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Everything posted by ChrisVillan

  1. I think you should live there.
  2. Maybe they should try refereeing it properly first.
  3. Probably very much open to interpretation from the sound of it. From that description it seems like a yellow would have been enough.
  4. I might be mistaken but if it's a deliberate professional foul, the rule effectively hasn't changed. If it's a genuine attempt, yellow will do.
  5. I haven't seen it. Was it a deliberate foul or a genuine attempt to win the ball?
  6. Don't hold your breath.
  7. Neil Custis is a word removed. Ray Wilkins is another word removed.
  8. I'm not going to help because you won't learn your lesson if I do.
  9. Well. There are some opinions in this thread and no mistake.
  10. The standard ,finally ,improved when we abandoned conventional use of commas and Line breaks.
  11. The run in just ran Out and it's only April Typical Villa
  12. I often wondered what would happen if the Ashley Westwood thread ate itself and then farted.
  13. ChrisVillan


    If I've learned one thing from this page and its excellent dissection of Shit-Town, it's...
  14. The competition no bastard wanted.
  15. You'd have to be a special kind of arsehole to actively celebrate it.
  16. Alright, someone needs to sort out this roundabout thing because it's doing my head in and I NEED TO KNOW WHAT WOULD HAPPEN.
  17. My thinking is so challenged right now.
  18. This will definitely stop me only posting sarcastically in other threads.
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