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In all honesty Fifa 09/10/11 were top class.  12 was pretty decent too.  13 and 14 have been awful.  It just isnt enjoyable playing it and that is coming from someone who wins more than he loses.  There is no fun in a game.  I miss the good old days of Pro Evo when it was good.

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This was a goal me and my mate scored last night.



Everything about that goal was ridiculous.



Here is a goal me and my nephew conceded. Try and over look my terrible tv quality here.


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45th minute and 90th minute goals are FAAAAAAR too common in this game. If you're holding on to a one goal lead towards the end of a game you know that 90% of the time you won't keep it. There has to be something in it, it happens too often to be a coincidence.

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It's too easy, it's boring and it plays like shit. Fortunately as my brother is very good friends with someone at GAME he's going to let me trade it in for an upgrade to XBO Black Ops rather than XBO Fifa.



Next gen fifa really doesnt look much different from what i've seen.

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Read in The Metro that Telford has the best broadband speeds in the UK. That true Nath182?

Really? Unfortunately I bought a new house so although the exchange is setup for infinity we can't get it yet as they don't seem to enable it on new build estates. I'm stuck with about 3mb. My brother works for open reach in the area though and he seems busy lol

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45th minute and 90th minute goals are FAAAAAAR too common in this game. If you're holding on to a one goal lead towards the end of a game you know that 90% of the time you won't keep it. There has to be something in it, it happens too often to be a coincidence.

Hmm well I rarely ever concede late goals and I am not saying that to just argue you. In fifa 13 it seemed like I conceded a lot of late goals but in fifa 14 it seems like that rarely happens to me. 

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45th minute and 90th minute goals are FAAAAAAR too common in this game. If you're holding on to a one goal lead towards the end of a game you know that 90% of the time you won't keep it. There has to be something in it, it happens too often to be a coincidence.

Hmm well I rarely ever concede late goals and I am not saying that to just argue you. In fifa 13 it seemed like I conceded a lot of late goals but in fifa 14 it seems like that rarely happens to me.

Maybe it's just me then. Could be a psychological thing.

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Man tried ultimate team last night. First match I win, decent match actually. Then, I the second one right after, guy lags like hell, what is the point. Same crap happened in 13 and they never give up, they will actually play it like that. I though, screw this, why should I give a f? Quit the game, get bad dnf right away. I start a new match right after, and check latency quick so that crap doesn`t happen again. Looks fine, shows green. Then right after the intro starts you see it`s the same crap yet again. No frickin way, just why??? This is why I hate online gaming unless you do it with friends, there is literally no fun in it, bad experience and to top it all off, this is the most rage inducing game there is. I get angry as a year old child but i cant help it, sooooooooooooo annoying.

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Biggest thing with this game especially online is even when you win its not fun, i can remember enjoying the old fifa and even older pes games win or lose because it was fun but this just seems to be the complete opposite. Of course fifa having one of the worst community of players doesn't help.

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Biggest thing with this game especially online is even when you win its not fun, i can remember enjoying the old fifa and even older pes games win or lose because it was fun but this just seems to be the complete opposite. Of course fifa having one of the worst community of players doesn't help.

Agree completely, I'm gonna trade it for COD ghosts, I'm literally only having 10 mins here and there to play my 360 at the moment, so I want to actually enjoy it. With Cod last year I got pretty decent at it so would have good and bad rounds in it. I'll take that over what FIFA 14 gives me.

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I've tried, I've given all weekend to trying, but I just can't get on with this game online.  Everyone is 100% pressure, you get no time on the ball and you're massively exposed from LB+Y through balls with devastating accuracy.


I like to play realistic football, passing it around and the occasional bit of skill.  This game now resembles kids in a playground, chasing the ball in packs without getting tired.  I'll continue to play career mode or something but otherwise I'm pretty much done unless the massive flaws get sorted.

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I really hope that PES 2015 steps up to the mark, haven't played 2014 but apparently the new engine is good.


I think EA have gotten complacent, so many minor bugs that haven't been fixed for years, it is evident that all they're bothered about is kids playing Ultimate Team with access to their parents credit cards. That's business though so I guess you can't blame them..

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I've never had a problem with pressure on this, I'm good on the ball, holding it up/cutting inside players (my signature move for VT United :lol:) so it doesn't affect me.


The big problem I have is the defenders. When I'm not in control of them, once the other player has played a chipped through ball, they don't react until I'm controlling them myself. By then, I've already lost time and always have to save myself with a last ditch tackle. It's a frustrating game, but definitely improved from the release state of the game. From what I've seen on streams, the next gen versions are much better and makes me think they've deliberately made this one a bit shit to make people buy it again.

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I've tried, I've given all weekend to trying, but I just can't get on with this game online.  Everyone is 100% pressure, you get no time on the ball and you're massively exposed from LB+Y through balls with devastating accuracy.


I like to play realistic football, passing it around and the occasional bit of skill.  This game now resembles kids in a playground, chasing the ball in packs without getting tired.  I'll continue to play career mode or something but otherwise I'm pretty much done unless the massive flaws get sorted.



I've completely given up on Fifa14 now. Hope it's better on next-gen but I'm not holding much hope.


Fifa13 was loads better.

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