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Everything posted by Xela

  1. Xela


    They are a very good team and they will probably win the league. I'm so **** delighted we thrashed them!
  2. They're leaving it a bit late to finish above us aren't they?
  3. Xela

    John Terry

    Just what I came to post, word for word!
  4. I'd go all out for Jonny Evans to partner Chester if we are promoted. Still keep Terry but he probably won't be able to manage a whole Premier League season.
  5. Albert, Snoddy and Grealish are a handful for any team. When all 3 are there then one of them is going to do something!
  6. Xela

    Ask BOF anything

    Thread necromancy One for @BOF Have Villa, Wolves, Baggies and small heath ever all been in the top division at the same time.
  7. Its not just the performance and wins, its the aura/atmosphere around the club Bruce has created that I love. It seems a real tight knit group of players who give 100% and care about what goes on. After having years of charlatans in the squad more it is so refreshing to see a real 'team'. The players drafted in this year like Elmo, Terry, Snoddy and Grabban have been masterstrokes. Even Whelan hasn't been as bad as some people have said. I actually enjoy watching us again now and its been some years since I could say that. Well done Brucey!
  8. I love Snoddy! 100% every game and he leaves everything on the pitch. He may not be the most athletically gifted but he makes up for it with heart and desire. Brilliant!
  9. That was a great performance against a very good Wolves team, who for a spell in the first half looked untouchable. At half time I would never have guessed we'd have won 4-1 That was a premier league game today.
  10. I've watched the goals about 10 times so far
  11. Yeah, i'd bring Lansbury in for a game. Give him a chance to prove himself
  12. Absolute star. Creative but always puts a shift in. We HAVE to get promoted just so we can sign him! I'd be gutted to see him line up in another teams colours next season.
  13. Absolute rotten team. From the owners down to the fans. Even the manager is a chunt.
  14. I thought that! Donald looks less ridiculous with the new hair!
  15. This escalated quickly I'm not sure who the Dad is.... the postman or the dog?
  16. Delighted we won just for you mate. I know you've had a very tough and emotional weekend and hope the Villa win has put a smile on your face, even just for a bit.
  17. Jack is an absolute baller. What a talent. The kid has it all.
  18. Fantastic addition to the team. The man to fire us to automatic promotion
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