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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Football...its just a game FFS.
It used to be. It's bullshit show business now.

I agree Mike, but i mean more about how serious some people take it. Life and death and all that bollocks.

I would be honestly worried if a game consumed my life that much.

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Football...its just a game FFS.
It used to be. It's bullshit show business now.

I agree Mike, but i mean more about how serious some people take it. Life and death and all that bollocks.

I would be honestly worried if a game consumed my life that much.

Definitely. That was kind of what I was getting at. Back in the day football used to be integrated into the local experience - you went to the games, had a few beers with your mates, it didn't cost you an arm and a leg, and you had some sense of local identity with the blokes in the team. Under those conditions I could understand a passionate identification with the club.

But now? Why would anybody in their right mind commit so much money, let alone time and emotional energy on the corporate obscenities (full of obscenely rich primadonnas) that pass for football clubs these days?

It might still say Aston Villa over the gates, but it's not really the Aston Villa that I grew up with. I still care about the results - but I try to keep it in perspective. There's more to life.

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Football...its just a game FFS.
It used to be. It's bullshit show business now.

I agree Mike, but i mean more about how serious some people take it. Life and death and all that bollocks.

I would be honestly worried if a game consumed my life that much.

Agreed. It does shock me how strong some people feelings are on some things whether it be manager or owner.

Footy I always thought was escapism. Who wants to escape to feel such torment??!!

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Football...its just a game FFS.
It used to be. It's bullshit show business now.

I agree Mike, but i mean more about how serious some people take it. Life and death and all that bollocks.

I would be honestly worried if a game consumed my life that much.

Definitely. That was kind of what I was getting at. Back in the day football used to be integrated into the local experience - you went to the games, had a few beers with your mates, it didn't cost you an arm and a leg, and you had some sense of local identity with the blokes in the team. Under those conditions I could understand a passionate identification with the club.

But now? Why would anybody in their right mind commit so much money, let alone time and emotional energy on the corporate obscenities (full of obscenely rich primadonnas) that pass for football clubs these days?

It might still say Aston Villa over the gates, but it's not really the Aston Villa that I grew up with. I still care about the results - but I try to keep it in perspective. There's more to life.


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Football...its just a game FFS.
It used to be. It's bullshit show business now.

I agree Mike, but i mean more about how serious some people take it. Life and death and all that bollocks.

I would be honestly worried if a game consumed my life that much.

Definitely. That was kind of what I was getting at. Back in the day football used to be integrated into the local experience - you went to the games, had a few beers with your mates, it didn't cost you an arm and a leg, and you had some sense of local identity with the blokes in the team. Under those conditions I could understand a passionate identification with the club.

But now? Why would anybody in their right mind commit so much money, let alone time and emotional energy on the corporate obscenities (full of obscenely rich primadonnas) that pass for football clubs these days?

It might still say Aston Villa over the gates, but it's not really the Aston Villa that I grew up with. I still care about the results - but I try to keep it in perspective. There's more to life.


You'll hate me for doing this, but:

Amen to that, Brother! :thumb:

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Football...its just a game FFS.
It used to be. It's bullshit show business now.

I agree Mike, but i mean more about how serious some people take it. Life and death and all that bollocks.

I would be honestly worried if a game consumed my life that much.

Definitely. That was kind of what I was getting at. Back in the day football used to be integrated into the local experience - you went to the games, had a few beers with your mates, it didn't cost you an arm and a leg, and you had some sense of local identity with the blokes in the team. Under those conditions I could understand a passionate identification with the club.

But now? Why would anybody in their right mind commit so much money, let alone time and emotional energy on the corporate obscenities (full of obscenely rich primadonnas) that pass for football clubs these days?

It might still say Aston Villa over the gates, but it's not really the Aston Villa that I grew up with. I still care about the results - but I try to keep it in perspective. There's more to life.


You'll hate me for doing this, but:

Amen to that, Brother! :thumb:


Sums my view up in one go Mike. Football is just not enjoyable for me anymore, i used to play at a good level but i dont even have any interest in stringing up my boots for a kick around with my mates on a Sunday morning. I barely have interest in watching Match Of The Day, if the Villa are on telly i will try and watch it, but if i miss the game i couldnt really give a shit as im probably doing something more important.

Does this mean i have fell out of love with football? Im as happy now as ive ever been so if i have then so what!

Like you say Mike, more to life than football.

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I guess some of it is down to getting older. When you're a single guy in your teens, following a football club is pretty exciting (although I would still contend not as much as it used to be).

But marriage, mortgages, children and all that jazz does tend to balance out our perspectives. It's the sad bastards in their forties who pride themselves on still being pissed up football hooligans that really baffle me.

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My Football Aid team have arranged a pre-match training session with Steve Staunton a few weeks before the game, but it's up in Solihull and I can't afford to fork out £70 to get the train up at the moment. Bloody-bollocking-titw*nk. :(

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Does this mean i have fell out of love with football?


It means that you have fallen out of love with football.

:mrgreen: :winkold:

EDITED for past participles.

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I like when pedants get it wrong ;)

Fell is past tense of fall. Fallen is the past participle of fall.

So he fell out of love or he has fallen out of love.

Bloody English :P

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I like when pedants get it wrong ;)

Fell is past tense of fall. Fallen is the past participle of fall.

So he fell out of love or he has fallen out of love.

Bloody English :P

Wel, I got the English correct Bri, just not my tenses, participles and the like.

My corrected sentence is accurate.

I would have no idea what an adjective is, or a noun, but I still get it all correct, just through the process of learning what is write :winkold: and wrong.

'Fell' is entirely wrong in the context Wiggy has written it. My sentence is grammatically accurate, although I would concede I have no idea what a past participle is.

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I'll agree with football. I just had this conversation with a customer.

Him: Villa aren't looking very safe at the minute, I reckon you could go down you know.

Me: Honestly? I couldn't care any less. I've hardly watched any football this year and as soon as McLeish was appointed I've lost all interest.

Him: You weren't saying that when you were finishing 6th.

Me: McLeish wasn't in charge then. We've gone from bad to worse since MON left us, for one reason or another. Football has just lost it's appeal due to money.

Him: I'll bet if Villa were brought by a Sheikh or something you'd start watching again.

Me: Probably not, I just said money is one of the reasons I've lost interest.

This went on for a while with him saying that if Villa were in Cities shoes I'd be going up every week and that I'm a shit fan. Don't give a toss what he says, but football in general pisses me off now.

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I'll agree with football. I just had this conversation with a customer.

Him: Villa aren't looking very safe at the minute, I reckon you could go down you know.

Me: Honestly? I couldn't care any less. I've hardly watched any football this year and as soon as McLeish was appointed I've lost all interest.

Him: You weren't saying that when you were finishing 6th.

Me: McLeish wasn't in charge then. We've gone from bad to worse since MON left us, for one reason or another. Football has just lost it's appeal due to money.

Him: I'll bet if Villa were brought by a Sheikh or something you'd start watching again.

Me: Probably not, I just said money is one of the reasons I've lost interest.

This went on for a while with him saying that if Villa were in Cities shoes I'd be going up every week and that I'm a shit fan. Don't give a toss what he says, but football in general pisses me off now.

Pretty much where im with it too mate.

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I'll agree with football. I just had this conversation with a customer.

Him: Villa aren't looking very safe at the minute, I reckon you could go down you know.

Me: Honestly? I couldn't care any less. I've hardly watched any football this year and as soon as McLeish was appointed I've lost all interest.

Him: You weren't saying that when you were finishing 6th.

Me: McLeish wasn't in charge then. We've gone from bad to worse since MON left us, for one reason or another. Football has just lost it's appeal due to money.

Him: I'll bet if Villa were brought by a Sheikh or something you'd start watching again.

Me: Probably not, I just said money is one of the reasons I've lost interest.

This went on for a while with him saying that if Villa were in Cities shoes I'd be going up every week and that I'm a shit fan. Don't give a toss what he says, but football in general pisses me off now.

Pretty much where im with it too mate.

My brother has stopped watching football because of the money in the game ruining the competition. That and signing Houllier last season was the last straw :lol:

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Dunno what the **** is wrong with you all.

I just got "AVFC 4 EVA" tattoed on my **** eyeballs and I'm currently carving McLeish's face into my torso with a blunt pen knife. All this before I sell my first born son to ensure I have enough money to make the Bolton game next week.


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Dunno what the **** is wrong with you all.

I just got "AVFC 4 EVA" tattoed on my **** eyeballs and I'm currently carving McLeish's face with a blunt pen knife. All this before I sell my first born son to ensure I have enough money to make the Bolton game next week.


Fixed. :thumb:

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It's not the money in the game that's ruined it for me, it's been that way for a while now and I passionately followed Villa in the Oneill days.

But I just don't see the point in blindly following a side that provide little / no entertainment. Aston Villa have never done anything for me, I don't owe them anything, if travelling 2 hours up the motorway to watch them isn't going to be fun, then i'll quite happily stay home and do something more enjoyable instead.

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