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Everything posted by Villa87

  1. When will we learn not to be so **** confident going into games. They are bossing this. Absolutely bossing it.
  2. Gerrard said no excuses - I agree. All about aptitude tonight.
  3. Last time it was as confident was when we got beat by Brentford.
  4. To be fair they turned it into a scrap with big Dunc, a hostile crowd and literally pumping long balls forward all second half.
  5. Turned that one off. Everton look absolutely shite. I think they may be the ones to drop. Brentford could sink as well.
  6. Seeing Utd fans cry over the ref performance is absolutely poetic.
  7. I think it’s more the fact we haven’t beaten them at home since 1995 and they have put in a number of totally hopeless performances this season. Put it into the context of us being incredibly unlucky having played them off the park the game before the home game we drew then I think the comments to about not beating them is totally understandable!
  8. How we didn’t beat them I’ll never know.
  9. I do not get this at all if we have not received a decent loan fee and if there isn’t an obligation to buy. He isn’t one for the future he was pretty much an ever present for a couple of seasons until Digne came in.
  10. Solid window - especially Digne and Coutinho. Gives us time to strategise for the summer and get some key quality players in where most needed.
  11. Obligation to buy would be better! I’m really not sure with helping out Newcastle, however they would likely stay up without Targett anyway.
  12. Maybe the loan / obligation to buy only happens if we get Hickey in first…
  13. I can see a new contract for one if McGinn, Luiz or Chuk as the news of the day. Announced today to round off the window. We won’t rush into signing a player and deadline day doesn’t seem the ‘new’ Villa way. Happy to be proven wrong though!
  14. Coincidence perhaps but he was twice the player last season in comparison to 19-20 and this season. Irrespective, I’d keep him unless a big big offer come in. I’d especially not sell to Newcastle.
  15. Quality last year but atrocious this season. He was shite in our first season up as well. He struggles with the pressure of having fans in the ground for me.
  16. Much better than the £50 million previously mooted. For a player of his calibre it’s worth it.
  17. Ah well. We’ve been the big movers in the market this month. I’m happy to hold fire and properly prepare strategically for a couple of key players in the summer.
  18. They will stay up due to there being some absolute dross down at the bottom.
  19. Similar to Craig Dawson being picked up by West Ham. Could be very astute business this enabling us to pay more for other more essential position upgrades.
  20. We don’t know who is bidding for him - perhaps Arsenal, perhaps Newcastle. I get what you are saying, but sometimes players need to move on for the evolution of the team. I’m on the fence with Luiz to be honest - main reason I wouldn’t want to see him leave is because it would be a classic Villa thing to do to sell him and him get even better. I’d like to see him get an extended amount of game time as an 8.
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