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Everything posted by will87

  1. I've got no problem with Lerner, he brought in the manager most of the fans wanted and gave him £20m net to spend in the summer (5th highest in the Prem). When you look at some of the disastrous owners other clubs have ended up with I'll stick with Randy thanks, no doubt we do need some signings this window though.
  2. This is poor, we should be absolutely all over them, what are we doing.
  3. There's just been a total lack of progress under him, in fact we're worse than we were at the start of the season. He's been a massive disappointment for me. He either needs backing or sacking.
  4. I wonder how many goals this team would need to be ahead by at HT to end up winning the game, four? five?
  5. Come on guys does it really matter that there are brothers in football, this is the 21st century man!
  6. Interesting seeing who some of the players voted for in the Ballon D'Or (on SS website). A lot of bias towards fellow countrymen/teammates.
  7. Barca 4-0 up after 30mins! This league is too easy for them.
  8. I sold Bent to Chelsea for £22.5m at the start of my game which helped. Also re-signed Reo-Coker on a free as he's a pretty handy DM (in the game).
  9. I think the training is broken in my game. I can crank everyones workload up to very high and they're all fine with it. Every single one of my players bar none is 'Pleased with his training schedule'.
  10. will87

    U.S. Politics

    Simple, then you put an armed guard guard in each school as well, to protect the kids from the armed guards.
  11. If he meant it then it probably should have been red. Seriously OTT comments from Fergie though.
  12. Is he? I'd have just said good, I think you're getting a bit carried away there.
  13. He should never have played. Playing your most important player in a meaningless game because of some daft record, poor management.
  14. Well he played well against Man Utd, was arguably our best player against Man City before he went off, and then got dropped so something could have happened. He might not be a world beater but he's easily good enough to get in this team I would have thought.
  15. Disappointed that the fixtures aren't one massive hyperlink this week.
  16. Very strange that Ireland has been dropped after being one of our better players against Man Utd and Man City. Wonder if Lerner wants him off the wage bill in Jan too.
  17. will87

    General Chat

    His dad's half black I think.
  18. Why can Norwich hold them and we can't? So annoying.
  19. That's the problem with those sort of organisations though, they need racism to stay high on the agenda or there's no point in their existence.
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