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The Randy Lerner thread


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I guess that you would then be getting into the debate of why a man who resigned was awarded compensation, which I think has been done.

So you said you heard from the "horse's mouth", which means that more people could have heard it, and therefore, MON would have surely let someone in the press know, as the idea that he resigned has tarnished his name, no only with Villa fans, but with other football chairman etc as well.

You are quoting something that I did not say.

I can make no judgement as to what a man who 1. has a fairly large ego and 2. would be interested in a potential 7 figure payout, would or would not do in relation to the press.

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I guess that you would then be getting into the debate of why a man who resigned was awarded compensation, which I think has been done.

It may well have 'been done' but none of us know the truth of the matter so any conclusions drawn are but conjecture.

i would think that one or two do.....

Oh you mean Randy, Faulker and O'Neill. Yes they do but I'm not convinced anyone else does and you certainly haven't convinced me that you have heard Randy or Faulkner say they fired O'Neill.

Its rather simple really, who did you hear say they sacked him and where/when? If you weren't told directly then you aren't breaking any confidence are you and you've already said you weren't told directly so why not just answer.

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You are quoting something that I did not say.

I can make no judgement as to what a man who 1. has a fairly large ego and 2. would be interested in a potential 7 figure payout, would or would not do in relation to the press.

Yep, I read back and saw it wasn't them words, as you see from my previous post it is obviously Doug who told you he was sacked. Once again, all speculation and going back to your initial post saying.

So back to your quote

All a bit tiresome, but for the umpteenth time, MON did not quit, he was FIRED!

That is a pointless quote really when you aren't going to back it up with anything.

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I guess that you would then be getting into the debate of why a man who resigned was awarded compensation, which I think has been done.

So you said you heard from the "horse's mouth", which means that more people could have heard it, and therefore, MON would have surely let someone in the press know, as the idea that he resigned has tarnished his name, no only with Villa fans, but with other football chairman etc as well.

You are quoting something that I did not say.

I can make no judgement as to what a man who 1. has a fairly large ego and 2. would be interested in a potential 7 figure payout, would or would not do in relation to the press.

Actually he isn't quotting something you didn't say, he is repeating your claim you heard it from the man who sacked him the rest is simply conclusions he is drawing from your claim.

No quoting you on anything you didn't say.

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I guess that you would then be getting into the debate of why a man who resigned was awarded compensation, which I think has been done.

It may well have 'been done' but none of us know the truth of the matter so any conclusions drawn are but conjecture.

i would think that one or two do.....

Oh you mean Randy, Faulker and O'Neill. Yes they do but I'm not convinced anyone else does and you certainly haven't convinced me that you have heard Randy or Faulkner say they fired O'Neill.

Its rather simple really, who did you hear say they sacked him and where/when? If you weren't told directly then you aren't breaking any confidence are you and you've already said you weren't told directly so why not just answer.

When you say 'none of us' I assume that 'us' is the wider VT membership, so I take the 'one or two' from that illustrious group.

The one safe assumption is that Messrs Lerner, O'Neill and Faulkner are aware of the facts :)

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I guess that you would then be getting into the debate of why a man who resigned was awarded compensation, which I think has been done.

So you said you heard from the "horse's mouth", which means that more people could have heard it, and therefore, MON would have surely let someone in the press know, as the idea that he resigned has tarnished his name, no only with Villa fans, but with other football chairman etc as well.

You are quoting something that I did not say.

I can make no judgement as to what a man who 1. has a fairly large ego and 2. would be interested in a potential 7 figure payout, would or would not do in relation to the press.

Actually he isn't quotting something you didn't say, he is repeating your claim you heard it from the man who sacked him the rest is simply conclusions he is drawing from your claim.

No quoting you on anything you didn't say.

Call me a grammar policeman, but "horse's mouth" is quoting :winkold:

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When you say 'none of us' I assume that 'us' is the wider VT membership, so I take the 'one or two' from that illustrious group.

This is rather tiresome to be honest, you are clearly not going to anwer any direct and perfectly reasonable questions instead opting to try and hide behind playing on words.

For clarity, I don't believe anyone on this site including you knows exactly what happened the day O'Neill left beyond lots of theories. I've asked you several times to give a little substance to your claim to the contrary but you've refused despite you already having suggested that doing so wouldn't betray a confidence.

As such I don't really see how you expect anyone to change their views on this subject based upon the little bit you have said.

The one safe assumption is that Messrs Lerner, O'Neill and Faulkner are aware of the facts :)

Yeah obviously.

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The thing is, when Randy finally step in, and MON resigned, he was roundly criticised on here for not backing the manager.

Must say I don't recall that bit - the overriding sentiment on here was anti-MON, almost regarding him as a traitor, with Randy cast as the innocent victim who had his money spunked away by a reckless manager.

And a brave few seem to be sticking to that view even though it has become increasingly apparent that Lerner/Faulkner's judgement has been suspect throughout their stewardship of Villa.

And in denial of the obvious point that any properly functioning organisation needs to monitor and approve its spending separate from the managers who actually do the spending. If Lerner wasn't doing that, it truly was a rubbish operation.

Strange, I don't recall much anti-MON resentment on here when he threw his toys out of the pram.

Then I would say you are suffering from memory lapse.

Nah, don't think so.

Well you are wrong, very wrong in fact. Those defending O'Neill after he walked 5 days ahead of the season were few and far between.

I was one of them and can say that I was in a minority. The abuse I got for it well, par for the course I guess, but there was only a handful of people prepared to back MON
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To be honest its a pretty big statement to come on here or any forum and state that MON was sacked without being precise over what evidence you have to support that statement.

I would agree there has never been a definitive explanation but the generally accepted version of events is that MON did not wish to have controls put around his role on the football management side of the club. Neither party has ever disputed those facts and bits and pieces that have come out from those in the know or who claim to be in the know have tended to support that version of events namely MON felt his position had been made untenable (rightly or wrongly).

On area where I think we can be more definitive is MON did take his case to arbitration and there was some sort of settlement although that was confidential so talk of a 'substantial settlement' is conjecture. In addition the fact a confidentiality agreement was apparently signed proves nothing and is often the case in a high profile settlement. Added to that the fact that a settlement took place is not proof that he was 'fired'.

For example MON could have become so disenchanted he went in and resigned on that fateful Monday morning and walked out of the club. He is on a 12 month rolling contract so strictly speaking he has to give 12 months notice. If he has walked out the club stop paying his salary on the basis he has refused to work his notice. He then turns round and files a claim for constructuve dismissal on the basis the club has changed and undermined his role as manager. The club want to pay him nothing as they have been left high and dry and MON wants at least his12 months of money. Negotiations commence which end up with arbitration and he receives some sort of settlement. Neither he nor the club want lots of adverse PR, the club know they will have to pay something and MON expects something.

All conjecture on my part but perfectly rational. Interestingly the case has been very different to say that of Alan Curbishley which was all over the press and amounts were quoted.

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Do we know his destination ?

His plane left on Wed are we sure he was on it?

Not definitely, but normally he is. It is very much a 'private' private jet, so it is solely used by the man.

Rihanna just arrived in a private jet. Perhaps she would like to buy the Villa :winkold:

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Just on the subject of Rihanna, and very much off topic.

Sky used her "SOS" song in a pre-match feature about the Derby game where Cahill scored that goal. I've always associated that song with that day and alas, it always cheers me up. :)

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