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Everything posted by picicata

  1. Did we keep the receipt?
  2. NEW NEW Barney McGrew Coutinho Dibble Grubb
  3. I don't think many want him out, just being realistic that he appears reluctant to sign a new contract and that might force our hand
  4. Good to see so many of our loanees involved in promotion chasing teams, all good for their development. Also shows the club is making the right choices on loan location for the majority of the boys. Also want to thank you Hornso for taking the time to update this throughout the year, I don't comment in here very often but I read it every week. Cheers!
  5. I would assume sarcasm as I don't think any realistic person would vote him poor
  6. Good result and very happy to see little Emi given a start. A goal, assist and MotM performance should be enough to keep him in the team.
  7. Unless he's not signing either and then give some time to someone who might actually be here next season
  8. He has. Tbh unless we are definitely signing Coutinho in the summer I'd rather just leave him out now.
  9. I would like a third. Nope! I demand a third! Make it so
  10. Still in my first play through about 55 hours deep. Enjoying it but my limited time due to 'life' means it might be next year before I finish it!
  11. Not surprising really as none have anything to play for
  12. So are you saying in a year we should sack him and get in GvB to get the most out of the squad?
  13. All the talent, thick as pig shit
  14. Are you a race horse? That was a mighty piss!
  15. We played so well in both the Burnley games last season and instead of the six points our play deserved we ended up with one. I think this has scarred me and now it wouldn't surprise me if we got nothing out of the two upcoming Burnley games!
  16. Are you both married to the same person?
  17. He's a great player but I feel that by the time we have the players around him that can play the game at his level we will be a couple of seasons down the line and his talents will be waning. He is the like the cherry on the cake but at the moment the cake has a soggy bottom, a dense middle and a sagging top.
  18. I agree we should be aiming for six points but certainly won't be shocked at less. The results you've quoted show that we are not strong enough against weak opposition to expect, or be surprised, if we don't meet expectations.
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