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Everything posted by Hev

  1. Hev

    Promotion 2016/7

    When you look at this reasoned argument, I can understand and appreciate it a lot more. I guess I just get sick of the constant Newcastle and Rafa Lovefest but yes, I fully see what you are saying here.
  2. Hev

    Promotion 2016/7

    I just don't get why Newcastle are all the pundits favourites to walk this league and yet we are so unfancied. Getting a bit fed up of the Geordie Love in on the radio to be honest. What/who have Newcastle got that is so much better than us in reality?? People even seem to think Wolves will do better than us!
  3. What about the car parks that have not opened up as well - as I said in the Rotheram Match thread - there are three that I walk past that are all closed and yet the attendances are same as for last season (so far)
  4. Terrible news. Those days of Deano and Dalian were awesome. RIP
  5. Half the bloody car parks off Brookvale Road are closed !!
  6. Am i missing something, Do we not get free AVTV now? Shd we not have had an activation code??
  7. We really need to get right behind them on Saturday. Even if we take the lead, we should not be singing "How shit must you be, we're winning . . . . etc". We need to roar them on and suck the ball into the net if necessary. We HAVE to get a win by whatever means to make some sort of start to rebuild the shattered confidence. If we concede we simply have to raise the roof and keep it going to try to get an equaliser. Sky made such a big thing of the fact that we haven't won a game since February! We must get behind every player, whether we rate them personally or not - we have to do this for the greater good of our team (and our own sanity as long suffering supporters!) Bring it on!!!
  8. Leaving the actual game aside, did anyone think the atmosphere with the home fans was a lot better than a lot of prem home fans? Hope they're all going to be a noisy as those Wednesday fans . Dreadful for parking though and terrible traffic to get away from the ground.
  9. Well according to all the pundits and media, no-one else need bother with the Championship - Newcastle are going to walk it and even Norwich have a better chance of going back up than us apparently . It is all one big Newcastle and Rafa love in at the moment that's for sure.
  10. I am just not convinced about RDM at the moment- I hope I'm wrong but I just wish we had got David Moyes. Also a bit unsure about Dr T at present but again, time will tell. My pre-season enthusiasm was dampened greatly by the performance at VP on Saturday which was just like last season, good first half, silly gifted equaliser, heads drop, we concede 3 and no-one wants to take a shot at goal - just fanny about with it and the chance is gone! I hope Sunday revises my enthusiasm again. We need a new striker - maybe we could tempt Benteke back into his Godlike role here - he could become a legend :-(
  11. Can't believe these prices - especially when all the Prem Teams have to charge a maximum of £20.00 now - trust us to miss out on that as well! I guess we will be classed as a Category A game for most clubs? Interesting to see what they charge other teams. Anyway, I am annnoyed that they have taken away the ST Holders from last season with 3+ aways as I have six and my other friends that want to go have 3 - but we will have to wait until the 1+ banding - assuming there are any left by then . I am sure they used to have a 3+ away banding.
  12. That Icelandic chant (Grunt) with hands in air was well intimidating. Impressive
  13. Yes, surely the only reason we are on TV that first Sunday is because the be all and end all almighty Premier League doesn't start until the next week
  14. Hev


    Can't see anywhere else that this has been posted and not sure if this is the right place, but I believe that Lorna McClelland the Players Liaison Officer has left - has she been made redundant too - that's just awful - surely the foreign players NEED someone like her - she was a leading light in the Premier League and organised some sort of Committee for staff at other clubs in same job. This is not good I don't think - are they replacing her or maybe Championship Clubs don't have them !
  15. I dont remember Man City having all this crap. As i recall they were just taken over and immediately signed players like Robinho. Also dont think Everton have had all this either.
  16. When will the Fit and Proper Persons tests be completed - so that we can put all this to bed (hopefully). Why do the Premier League have to vet him as well -what's it got to do with them now?
  17. It's funny isn't it but the OS has had a link to "our Chinese site" for some time now. Possibly 2 yrs? Also the pic of him with Randy must be some time ago as he hasn't been over here for ages? Maybe this has been going on for some time. Only way is up now surely?.. Glad I renewed my ST already .☺
  18. WM said that we won't hear anything for at least a month as they haven't even announced a period of exclusivity yet - and that takes at least a month. They were painting a really grim picture - but that's normal with WM I guess. I hope that's not right though as I am hoping for good news this week!
  19. As long as he is not found in "Slaggers"
  20. If anyone has a return or spare ticket they can't use, I would be ever so grateful if they could PM me - I just missed out on a ticket on Wednesday when they sold out - thanks
  21. Hev

    Adama Traore

    Ray W on Talk Sport said that it was a toss up between Adama and Aaron Lennon who came and "the Club" went for Adama. Alan Brazil questioned "the Club"? and Ray said firmly "The Club" !
  22. Ray Wilkins was on Talksport this morning. They were talking about Gabby. He said (in a polite way) that whilst he was there earlier in the season, he had spoken to Gabby about his physical condition and was told that he would sort it out himself and that Ray W needn't bother (or that was as polite as he could say on the Radio). Seems Gabby really is a bad apple isn't he. RW also spoke about Adama (i will put in that thread if anyone's interested) . He also said that as he had been at the Belfry yesterday, he popped into Bodymoor and everyone was very down.
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