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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. It's the fees that piss me off about tickets. I'm buying tickets, you're selling me the tickets, it should be pretty straight forward.
  2. I think it was pretty reasonable for a capital city, certainly a lot cheaper than Stockholm and probably London.
  3. Perhaps not stupid, but really **** nasty, especially Assad. I'm not sure evil bastard dictators always need any potential tactical or strategic gain to kill loads of people, just pure spite.
  4. Rory McIlroy is just one of those people I have a totally irrational dislike for. I couldn't even begin to tell you why as I'm not all that arsed about golf.
  5. We did the usual stuff, go up St Stephen's, round Mozart's house, the big palace thing, museums and other sightseeing. Most of it was in and around the city centre from what i remember. Food-wise you can get wienerschnitzel or goulash in pretty much any restaurant but I had it once in a place called the Black Camel near the posh designer shops and that was enough. I'm not a great fan of Germanic food. Then there is a supposedly old and famous restaurant called Cafe Landtmann near the parliament which did some nice other food as well as the classics. Our best meal was in the hotel. Overall I really liked the city. I was in Berlin last week and reckon I preferred Vienna but then Berlin has a much harsher history and still recovering imo.
  6. She/he won the jackpot with Sally Phillips but was giving it to some snowboarding charity rather than buying a shitload of Lego bricks. I think that seals it. Or does it? I'm confusing myself now.
  7. Quite. A bit like comparing the two at Barcelona.
  8. I didn't think Channel 4 were still showing live races so it was a bit of a bonus when I saw it was on, especially as it was a decent one.
  9. Jenny Jones is in the Celebrity Chase. Bradley asked what she'd been doing since the Olympics and she didn't mention Villatalk, so I think that's the mystery solved.
  10. I did the same (well, I rewound it ) and it was minging. Surely getting the leg mangled by a Formula 1 car is pretty unfixable so I wouldn't be surprised if they have to chop it off. It was a decent finish to the race anyway.
  11. Completely ignores the other areas where Messi has a better record than Maradona too. Weird how the World Cup is the be all and end all in the argument. Just enjoy Messi and Ronaldo for however long they have left in their careers I say.
  12. I still watch it as I like Jack Bauer and Italia Ricci is unbelievably gorgeous but it is utter shite for the most part.
  13. I had a relatively decent chocolate muffin at the Jamie Oliver coffee bar at Gatwick the other day
  14. Shit airports. The one in what was East Berlin is absolutely shocking.
  15. From what I remember he only had that theme for about 5 minutes before changing it to Limp Bizshit. Tbh I wouldn't mind seeing Undertaker go back to that gimmick for one last match, then maybe have a non-wrestler/GM role on Smackdown or something.
  16. That is pretty shit to be fair.
  17. Julia Roberts one. Didn't know it was a remake, but then everything is nowadays.
  18. I watched Secret In Their Eyes (I think that's what it's called) last night. Decent cast for what was a pretty average murder/crime film. I guessed the twist quite early which didn't help.
  19. Lehmann to step down which was inevitable. I assume it'll Langer next but it would be typical Sussex luck to lose Gillespie before even playing a match.
  20. Absolutely this. I can usually tell a person's entire political viewpoint from one or two posts as they just fall into the stereotypical right or left stance on everything. I suspect there are more people who take a bit from from the right and a bit from the left but they're less likely to bang on about it or get into ideological arguments.
  21. It was slightly awkward and unconvincing. It reminded me of that gif of the lad from Dawson's Creek crying that gets posted on here sometimes.
  22. I love the West Wing. If I could be a TV character it'd be Josh Lyman
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