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Marka Ragnos

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Everything posted by Marka Ragnos

  1. Isn't Plymouth Argyle the club that used to have the famous tilting pitch? (EDIT: Whoops -- I realise I was thinking of Yeovil's old ground)
  2. I'm not saying these would necessarily be instances of copyright infringement or the intentional stealing of songs -- but I'm not saying they're not that, either. What are some pairs of songs that --- as you hear them -- sound coincidentally similar to you? Here's a pair of songs that share some improbably similar passages of melody: WARNING: ULTRAVOX VID IS NSFW.
  3. You mean in the Championship league? Never even heard of it.
  4. Great stuff. Yes, he's so right about how the Yamaha patches worked best when layered with warmer pads -- exactly how I used it, with a Korg Poly-61 analogue instrument that was super phat and warm. I had a DX sound I programmed called "Five Beers" lol.
  5. He wasn't alone. The whole "analog cachet" thing was a few years off and people were just soooo stoooooopid -- and they still are, in different ways now. But those old electric Fender pianos weren't considered too cool in the mid-80s, I'm sure you recall -- and you could buy three of them for the price of one DX7 --- and about 70 of them for a Fairlight lol. But yeah, today, with 20/20 hindsight, we're kicking ourselves. Still feel bad that I sold my Moog Taurus pedals lol. Farisas had a rock solid bohemian reputation throughout the 80s and 90s because of artists like the B-52s and and Elvis Costello and Talking Heads and Stereolab using them, but not electric pianos -- until, finally, the hipsters "discovered" them finally and saved us all from our boring lives.
  6. Just so much fun this week ... a famous editorial cartoonist Mike Lukovich cleverly remembered Trump's behavior in Puerto Rico -- tossing paper towels to Puerto Ricans, presumably to "clean up" after a catastrophic hurricane -- after disparaging the people of the U.S. territory in their hour of need.
  7. Yes. They already see half their countrymen as sub-human. Anyone who espouses that view appeals to them because it confirms their view. What some of the born agains here will have trouble with is Ramaswarmy's Hinduism. That ain't gonna work. But racism among Hindu and Christian nationalists, as I'm sure you know, "pairs well" for the fascists. A picture tells a story ...
  8. Always gets me. Corny AF but there you go. The 70s leisure suit, the haircut, the incredibly weak voice --- it also all makes me cry because the quality of the song shows how all the garbage that goes along with celebrity doesn't matter if you have the songs. Which Tom T. Hall did. Every man I knew of a certain age had that same haircut at around 1975 or so ... my dad, David Soul, all my Birmingham uncles, etc.
  9. I don't like the song, but I like that you shared it here.
  10. I'm so sorry. There's no wrong way to grieve. Best wishes to you and your family, mate.
  11. Asking a really dumb question, but tbh, I can't seem to find a clear answer: Are all polyester fabrics the same in how they function? Aren't the current Castore kits listed as 100% polyester? Do they function like other polyesters? Also, there seem to be quality issues reported with the Castore kit, too, although it's hard to know how reliable this post is:
  12. I still hope -- against hope -- that Republicans do come to their senses and get behind some of the decent candidates they have. The sooner Trump is off the ballot, the better. Nikki Haley and Chris Christie would both beat Biden, I believe, and while I'd prefer Biden by far to them, neither is unacceptable or unfit to serve. DeSantis and Ramaswamy are nothing but Mini-Trumps, spewing the same undemocratic politics of resentment as Trump. But I know the GOP at the grassroots level very well, and here's what I can tell you: They have truly ruined their party by obeisance to Trump. You can't just walk back where they've taken their party. I think the GOP is as weak at the grassroots level as I've ever seen it. The enthusiasm is shriveling.
  13. He seems to have a good and mutually respectful relationship with Martinez, too. When you see them interact, the body language is really positive. No, it's not talent on the ball, etc. but relationships should count for something because warming up means preparing mentally and emotionally, too.
  14. More friendlies in America, please! Seriously, one of the greatest opportunities of my life. Hope Villa make a habit of coming to the USA ...
  15. It's silly, but they always have some of the best kit, too. I mean, it is Florence, so one would hope.
  16. Frankfurt? The one in Germany? I'm surprised. Not at the drug use (and sleazy thefts, etc.), but it being "rough" in terms of personal safety?
  17. But they kept threatening for a while -- definitely. They're a decent if scrappy side. Only after the second goal is the mood seem to change a bit. So I think you're essentially right.
  18. We're going to have our hands full. Burnley are shirt-pullers and leg clippers, and their defense will make up for in grabbiness, kicks, and in-the-box entanglements what they lack in Pau Torres-like grace on the ball. Their offense is at its best with explosive, stabbing, Buendia-style runs from the left and right midfields. They seem less inclined to run down and around along the wings or do "over-the-top" long balls against the highline like Newcastle did. The seem direct to me. Their biggest goal threat is Zeki Amdouni. He can be very clinical and has many wonder goals in him. He could easily ruin our day. Koleosho is also pretty scary and fast and can get behind defenses almost at will. I could easily see our defenses getting overrun. I think we will have to weather some storms, and we do so, we'll find opportunities. Forget Hibs. This will be nothing like that. Burnley will be confident and be looking to build up a mid-table spot.
  19. I take your point, but to be clear, City scored within four minutes of the start.
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