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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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The obese people on benefits with 7 kids, who can't afford to feed their kids because they spent all their money on PS3's and 60 inch TV's. **** those obese people.





I'm basing my opinion off that god awful program 'Skint'. 


1) Why have so many kids if you can't feed them

2) If you do get the money to feed them, don't spend it on frivolity for yourself.

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Obese people. Really can't stand that level of laziness. I can understand fatness as some people have trouble with weight. But being obese is laziness personified.

For me, I know when i feel uncomfortable if I put on a couple of pounds and I work hard to get it off. So I can't imagine how people can get obese. I feel shit about myself even if I'm the tiniest bit overweight.

This. I put on a stone earlier this year after a break-up because I was pretty miserable. I noticed one day that my chin was getting flabby and my stomach bigger than usual which scared me so I stopped eating all the shit junk and started working out, a month later and I'm back to my original weight with a nice flat stomach and no dodgy chin. I smile every time I look in the mirror. That, and wanting to make myself as fit as possible for the next lady in my life is huge motivation for me. Edited by Phumfeinz
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Obese people. Really can't stand that level of laziness. I can understand fatness as some people have trouble with weight. But being obese is laziness personified.


For me, I know when i feel uncomfortable if I put on a couple of pounds and I work hard to get it off. So I can't imagine how people can get obese. I feel shit about myself even if I'm the tiniest bit overweight.



You're anorexic. :)

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I suppose I mean rather than obese people as a generalisation. Obese people who are that way through their own laziness and bad diet. Then the doomed to fail pathetic attempt to lose weight for 3 days before buying a tub of hagen das.


My older brother is fat and lazy and I'd give him lots of stick years back for eating a salad only to retire to his room with a tub of ice cream.


There's me trying to break 45min 10k with never ending foot problems that require orthotics which merely move the pain around. Then I tear my achilles. 


To have two siblings so diametrically opposed in their levels of laziness always gave me moments of pause. 



but there are also people that can eat pizza for breakfast , not exercise , not work  and yet  remain skinny  .. and yet they don't get labelled lazy just because they are thin ......

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Should letting your child get fat be considered child abuse?

That's a discussion that would take an age. Firstly, 'fat' is something a child can grow out of or stretch into. Chubbiness is not terminal so we'd first need to define what you mean by fat. 'Obese' is different. 'Child abuse' is determined by rigid rules that would be incapable of treating a case on its merits. Basically I wouldn't trust the system not to victimise a parent that wasn't doing anything wrong - in its quest to 'help' children. So, no, a merely 'fat' child should not be deemed child abuse.
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Obese people. Really can't stand that level of laziness. I can understand fatness as some people have trouble with weight. But being obese is laziness personified.


For me, I know when i feel uncomfortable if I put on a couple of pounds and I work hard to get it off. So I can't imagine how people can get obese. I feel shit about myself even if I'm the tiniest bit overweight.



You're anorexic. :)


I'd rather be overweight than anorexic. But I'm certainly not skinny at the moment. I'd like to shift about 2 stone, but I probably only need to lose about half a stone.

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There are some legitimate excuses for it, but for the average person to get obese, not just fat, takes some serious disregard for their own health. In my opinion, ofcourse.

Does that apply to all situations where doing too much of something occurs or is weight/obesity something unique?
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I suppose I mean rather than obese people as a generalisation. Obese people who are that way through their own laziness and bad diet. Then the doomed to fail pathetic attempt to lose weight for 3 days before buying a tub of hagen das.


My older brother is fat and lazy and I'd give him lots of stick years back for eating a salad only to retire to his room with a tub of ice cream.


There's me trying to break 45min 10k with never ending foot problems that require orthotics which merely move the pain around. Then I tear my achilles. 


To have two siblings so diametrically opposed in their levels of laziness always gave me moments of pause. 



but there are also people that can eat pizza for breakfast , not exercise , not work  and yet  remain skinny  .. and yet they don't get labelled lazy just because they are thin ......


They will probably still have high cholesterol though.

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There are some legitimate excuses for it, but for the average person to get obese, not just fat, takes some serious disregard for their own health. In my opinion, ofcourse.

Does that apply to all situations where doing too much of something occurs or is weight/obesity something unique?



Oh yeah, absolutely.


But we're only discussing fat people for the time being, though the conversation seems to be veering dangerously in the direction of benefits at the moment.


Weight problems, just like many other problems in life, are a result of not being able to tackle some of the obstacles that life throws your way. I accept that fat people find it difficult for reasons that neither you nor I may be able to understand. But to get to the level of fatness attained by the obese is something that I struggle to sympathise with. I'm not saying it's easy for everyone to control their weight, because clearly it isn't, but some people clearly aren't even trying to address the issue. That is what riles me. 

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There are some legitimate excuses for it, but for the average person to get obese, not just fat, takes some serious disregard for their own health. In my opinion, ofcourse.

Does that apply to all situations where doing too much of something occurs or is weight/obesity something unique?



Oh yeah, absolutely.


But we're only discussing fat people for the time being, though the conversation seems to be veering dangerously in the direction of benefits at the moment.


Weight problems, just like many other problems in life, are a result of not being able to tackle some of the obstacles that life throws your way. I accept that fat people find it difficult for reasons that neither you nor I may be able to understand. But to get to the level of fatness attained by the obese is something that I struggle to sympathise with. I'm not saying it's easy for everyone to control their weight, because clearly it isn't, but some people clearly aren't even trying to address the issue. That is what riles me. 




Exactly, I have a high metabolism and have never struggled with weight. In fact I doubt it would even be possible bar a full time eating job to get overweight.


But a couple of years after I left college I found how unfit I was in a game of 5 a side. So took up running, breaking a 45 min 10k in Dublins  Phoenix Park with it's crazy steep final 2k wasn't easy. I had no weight loss reasons to take up running or a gym routine. 


I did it because I'm not lazy and want to take care of myself. So to see people who have any number of reasons to take up exercise and eat correctly yet they couldn't be bothered because of the effort involved it annoys me.


Hence why we're posting in this thread about it.

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There are some legitimate excuses for it, but for the average person to get obese, not just fat, takes some serious disregard for their own health. In my opinion, ofcourse.

Does that apply to all situations where doing too much of something occurs or is weight/obesity something unique?



Oh yeah, absolutely.


But we're only discussing fat people for the time being, though the conversation seems to be veering dangerously in the direction of benefits at the moment.


Weight problems, just like many other problems in life, are a result of not being able to tackle some of the obstacles that life throws your way. I accept that fat people find it difficult for reasons that neither you nor I may be able to understand. But to get to the level of fatness attained by the obese is something that I struggle to sympathise with. I'm not saying it's easy for everyone to control their weight, because clearly it isn't, but some people clearly aren't even trying to address the issue. That is what riles me. 




Exactly, I have a high metabolism and have never struggled with weight. In fact I doubt it would even be possible bar a full time eating job to get overweight.


But a couple of years after I left college I found how unfit I was in a game of 5 a side. So took up running, breaking a 45 min 10k in Dublins  Phoenix Park with it's crazy steep final 2k wasn't easy. I had no weight loss reasons to take up running or a gym routine. 


I did it because I'm not lazy and want to take care of myself. So to see people who have any number of reasons to take up exercise and eat correctly yet they couldn't be bothered because of the effort involved it annoys me.


Hence why we're posting in this thread about it.



Indeed. I have to temper my attitude with the fact that, like you, I probably couldn't get fat even if I wanted to, so my sympathy for the situation isn't as high as it could be.


But nevertheless, we all face challanges, and it's up to any of us to face them, not eat them.

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There are some legitimate excuses for it, but for the average person to get obese, not just fat, takes some serious disregard for their own health. In my opinion, ofcourse.

Does that apply to all situations where doing too much of something occurs or is weight/obesity something unique?


Oh yeah, absolutely.

Tbh, I struggle with accepting that.

In order for that to be the case, there almost needs to be some way of people always taking a critical and objective look at themselves and being able to specifically see and decide when a tipping point occurs.

Weight problems, just like many other problems in life, are a result of not being able to tackle some of the obstacles that life throws your way. I accept that fat people find it difficult for reasons that neither you nor I may be able to understand. But to get to the level of fatness attained by the obese is something that I struggle to sympathise with. I'm not saying it's easy for everyone to control their weight, because clearly it isn't, but some people clearly aren't even trying to address the issue. That is what riles me.

Isn't what you are saying here simply that you are annoyed that other people are not able to master (or appear not to be addressing) a problem with which you have not had to deal?
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Large people don't bother me at all.


What annoys me is the several overweight in my workplace that talk about how they really need to lose weight, talk about how uncomfortable they feel, talk about their new diet each week, talk about their new exercise class, etc, but haven't actually lost anything in the 5 years I've been working here.


One or the other for me, shut up and do it or just stuff your face and say 'meh, I'm fat, deal with it'.


But I have a simplistic view on stuff.  :)

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There are some legitimate excuses for it, but for the average person to get obese, not just fat, takes some serious disregard for their own health. In my opinion, ofcourse.

Does that apply to all situations where doing too much of something occurs or is weight/obesity something unique?



Oh yeah, absolutely.


Tbh, I struggle with accepting that.

In order for that to be the case, there almost needs to be some way of people always taking a critical and objective look at themselves and being able to specifically see and decide when a tipping point occurs.

Weight problems, just like many other problems in life, are a result of not being able to tackle some of the obstacles that life throws your way. I accept that fat people find it difficult for reasons that neither you nor I may be able to understand. But to get to the level of fatness attained by the obese is something that I struggle to sympathise with. I'm not saying it's easy for everyone to control their weight, because clearly it isn't, but some people clearly aren't even trying to address the issue. That is what riles me.

Isn't what you are saying here simply that you are annoyed that other people are not able to master (or appear not to be addressing) a problem with which you have not had to deal?



Not that they are unable to master, but that they aren't willing to try.


I wouldn't criticise any individual facing their demons.

Edited by Shillzz
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I wouldn't criticise any individual facing their demons.

Firstly that brings us back to whether (or when) people are able to recognize these demons;

secondly, that implies that you do criticize those who don't face their demons (and if we ally this with the first point, you're likely to be criticizing some who may not yet recognize these).

Edit: I think that's pretty harsh.

Edited by snowychap
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I think this is a classic case of the thread title being appropriate.


Obese people do piss me off - but I know there may be mitigating circumstances, and therefore they shouldn't.


It's a bit of a guilt trip, TBH. Like the fact that I go beyond hating the City of Bradford for its general shitness, to actually wanting it to get worse, and not better. Shameful of me, but there it is.

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I wouldn't criticise any individual facing their demons.

Firstly that brings us back to whether (or when) people are able to recognize these demons;

secondly, that implies that you do criticize those who don't face their demons (and if we ally this with the first point, you're likely to be criticizing some who may not yet recognize these).



Hmmmm. This one needs some thought.


My assumption is that people should be able to recognise there is a problem that needs addressing long before they get to the obese stage. I can accept that people get fat, but for me there are more than enough warning stages before someone becomes obese. I think I'm right in saying that you would argue that it's not easy for such people to recognise they have a problem before it's too late for them to do anything about it?


I think that is a point that we would just have to differ on. I can see that it may be difficult to arrest your difficulties before you get to a stage where you feel helpless to do anything about it. But on the other side of the coin, you see many people who are not only failing to do anything pro-active about their problems, but are also continuing to worsen their situation with additional intake of unnecessarily unhealthy foods etc.


On the second point, I wouldn't ever dream of actually criticising someone's way of life in a public environment. I've yet to meet anyone perfect enough to tell someone else how to live. However, we are in a thread to discuss things that piss you off that shouldn't, and people often express opinions which they wouldn't normally peddle out in the clear light of day in this thread. 

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