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ive fell off the wagon tonight


good man, nothing wrong with falling off the wagon every now and again, I think i went 3 years without so much as a line and in February I was off work with my shoulder and I ended up round my mates and they were all on it so I had a dabble, well more than a dabble but I didn't feel bad for it, you just reset the clock again dont ya.


I'm not off the wagon tonight, alcohol is my drug of choice for the night, I had 6 double rums to help me through the night out which was **** terrible and I've got meself 8 cans of Stella (got 4 left) that is more than enough for me tonight.

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Don't, if you are in a situation when it is easy to do and everyone else is on it and you have gone along with it **** it, Rugely my man, as I understand it you were in a pretty bad place with the coke and you have largely sorted yourself out but you did have a wee bit of a problem, it takes a bigger man to sort him self out and have a slip up everynow and again than someone who just goes along with it all the time

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can't be strong all the time, like I said before my friend reset the clock and start again, no problem, as long as its a one off then you don't stress about it.


You'll probably wake up tomorrow and think 'well that was shit' thats what I thought last time I did it and I know that I will do it again and think pretty much the same as what you are now. some people do, some people don't, some people stop completely some people dont, and then some people get taken by the moment and just go with it even though they know they shouldn't they do it, your one of them people unfortunately, don't beat yourself up about it just learn from it and try to have a little more restraint next time, a little restraint probably won't be enough but just keep trying, you'll get there sooner or later.

Edited by leemond2008
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also if the oppurtunity is always there then think about removing yourself from the situation, it aint always easy but in the long run its better for you and everyone else


look at my posts on other threads from tonight, I was out with a load of people and it is almost certainly going to start snowing in a big way later on, it always does with them lot (jesus they are bad enough before the sniff gets going) but I've been around them loads of times before and it really is free flowing sniff, I just remove myself before I can be offered it otherwise I would still be there on Sunday evening trying to find another one, yeah it means I'm sitting at home drinking alone but in the grand scheme of things I'm much happier doing that

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just re read all of last nights posts. cant remember much about last night, remember the missus screaming at me in the early hours and throwing cans of beer at me. she was ready for leaving me this morning but shes calmed down a bit now.

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Domestic bliss ay? 


You really need to sort yourself out old chap, its not a great environment to bringing up two children if you are off your tits on drugs and your missus gets so drunk she can't remember. 


Hope you get it sorted

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nah the missus was soba, she was just pissed off with me for getting in a state again so she started throwing cans of beer at me. im sure i will sort it, very disappointed in myself but its not the end of the world. buy yeah its not ideal for a child growing up, looking at myself im disgusted at times.

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Looking at yoyrself might be the heart of the problem . Try looking at them instead.


Deep... ;)

But seriously, I agree with the sentiment. Every time you feel the urge to do it, think about your kids and your missus and what you could be potentially losing. It's really not worth it and you know you're better than that or you wouldn't be so guilty and disappointed with yourself.


Are you going to any meetings or talking to anyone about your addiction, Ruge? I haven't got any right to give advice as I don't know the first thing about drug addiction, but it sounds like you're going to have to change your approach on how you deal with this. Hope you find the answer, dude.

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