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The Randy Lerner thread


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Southampton were bought ridiculously cheap werent they? like 15M?


so they will probably sell around 150M and all the players will probably be sold off and so they will probably make a truck load of money. Villa will cost 150-200M off the bat. Cant see Cortese involved at all.


Red Bull wont buy us as they wont dare change our clubs history/logo etc. The clubs they have purchased were relatively new and they said they had no history so it didnt matter. You cant buy the oldest club in England who founded the league and change their history. If anything they wont need to as Aston Villa is a big name all over the world regardless. They can change the Grounds official name but it will still be Villa Park to most.


I am even happy to have their colours as our away strip every year.. provided they dont touch our name.. home strip.. colours logo etc.


I cant see Aston Villa being a viable option for Red Bull. Cost too much and cant rename everything. They are better off buying an A league Club.

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Cortese wouldn't be buying any club himself the Liebherrs are the money people at Southampton, he'd be brought in with a consortium of wealthy backers. But like I said I think the suggestion is that he might going to AC Milan or if Katharina sells up then back to Saints.

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What do you expect the club to do though? They're not gonna come out and say "Well, it's all gone tits up and we can't do anything to stop. I'm off to the Bahamas, enjoy the rest of the season guys!"


Of course they're gonna come out, try paint everything in a good light and try turn the mood around.


I might be a bit late, but this...


It was a 'clever' if not predictable statement that basically keeps everyone curious enough to part with their cash in the summer and commit their support to AVFC via season tickets in the summer.


Kind of like, 'yeah, it's been a teensy bit tough going again this year, but we've got BIG plans in the summer... Just watch y'all...'


I fell for it last summer, especially with the flurry of exciting signings we made so early in the summer window. But, will I fall for it again?

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You just have to look at the way we are doing things to see something is not right with the club.


As for the whole Red Bull, Cortese thing. Its a believe it when you see it.


For me, Collymore's tweet has sparked the whole Red Bull buying us debate off again. I would of normally (these days) brushed off any speculation linking us with other buyers. But, why would Stan risk his reputation & be hounded by our fans, if there wasn't something in it. Many say he used the tweet to get more people to call through to his show or whatever. I do not believe that's the case. Stan loves this club like any ex-pro. You only have to look at the videos of him screaming when we got a late winner against Chelsea or when we beat Man City this season.


Stan surely wouldn't be stupid enough to publish that tweet if something wasn't in it. But what is the betting Doogan called him about it.

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What do you expect the club to do though? They're not gonna come out and say "Well, it's all gone tits up and we can't do anything to stop. I'm off to the Bahamas, enjoy the rest of the season guys!"


Of course they're gonna come out, try paint everything in a good light and try turn the mood around.


I might be a bit late, but this...


It was a 'clever' if not predictable statement that basically keeps everyone curious enough to part with their cash in the summer and commit their support to AVFC via season tickets in the summer.


Kind of like, 'yeah, it's been a teensy bit tough going again this year, but we've got BIG plans in the summer... Just watch y'all...'


I fell for it last summer, especially with the flurry of exciting signings we made so early in the summer window. But, will I fall for it again?


I have asked myself the same question. I even went as far to put it out on twitter. A hand full of fans said they'd keep their tickets no matter what. The rest, well they were a lot more sceptical about the whole thing. 

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There seems to be a lot of talk around again about Lerner wanting to sell, not sure if there is anything concrete or just the usual Twitter / ITK bollox. I heard the Red Bull rumour on Monday night from another fan who had got it from a so called 'accurate ITK' If you believe it the sticking point is price. Lerner wants £200m which I am guessing would get him out whole (not checked the accounts on that point) but Red Bull are looking at more like £150m. Probably all rubbish but I do think Lerner wants out or even possibly the trustees of the various family trusts that have invested are applying pressure as they will have a responsibility  to do the best for their beneficiaries which will not just be Randy. Whilst on that track I think the £90m share issue is a red herring, probably just the conversion of loans to equity within overall the Lerner funding of the club.


On the subject of Red Bull I just don't get the paranoia on this thread over what Red Bull might do if, in the unlikely event, they are a potential purchaser. If they have just spent £200m on what is essentially a marking tool they will want to build marketing around the club not destroy what they have just bought. I would be astounded if they either tried to change the name of the club or its strip. Other things could change but so what. Villa Park will always be Villa Park to me whatever it got named.


It does make me smile that even with the vitriol that is directed at Lerner (with a lot of justification) many posters (some the same?) are shooting down in flames the vague possibility of a company that might want to actually seriously invest in the club and hopefully take it forward.


We are going through the mill at the moment as a club. I for one would love it if we just could have a half decent side who could win the majority of our home games and instil a little fear into the teams playing us. Not much to ask but almost certainly we need a new owner in the longer term to achieve that almost whoever they are.

Edited by Harry
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There seems to be a lot of talk around again about Lerner wanting to sell, not sure if there is anything concrete or just the usual Twitter / ITK bollox. I heard the Red Bull rumour on Monday night from another fan who had got it from a so called 'accurate ITK' If you believe it the sticking point is price. Lerner wants £200m which I am guessing would get him out whole (not checked the accounts on that point) but Red Bull are looking at more like £150m. Probably all rubbish but I do think Lerner wants out or even possibly the trustees of the various family trusts that have invested are applying pressure as they will have a responsibility  to do the best for their beneficiaries which will not just be Randy. Whilst on that track I think the £90m share issue is a red herring, probably just the conversion of loans to equity within overall the Lerner funding of the club.


On the subject of Red Bull I just don't get the paranoia on this thread over what Red Bull might do if, in the unlikely event, they are a potential purchaser. If they have just spent £200m on what is essentially a marking tool they will want to build marketing around the club not destroy what they have just bought. I would be astounded if they either tried to change the name of the club or its strip. Other things could change but so what. Villa Park will always be Villa Park to me whatever it got named.


It does make me smile that even with the vitriol that is directed at Lerner (with a lot of justification) many posters (some the same?) are shooting down in flames the vague possibility of a company that might want to actually seriously invest in the club and hopefully take it forward.


We are going through the mill at the moment as a club. I for one would love it if we just could have a half decent side who could win the majority of our home games and instil a little fear into the teams playing us. Not much to ask but almost certainly we need a new owner in the longer term to achieve that almost whoever they are.

They've done that at all of their other clubs. I think if they were to buy a PL club they'd either change our name and strip or find a club who'd be more willing to (you'd think a team like MK Dons or something would be perfect).

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For Red Bull to make a success of the Villa they are going to have to spend a fortune on buying us, then a further fortune in getting players in to make us competitive. They will be making huge losses in buying us just as a marketing gimmick, would they really make the money back elsewhere to make it worthwhile? How much did Spurs spend in the summer, and they won't make it into the Champions League, how much will we need to spend? They would surely have to change our name, at least abroad, to get the maximum revenue. I just don't see how it could work, unless it's just as a minor shareholder with Randy still in control.

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You have to get used to the idea that if this Red Bull thing happened, we would be Red Bull Birmingham, we would play at the Red Bull Birmingham Arena, we would play in white and red, and we would have a Red Bull Birmingham badge with absolutely no reference to our lion or anything. The entire club from top to bottom would be rebranded and absolutely nothing would be saved. Don't kid yourselves into thinking 'well they can't change our badge' or whatever because they would change EVERYTHING. That's what they've done everywhere else.


Look at Salzburg for example. They were founded in 1933 so it's not like they don't have history of their own. They were rebranded from top to bottom and declared "this is a new club with no history". Get the "but we're Aston Villa and they're just Salzburg" idea out of your head. Who cares about Aston Villa outside of Birmingham? We're not as big as we like to think. And what about Salzburg? They're huge in Austria but they weren't spared anything.

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For those who do not believe a Red Bull takeover would mean a change of EVERYTHING - have a read of this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FC_Red_Bull_Salzburg - I was in Austria recently and was surprised about how they basically ripped the guts out of the club.


Edit - Another article on the RB takeover of Salzburg - it does feel a little biased though - Click

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Red Bull buying Villa could/would be the worst thing what has happened to the club. I don't think there's much of anything behind these rumours as Villa would be too much trouble, buying as historic club as Villa and then changing everything would be PR disaster for them.

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Got to be honest I originally said 'sure bring it on' when I was down about the whole situation. But having given it proper thought and researched it, I would not support us anymore if we were Red Bull Birmingham. I'd support the breakaway Aston Villa team who take the history, name, badge and colours with them.

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This thread all seems a bit far fetched (though neatly fitting into the traditional VT mindset I might add).


I think we can all accept the following


- Randy is done in terms of funding us to be truly competitive in the league. He is now trying to maintain us in the league while balancing the books.


- He is open to selling the club and apparently Red Bull are wanting to buy one.



The thing nobody seems to be mentioning is that Randy has a pretty massive fetish when it comes to history so the idea that he would sell to an organisation intent on ripping that all out and re-branding us as an energy drink is beyond mental.


He has a tattoo of our name on his leg for christs sake which will look a bit odd if we then become Red Bull Birmingham and it was all his doing!

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This thread all seems a bit far fetched (though neatly fitting into the traditional VT mindset I might add).


I think we can all accept the following


- Randy is done in terms of funding us to be truly competitive in the league. He is now trying to maintain us in the league while balancing the books.


- He is open to selling the club and apparently Red Bull are wanting to buy one.



The thing nobody seems to be mentioning is that Randy has a pretty massive fetish when it comes to history so the idea that he would sell to an organisation intent on ripping that all out and re-branding us as an energy drink is beyond mental.


He has a tattoo of our name on his leg for christs sake which will look a bit odd if we then become Red Bull Birmingham and it was all his doing!

Well we have been linked to Red Bull, so we are discussing the link. If we were bought by Red Bull, the entire club would be rebranded because that is what they do and that is what they've done EVERYWHERE or the purchase, for them, would be pointless. No one is saying it's going to happen, we're discussing what would happen if it did. So how is that "a bit far fetched (though neatly fitting into the traditional VT mindset I might add)"?

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I don't think there's anything in the Red Bull talk anyway, at all whatsoever. When Collymore tweeted about it the other day I was hoping that would lead to a discussion on National radio, which might have forced the club to come out and deny the rumours.


Also this link might be of interest it basically has Houllier denying that Red Bull want to buy an English club, although he does mention "It would be better to follow the example of RB Leipzig" which might suggest they could be interested in a lower league club.


But as I say I wouldn't be surprised if there is something abroad regarding the ownership the fixation is RB at the moment but I'm sure there will be others who might be interested.

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Got to be honest I originally said 'sure bring it on' when I was down about the whole situation. But having given it proper thought and researched it, I would not support us anymore if we were Red Bull Birmingham. I'd support the breakaway Aston Villa team who take the history, name, badge and colours with them.

You may be right you may be wrong as regards Red Bull, personally I would be surprised if it was wholesale change and they have to get through the FA which I expect will be tricky. I just think we should not pre judge....anyway its probably all bollox anyway as a I said in my original post.

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When I first started going to the villa


you stood on a terrace

no shirt advertising

players numbers 1-11

1 sub

Basically around 12 clubs could be serious title contenders

It was mainly attended by working class blokes

you got TV highlights (now and then)

The 1 live game was the FA Cup final....


I am not advocating the red bull takeover and ripping the heart out of our club - but thats sort of happened anyway, - whoever our owner is, will we still be playing at Villa Park, and be called Aston Villa ? - in another 40 years ?

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