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The Randy Lerner thread


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cant stand the man I want a owner who turns up to pretty much every game and is passionate about the club and not only that but passionate about football instead of treating us like a little experiment with daddies money!

Is it too much to ask for a normal stable well run team which can get a few results every now and again especially at home so the fans can go home happy. Mid-table would be a dream right now

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Good job his tattoo was henna, like his interest in our club I'm sure it has faded by now.

The sudden growing anger at him is all a bit odd given that he has been running the club into the ground for years yet so many have defended him.

He has been a disaster for this club and we are worse off than the day he arrived.

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A concern I had for while, Randy is credited with revamping the training facilities, and the Holte pub refurb. - But I beleive these plans were in place before Randy arrived, Randy just gave the go ahead. The next logical thing would be a new north stand, why didn't this happen? even in Randy's free spending era ? - I don't believe he has the know how to get it done. Now the North stand doesn't worry me greatly at the moment - but it is perhaps an indication of how little idea he has of running a football club. (might as well get used to not saying premiership)

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Good job his tattoo was henna, like his interest in our club I'm sure it has faded by now.

The sudden growing anger at him is all a bit odd given that he has been running the club into the ground for years yet so many have defended him.

He has been a disaster for this club and we are worse off than the day he arrived.

Thing is, he has avoided that by doing things such as coughing up for Bent. Once a season he's done something to quell the anger that may be building towards him as the owner. In the summer it was appointing a man who some deluded fans had been chanting for in the last game of the season.

It's only now, that we are in big trouble, that his lack of willing to invest has made a lot of people realize he's a complete joker. He's lived off his fathers legacy and made shit investments and poor financial decisions.

I said about a year or so ago that people may finally see that Doug Ellis did well for this club.

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I'm just imagining the pathetic excuse letter that will be sent to us fans when we finally get relegated but of course it will be Mr twaty Faulkner who will probably say something like 'This was not in our 'Vision' for the club and we thought the side was good enough to challenge for europe we expect to be back in the premiership soon'. Or some blullshit along those lines and yet again we will hear **** all from randy who in my opinion disrespects us with his silence to the fans.

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Stupid question:- Was he at the game ?

Nah, he's probably holed up in The States, getting hard at the thought of the amount of money he'll pocket when we get stuffed out this League.

Either that, or he's looking for another worthless gallery to piss £5million down the drain on.

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The anger is silly really. If people are still daft enough to think that fans are important to football clubs then more fool them to be honest. Of course Randy doesnt give a shit about us. Neither does Gabby or Bent or anyone else at the club really. They never have and they never will. They really have got us over a barrel for the time being. Football has. I mean, Ive supported Villa for 20 years, and the product that i have invested into over them years has been nothing short of abysmal for most of it. I cant remember too many times/matches - where I thought - 'WOW this is really entertaining' or 'Yeah this is value for money'. But for some odd reason - I still invest. Because its hard to pull away.

And the monsters of football know this. They know there is no end of silly folk out there willing to stump up for this crap. The best part of £100 - £150 it will cost me to go and watch an awful premiership side against a league 2 side next week. But Il pay it. ATM, I cant wait. So theyl sit there not paying pointless millions for players and earning there 40-60k a week, because theyre looking after themselves - and then we come on whinging about it, being abusive about them and blaming them for our shit Saturday evenings like tonight.

Its the way football is, its the way its gone and it wont stop until people stop going. (Not whinging about it on forums (tho thats entertaining as well)). Stop going. And that just WILL NOT happen.

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Good job his tattoo was henna, like his interest in our club I'm sure it has faded by now.

The sudden growing anger at him is all a bit odd given that he has been running the club into the ground for years yet so many have defended him.

He has been a disaster for this club and we are worse off than the day he arrived.

Why as with anything there is a tipping point. For you it was fairly early in his tenure as Villa chairman for other it has seemingly been later.
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Why as with anything there is a tipping point. For you it was fairly early in his tenure as Villa chairman for other it has seemingly been later.

I also think there were easier targets for people to lay the blame on. The way MoN left meant frustrations and criticisms went towards him and houllier and mcleish took similar abuse.

Now there really is no one to blame.

An utter joke of an owner.

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I find it very unlikely that we will find a new owner that will fulfill our ambitions so I think the best case scenario is for Randy to stay at the club through thick and thin and make this financial restructuring work. Lambert needs to be part of this. Faulkner will have to be the one to go, with someone like David Dein taking on his role. I fear that we will have to settle for relegation as part of the rebuild, unless Randy has the cash and willingness to secure our position with a strong window. What a horrible, horrible mess.

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