle and Pop.
  15. In fairness didn't Wyness recently say that there was no real debt at the club? There is no doubt we are a financial black hole for any owner, I hope Tony will continue to love us. i never really slated Lerner, despite his obviously ridiculous approach to owning the club. He clearly lost a staggering amount of money on us during his love affair with the club. I get the impression will Tony, that he is fundamentally a businessman. But that he doesn't view us as a financial project, we compliment his other activities. As others say, when/if we get in the premier league in the next 2 years, all of this will be forgotten. I suspect we will end up with a fairly generous Chinese based sponsorship deal next season.
  16. Feel sorry for Tony. He's done nothing but invest, backing his managers and communicate with the fans. And he's getting blamed for failings of those he trusted.
  17. I've been a season ticket holder for 6/7 years, and travel up from north Devon. I can't say I've not considered not renewing, for the reasons stated before, but I firmly believe the bad times make the good times better, and there have been some pretty bad times of late. i will renew, things can only get better.
  18. Having good vibes about this one. I hope we are given a reminder of how much we missed Kodjia over the last 3 weeks. i suspect Hourihane and Lansbury will be the only new outfield signings that start.
  19. Can't add much to other comments. Very disappointing from such a good first half. Lansbury shows good promise for us, and with Jedinak and Hourihane I think we will be alright. it was so cold today, didn't take a coat and regretted it from the second minute. Amateur performance from myself.
  20. Source? Or is it just a Careless whisper from twitter? on the subject of strikers incoming, it's clear we definitely need one if RHM isn't going to be in the fold
  21. A great manager and a great man. Did amazing things for us as a manager, and we have a lot to thank him for. Gutted. thanks Graham.
  22. Bree sounds a good prospect. We also need a wide player who can spreadable.
  23. I'm watching this from a box this weekend. I'll be low key and have to make sure I don't lose my prawns when Villa score. I fear the Lambert effect in this one, could be the nail in our coffin for playoffs. I hope Lansbury is here in time.
  24. I think it's more the wording than the sentiment. Obviously he had talent, he was the top scorer in the Europa League. Not the worst 'player' we've ever signed, but one of the worst signings we'be made for reasons beyond his control. I don't think that can be argued against.
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