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Everything posted by fightoffyour

  1. You can thank me for that, was only going to have a beer after Villa scored so I decided to crack open a can before the free kick. You’re welcome.
  2. The lineup today doesn’t look like that of a team that’s just spent half a billion or whatever on players.
  3. Really ? We’ll easily be in the top four in the next four years. If not, we might as well all give up.
  4. Is Glass Onion a sequel of Knives Out? Should I watch the latter first ?
  5. It's a balancing act between checking quickly and thoroughly. Then, even if there are no typos or double spaces, for example, there could be factual errors like the incorrect days above, which I'd never pick up. I get my schedules from here. Will be on SS2 all weekend, whatever that is.
  6. Our third choice striker? In the squad tomorrow?
  7. If you join us eating fish and gravy then he will join TSFC, is what I'm hearing.
  8. Do you mean Geoff Dembele or is there another one?
  9. As it stands we've gone from Ollie / Ings / Archer to Ollie / Duran / B. Young (the middle kid of Young siblings). Probably got a ready-made replacement for Ings coming...more of a wide forward/winger hybrid is possible?
  10. It makes financial sense. It doesn't make football sense (until a replacement is revealed). We have to balance the two.
  11. We won't be playing with 10 men if we sell Ings. Someone else will get the goals.
  12. Selling Ings and replacing him with Deulofeu makes less sense because of age rather than position.
  13. Much like others I like Ings, he is a good goal scorer, our current top scorer and great goals per min this season. But we should never have bought him, he's on too high wages to not be a starter (see Digne and Countinho), and now is the best time to sell to command a decent fee. That fee should be £15m upfront + £5m survival bonus though.
  14. Jhon Duran Duran Write a rhyme here if I can Insert some random lyrics John Durian Durian
  15. Hope they fix it for you and the other user soon
  16. Fully expecting this to go through tomorrow then
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