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Everything posted by Villa87

  1. Because peaceful coexistence worked so well last time…
  2. Love Konsa but thought Chambers had a good game and deserves to keep his place. Flip of a coin though to be honest.
  3. Same team but Digne for Young if fit?
  4. What an astute signing this seems to be - only 27 as well.
  5. Villa87

    Matty Cash

    Plays on the front foot. The speed he closes players down is fantastic.
  6. Tough one - if he feels the love then I can see him staying and enjoying his football.
  7. Phenomenal across the pitch today. Not even going to single any out as we were brilliant.
  8. Really not happy that Buendia has been benched yet McGinn, Luiz, Watkins rarely dropped. Not optimistic with Young and Chambers in tk be honest.
  9. Much needed win this for the home fans. Nervy 2-1 is my guess.
  10. Think I’m going to do a rewatch. Great show!
  11. Fantastic thread this. I haven’t contributed too much as hard to find the time / research that others have committed.
  12. Absolutely - a week since our last game as well so all should be fresh.
  13. We haven’t played too many at home since but this really is awful. My team for Saturday: Emi Cash Konsa Mings Digne Sanson McGinn Ramsey Buendia Coutinho Ings Wouldn’t be against Ramsey being rested for this one and playing: McGinn Luiz Sanson Buendia Coutinho Ings Unfortunately, I think it will be Luiz and Watkins instead of Sanson and Buendia. If he leaves Buendia out again then I won’t be happy.
  14. Agreed. I’d maybe give him a rest against Southampton and bring in Sanson.
  15. Come on!! Buendia has been quality the last couple of months - one of the only bright sparks.
  16. Villa87

    Ezri Konsa

    No way we should be selling Konsa. Not at his best this season but he is still young - especially for a CB.
  17. They’ll raise it for us as well - under the lights in what has become a bit like a derby game.
  18. Not an upgrade on Nakamba who I rate highly.
  19. Definitely something about him that makes you take note. His movement is absolutely fantastic. Missed an absolute sitter though.
  20. I agree Bailey is struggling big time. However, we need to stop relying on full backs providing the width. Who else do we have to play wide right considering Traore is injured as well? Luiz isn’t doing the role of DM at all - it’s a toss up between him and McGinn to play to be honest - both been piss poor. What do you suggest regarding shape then?
  21. For me we should go 4231 Emi Cash Konsa Mings Digne Ramsey McGinn Bailey Coutinho Buendia Ings
  22. Gerrard needs to tweak it. Play 4231 and I think we will be fine as have the players who should be able to make things happen. If he persists with this stupid bloody system then we are in deep shit.
  23. Probably a knee jerk reaction but **** me Gerrard is out of his depth here. Getting dragged in to another relegation dog fight. We have signed some absolute shite for big money. Club regressing again.
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