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Everything posted by Mr_Dogg

  1. In a lot of the world if you're depressed it just means you're alive.
  2. Those damn protestants, always up to no good.
  3. How can it be a boot thing? Do you mean losing grip/balance?
  4. 'Authorities say the phony Pope can be recognized by his high top sneakers, and incredibly foul mouth.'
  5. Liverpool so strong, but Brentford are rubbish.
  6. Drank a cup of tea and fell out a prison window.
  7. He willed his fitness into existence?
  8. Unless the service is really exceptional, I mean really doing something special, why does anyone tip? Is it out of pity for people doing low paid jobs? The US is different where paying people a minimum wage is like resurrecting chairman Mao.
  9. Must have taken the news badly Hope he's ok.
  10. I think that is just a lie so that he didn't take the press conference. Oliver Glasner will replace him.
  11. He's been given the goal, not an OG.
  12. I would speculate it's related to Trump/ Putin/Russia and Tucker Carlson. But just wildly guessing.
  13. How much of an impact, if any, is RFK Jr going to have in the election? He's polling well.
  14. Ireland would never have joined the Axis, that is very far fetched even for an alternate history thread. But if they had, all they had to offer was there location. Certainly couldn't have contributed militarily.
  15. Mr_Dogg


    You can save all that info on your Google account. Setting up a phone is easy.
  16. The US economy has defied economic theory where inflation has dropped or stabilised without unemployment rising.
  17. Cruciate ligament injuries do not prevent walking, so I wouldn't read too much into it.
  18. I'm not sure why you re-watched since they have nothing to do with each other. Season 1 is a high point in television of the last 2 decades.
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