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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I should have said "nobody important"







We won the toss and are batting, btw. ;)




That means 9 of our guys get to sit with their feet up for the next day and a half doing jack shit, right?

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How do you discover such a thing?

Surely you have to be looking for it? :P

that's what my mate said when I sent him a weblink on how to arouse your dog ....


Leave my dog alone!


it was you that asked for the link  not me

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Bloody animal conservation. Yes save animals that population has been decimated by humans. Blue Whale etc.

But Pandas are shit animals. They are near extinction because of how slowly they breed. How narrow their diet is.

Global Warming is killing X, y and z. Well boo hoo. I imagine the last ice age killed a f**k ton of animals too. As the thawing wiped out the Mammoth.

Tree huggers do my head in.


Can't you say the same for every other animal on Earth?


They're dying out because they don't have the means to cope with habitat destruction and over-hunting. Survival of the fittest.


I'm not saying we shouldn't save them, I'm saying you could level the same accusation at them.

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Ah yes, that low-sexed vegetarian bear that would be extinct were it not for tireless efforts on behalf of humans to keep them alive presumably because they look cute. Panda behaviour clearly tells us they want to be extinct.


Just showed Trevor (The Panda) your comment




He seemed pretty riled up so I showed him a picture of a nice lady panda to distract him but he didn't seem interested. He just went and lay down in the corner, chewing on some bamboo until he drifted off to sleep...proving your point really.


that's the 2 x floppy disk version of a Mac SE .. how old is that GIF ?

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that's the 2 x floppy disk version of a Mac SE .. how old is that GIF ?


The gif had just been made, our office doesn't bother with new equipment because Trevor keeps smashing them up when he gets annoyed.


We could solve the problem by sacking Trevor but he's our best salesman in the Asian market and that's a huge source of revenue so he's too good to let go.

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I shouldn't mind. I mean, i'm here, there there.







Hahahaha... Wow, that was bad!


Second language, though! Second language!


When I'm in the ol' land of the angels the I speak the most delightful english. As me and the chaps play a jolly round of crrrrrrricket or go penny-farthing into the f**king sunset.


Or something :P

Edited by K-Carlsen
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Tittylating news website photos that show small eye candy pictures as intros to their articles.


Click on the link hoping to feast the eyes on the full-size photo and it's not there. The photos are all different and all you can see is the stupid article :)


I don't believe for a second that this isn't a cynical ploy adopted by people who understand a man's mind.


Even the BBC are guilty of this outrageous practice.

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My friend bitching that he's getting no hours at work, yet he just finished college and told his boss he cant work Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday. He works in a local grocery shop, fairly small, his initial idea was he'd be out every weekend and watching sport ( ah it's the summer! ), on those days and his boss gets him to come in 2 hours a day Tue - Thur to do something with stock. Now the best part, he has 6 hours a week, so he has no money to do anything. So he's trying to get his website off the ground, which is all about interesting funny articles, he's doing about 3 or 4 a day. So when I ask him why doesn't he just take one day and blast out 10-20 articles he goes, I haven't the time. He's literally doing nothing!

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Bloody animal conservation. Yes save animals that population has been decimated by humans. Blue Whale etc.

But Pandas are shit animals. They are near extinction because of how slowly they breed. How narrow their diet is.

Global Warming is killing X, y and z. Well boo hoo. I imagine the last ice age killed a f**k ton of animals too. As the thawing wiped out the Mammoth.

Tree huggers do my head in.

Can't you say the same for every other animal on Earth?

They're dying out because they don't have the means to cope with habitat destruction and over-hunting. Survival of the fittest.

I'm not saying we shouldn't save them, I'm saying you could level the same accusation at them.

Nope Blue Whales population was decimated by hunting by us. Their population is on the rise again. Pandas are just shit animals that should die out. The impact of humans on their environment has been of little effect in their inability to procreate, nor their specific diet.

Where we have hunted animals to near extinction we can put efforts to right that. But other animals that are endangered die to being shit deserve to die out.

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Bloody animal conservation. Yes save animals that population has been decimated by humans. Blue Whale etc.

But Pandas are shit animals. They are near extinction because of how slowly they breed. How narrow their diet is.

Global Warming is killing X, y and z. Well boo hoo. I imagine the last ice age killed a f**k ton of animals too. As the thawing wiped out the Mammoth.

Tree huggers do my head in.

Can't you say the same for every other animal on Earth?

They're dying out because they don't have the means to cope with habitat destruction and over-hunting. Survival of the fittest.

I'm not saying we shouldn't save them, I'm saying you could level the same accusation at them.

 The impact of humans on their environment has been of little effect in their inability to procreate, nor their specific diet.

Where we have hunted animals to near extinction we can put efforts to right that. But other animals that are endangered die to being shit deserve to die out.


if that is the case how came the Panda has survived this long .... 


This isn't like the great disappearing amazon rain forest myth   .... this is a case of  had man not chopped down the Bamboo tree's that Mr Panda likes to munch on , ( and poached Panda's for medicine)   then their numbers wouldn't have dwindled ..it's that simple

Edited by tonyh29
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