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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Alright, thanks. Agree with you as well, one animal goes, another comes or grows stronger etc.


Edit: Both agree and disagree btw. As an animal is not only an animal, but a part of a whole ecosystem (some areas more fragile than others).


If anything, i'd be a phytoplankton-hugger at this point and develope some kind of cloud formation technology to let our oceans get a little more sun ray. Which, by the looks of things, they might be doing already.

Edited by K-Carlsen
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Re- sun rays. You should read about global dimming K-Carlsen. We're getting warmer but not just through direct sunlight. It's as much because what gets in to our atmosphere finds it much harder to get back out. They measure it with water evaporation. It's also potentially masking the real consequences of the damaged ozone. But is probably for another thread :P

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My thinking was that without the 40% depletion of phytoplankton, pollution wouldn't be such as problem due to higher amounts of O2 up there? I'm not exactly sure how this works on an molecular level though :) So yes, will read myself up on it. Interesting topic.

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Anyone wanting to continue discussing light-hearted topics, skip this post.


Acid attacks?


Of all the despicable things people can do to each other, this must be just about the worst. No torture would be enough to achieve adequate retribution for ruining someone's face, whatever their crime.


The fact that a lot of these attacks seem motivated in some way by religious piety is all the more disgusting.


You'd think that anyone who has ever even contemplated an acid attack would be asking serious questions of themselves or the religion that condones it, and yet it still goes on.


There was a spate of these attacks in Hong Kong a few years back. Not sure if they ever apprehended the person.


But yes, appalling. That one girl, Katie Piper I think her name was, her story was awful. Poor girl. 

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Fecking cricket. The ashes have been won. Cancel the final 2 games and shut the **** up about it.

Very much this.


They've already changed one of my sports channels to "Sky Sports Ashes"









Nobody cares about this "game". I fully congratulate England. We're slightly better at standing in a field doing nothing than Australia. But for goodness sake shut up about it.



A lot of people care! Its arguably the 2nd sport of the nation. As you can tell i'm a big fan of it. Can't beat a good test match. Bring on more of it.  

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I would list all of the things that beat a good test match (ignoring the fact that that is as big an oxymoron as they come), but it would take too long.


So instead, here's a list of things that DON'T beat a good test match:




A Birmingham City game



Edited by Stevo985
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I'm fighting a losing battle here!  :P


Anyway... in keeping with the title of the thread:


Shitty parenting on trains. Over the last couple of weeks I have seen 3 instances of it. Kids running wild on the train, jumping on seats, screaming and kicking/banging other seats and generally acting like scroats. I know kids can be unruly and i'm sure i had my moments as a kid but if i ever did that then my Mom or Dad would shout at me or tell me to sit down etc. On these occasions the Mom did nothing (no Dad - lets say he was at work... give them the benefit of the doubt). The Mom's just sat there, playing candy crush or angry birds on their phones while their offspring were acting like feral cats on the train. One thing they had in common - all the Mother's were fat. I mean fat fat. Grotesquely obese waddling fat. Made me think: is there a link between obese parents and poorly disciplined children? After all, how you can expect them to instill discipline in their children if they can't do it for themselves and say no when they are offered a cake. 

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My brother. He's staying here for a few days and its unbearable. He's a colossal rocket polisher who criticises literally everything you do unless you do it exactly how he does it. He snapped at me for stirring a drink 'the wrong way' yesterday. He said my life is a mess and I don't have a clue about anything because - get this - I work out in the evening as opposed to the morning. Yep. That caused him to freak out. He calls me an idiot for watching what I eat. Studying for college is 'sitting on my arse all day doing nothing'.

Him? (Former) drug addict. Steroid abuser. Has a job he hates and a child with a woman he hates. Way to go.

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I would list all of the things that beat a good test match (ignoring the fact that that is as big an oxymoron as they come), but it would take too long.


So instead, here's a list of things that DON'T beat a good test match:




A Birmingham City game


I beg to differ. 


Castrating a sha fan could be potentially entertaining. 


Watching an sha game can be enormously entertaining, as they lose to Accrington Stanley, or some such. 


I'll concede on AIDS. 


(I was going to say "I'll give you AIDS", but I thought better of it). 

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