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Everything posted by Delphinho123

  1. Just a few more... GD is worth a point...
  2. Doesn't look like we'll be playing Wolves next year mind.
  3. Didn't read much of your post, just looked at the formation part of it. The two positions you highlighted have been our problem all season. Absolutely no quality in either position. Clark in for Bennett against Sunderland please. I'd also give Ireland a chance in there. I don't rate him, but he has to better than N'Zogbia, Holman etc. and I don't think he did too badly their earlier on in the season. Maybe KEA, don't really know.
  4. The new England away kit is nice. Not a fan of the home mind.
  5. If we're not in the bottom three by the time this match is over, we'll stay up.
  6. Irrelevant when it comes to us. If they can't score, we'll just do it for them. Our inability to keep a clean sheet will probably see us relegated. We simply cannot go a game without conceding, it's become a mental thing. If Delph hadn't put the ball in the back of the net today for them, someone else would. Next week it might be Westwood's mistake, the week after, Bakers mistake. No matter who we are playing, one of our players will **** up. Lambert must be tearing his hair out. that point seems a whole lot better when you factor in Arsenals late goals. We really should be winning these matches though. Up the Villa.
  7. It isn't Brown. Why would I be getting your hopes up? I'm telling you what I know. From what I've seen, the home kit will be lovely. This is dependent on the sponsor not coming in and ruining it all of course with a silly slogan stuck in the middle. Oh, and the new Nike England away kit will be nice.
  8. Not a million miles off. The sponsor is unknown. the badge is in the top right. The collar is stripey. The away is White and.... Oh, and the home is designed to be slim fit.
  9. Next week gives us a big chance of putting a little daylight between us and a few teams. Win and we have a real chance of safety.
  10. I think it's about time this Gabby not being a 'natural footballer' line gets laid to rest. What is a natural footballer exactly? Gabby is strong, quick and very good at keeping hold of the ball. He rarely misplaces his passes and uses his attributes to the best effect. To be determined to build on his strengths over the years is commendable. More often that not, he finds a team mate with his passes, he can run with the ball, cut inside, go down the line...etc. He's not amazing, but he is a fantastic asset to us and as each season goes by, his decision making is improving. I for one can see a 'footballer' in there.
  11. ha, I was the same. I usually run around screaming when we score waking up the neighbours, but when this one hit the back of the net, It didn't hit me for a short while. I just couldn't understand what i'd just witnessed.
  12. MOTM for me today. Such a key player for us. A strong, fast, physical player with a bit of experience to go with. Easily me favourite Villa player. Well done Gabby lad.
  13. Forget the goal for a moment... He played very wel....... **** it. What a strike!
  14. I remember last season he was Fulham's best player when he came to Villa park. It's a good thing for us that he is out.
  15. Your right,unfortunately most of this team is not good enough,including Gabby and Weiman,the sad thing is, their going to be there next season to,with the same results. Garbage. A front three of Gabby, Weimann and Benteke is easily good enough for a top ten team. Unfortunately, the 7 players behind them are powder puff. Individually, I like Lowton, Westwood, Delph, Vlaar and Baker and I think Bennett is improving. If we stay up this year, the experience of this campaign will make them better players. A few quality additions in the summer, mainly a Winger, central midfielder and a Defender and we will be a lot stronger next year. I'm confident about the future so here's to beating Stoke next week. Up the Villa. Lambert is the right man to take us forward.
  16. If we can stay in the premiership whilst cost cutting the way we have, we'll have succeeded. The club was in an awful state financially and Lerner knew it. Faulkner is under instructions from Lerner, nobody knows the man or what he does. Slowly but surely we're re-building and Lambert is the man to take us forward. We just have to stay up this season.
  17. The most frustrating one for me was Curtis Davies. Solely because Martin O'Neill sold Gary Cahill (who was turning into a very promising defender) for 5m, and bought Davies for 10m. Awful bit of business. The myth that is MON is slowly being found out. It would have happened quicker if the media hadn't had a love him with him for the last 10 years. Oh, and Reo Coker, Heskey and Beye. Take your pick really I suppose. I'm not too opposed to the Ireland signing personally as I thought he was a good talent, It just hasn't worked out.
  18. If there is one match I want to win more than any for the remainder of the season, it's this one followed by the Sunderland match. I'd love to stick it up the scouse **** this weekend. Both teams have goals in them with their defence being almost as weak as ours. They are the better team, I just hope we do 'em. UTV
  19. I think the Moore brothers did a lot to put people off from getting over excited about Youth team players. That said, even at his 'best', Albrighton was never going to be a premiership footballer, technically he just isn't good enough. Delfouneso just doesn't seem to have the presence or attitude and the likes of Hogg, Bannan, Herd and co. just aren't good enough. I think Clark has the potential to be a good centre half and the same goes for Baker. I like Baker's no nonsense attitude whereas I think Clark is the more comfortable footballer. If you could somehow blend the two, you'd have a fine centre half. All of the above is a bit off topic which brings me onto Weimann. Out of all the prospects we've seen come from the academy over the years, this kid excites me the most. He has the attitude, the desire and the spirit to become a very good centre forward. Benteke is the better player and will go onto bigger things in a better team but Weimann is the kind of striker we can keep hold of and will flourish at the Villa. He has the ability to find the right positions in front of goal which Gabby has never seen to had but also has the work rate, pace and finishing ability to make him a lethal no.9. Out of all the players we may or may not lose this summer, Weimann is no.1 on the list of people I want to keep at the club. I think Lambert probably thinks the same. Up the Villa
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