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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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The fact that my only "unread" thread in OT at the moment is the golf one.

I'm **** if I'm reading that.

My unreads don't seem to work. I can have a few different orange ones, but then when I click into one and go back they're all back to blue.

I'm probably just not navigating round the site right. :?

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The fact that my only "unread" thread in OT at the moment is the golf one.

I'm **** if I'm reading that.

My unreads don't seem to work. I can have a few different orange ones, but then when I click into one and go back they're all back to blue.

I'm probably just not navigating round the site right. :?

It's not just you. The way they work is a mystery to me.
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People who wear driving gloves!

Erm, have you seen Drive?

Anyone who's seen that wants driving gloves (including me :oops: )

:thumb: I can confirm this is correct.

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Haven't seen the film but I believe women slide off their seats to what is effectively a mute borderline autistic sociopathic performance from Gosling. At least we know what women want now :)

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Blokes who, when having their photo taken with their other half, ALWAYS give the moody, unsmiling look to the camera whilst all around are taking the snap for what it is - cheesey smile time, cos everyone is having a good time in the pub, bar, on holiday...and so on.

Look, you havent just had your wisdom teeth out, been sacked or stung on the arse by a pissed off wasp so stop trying to look all mean and moody & fckin smile for the camera !!!

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Blokes who, when having their photo taken with their other half, ALWAYS give the moody, unsmiling look to the camera whilst all around are taking the snap for what it is - cheesey smile time, cos everyone is having a good time in the pub, bar, on holiday...and so on.

Look, you havent just had your wisdom teeth out, been sacked or stung on the arse by a pissed off wasp so stop trying to look all mean and moody & fckin smile for the camera !!!

Flip the finger at the camera, that's what I'd do :lol:

Seriously though, phototaking is so pretentious. I'm forced to smile even though I don't really know anything about the 20 other people I'm going out with - apart from their names - and even though I probably didn't bloody enjoy the outing at all. And I hate pretentiousness.

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I hate having my photo took cant stand it, cant fake smile for the camera, I try but I just end up looking like a fool.

Always been the same since I was a babby I used to hide under the table as soon as I saw a camera.

that said there are probably hundreds of photos of me on facebook acting like a drunkern loon but I wouldnt know because I dont have a profile

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I hate my photo being taken. And unless drunk, I will not smile for them unless I'm in an unusually good mood. I don't generally smile unless I'm trying to leave a good impression anyway. I'm called Smiler at work for a reason..

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