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Paul Lambert


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Lambert is the man, we'll never get any where if we throw away his hard work and sack him for some foreign guff.

I wouldn't want us to sack him but I'd say 'foreign guffs' generally do as well if not better than British managers. So didn't quite understand that comment.

Just stick by Lambert, he's a great manager.

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Lambert is the man, we'll never get any where if we throw away his hard work and sack him for some foreign guff.

I wouldn't want us to sack him but I'd say 'foreign guffs' generally do as well if not better than British managers. So didn't quite understand that comment.

Just stick by Lambert, he's a great manager.



He really hasn't prove that at all yet mate.




I think outside the top 6 there's not a lot to choose from the rest - If Albion could finish 8th so could we - if we lose bnteke its a blow but i think lambert has spent well and will do so again - I'm optimistic about the season ahead.


But who is that replacement ?! The problem is teams as Southampton and Swansea are spending cash from nowhere ! And they're getting foreign players as we're ..


If we sold Benteke .. mostly we won't have someone as Wilfred Bony .. And Swansea team already finished above us last season ..


Put it this way .. It might be little bit strange .. but that's how I put it ..


Stick with Benteke .. We might end up top 8 or even top 7 ..


Without Benteke we might be in the relegation battle !


Last year had you heard of Christian Benteke? I doubt not. 


Lambert is good at his job, and I fully trust him to know who the replacement for Benteke will be...



Yeah I'm with you .. But again even with Benteke we've struggled .. Keeping him for a year would send a message too .. And tbh it's really hard to replace someone as Benteke .. I agree that Lambert could get someone .. But not so sure if any are available atm ..



How do you know there is nobody as good as Benteke is available? Did you know there was anybody as good as Benteke available last summer?

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Lambert has great contacts and a good scouting set up - he will no doubt be aware of players that we have probably no idea about- his dealing so far suggest he he has an eye for talent , I'd trust him to replace benteke pretty well.

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^ this is the point i'm trying to make.


With all due respect abdu, you're not a premier league manager with experience in finding hidden gems in European football. 


Who said that I am ?


I'm actually with Lambert 100% .. Even in January when didn't get anyone until Sylla .. I've backed him and said that he didn't found someone who'd help us ..


Look what I've said:


 I agree that Lambert could get someone .. But not so sure if any are available atm .



I didn't even say that he wouldn't find .. or that they aren't available .. But I said I'm not so sure .. It would be really risky .. We need Benteke to step up and show the fans that we're improving in the table and also in making our star players stay !


Let's say we got 14th next year ?! we'll still be a bottom table .. and we'll send a message that our policy isn't working (While it's really working even if we got 15th after losing Benteke) .. In other words let me say that :


With Benteke my aim would be top half and even top 10 ..

Without Benteke I'd be in a great mode if we don't go into a relegation battle .. my ambitions will be lowered in other words !


If someone step up or we find another gem then fine .. But I won't have high expectations .. Saying that I wouldn't slate Lambert too because it's not his fault .. and no one fault actually ..


Another point is .. that in next season .. Especially if we had a comfortable one .. Lambert could have a great look in players that he could get here .. And the most important one is the Benteke replacement !

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Lambert is the man, we'll never get any where if we throw away his hard work and sack him for some foreign guff.


I wouldn't want us to sack him but I'd say 'foreign guffs' generally do as well if not better than British managers.  So didn't quite understand that comment.



But Scottish managers are the most successful of all time in English football  :detect:

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Abdu - but you also said


"but who is that replacement !?"




"Without Benteke we might be in a relegation battle"


I am very confident Lambert knows who the replacement is and is is completely assured that whoever that is will help us avoid another relegation battle. 

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Abdu - but you also said


"but who is that replacement !?"




"Without Benteke we might be in a relegation battle"


I am very confident Lambert knows who the replacement is and is is completely assured that whoever that is will help us avoid another relegation battle. 


I hope so ..


Anyways I still think we have a good chance to force Benteke to stay another season !



"Without Benteke we might be in a relegation battle"



Yes I've said that .. But I said we "might" .. not we "will" .. ^_^
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He is getting a lot of praise for his signing because they are young and foreign.  


That sums it up pretty well. Fans like unknown players, they can dream about how good they are and they like young players, they can dream about how good they could become. 


Unless our scouts do tremendously well these players will have a high failure rate. It's unfortunate but that's how it is.


I'm not having a go at the new signings, we just have to be patient and wait and see how they turn out. 

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Paul Lambert is a very good manager - unfortunately he has a major flaw in his inability to create a tight defence. I really think that will be his undoing. I m predicting another season of struggle next year - apart from Okore the players look to have a big step up to make next season - if even if they prove good enough, there will at the very least be a settling in period.


Main thing is to get the wage bill down - to hell with the football 

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Paul Lambert is a very good manager - unfortunately he has a major flaw in his inability to create a tight defence. I really think that will be his undoing. I m predicting another season of struggle next year - apart from Okore the players look to have a big step up to make next season - if even if they prove good enough, there will at the very least be a settling in period.


Main thing is to get the wage bill down - to hell with the football 


hmmm. to hell with the football ay? 

so you don't think we played some good stuff the back end of last season? I reckon we'll improve rather than go backwards too. So that would mean better football and better results. I think Lambert knows what he is about, you say he's a very good manager, I don't think he's doing the job with one hand tied behind his back when it comes to wages. If we manage to get rid of Given, Ireland and Bent this summer, with the extra revenue and a better performance next year then we will start to see wages in line with an increasing revenue in a sustainable way. A system in which continued progress will lead to continued resources for the squad.

I for one prefer that than just chucking fucktons of cash at the squad and then having to suffer for it for a few years like the last time we threw fucktons of cash at teh squad.

As for defensive organisation, he's not a defensive minded manager, he likes to win by playing football and scoring goals as a priority. I also prefer that as a priority to shutouts and clean sheets. All my favourite sides have played that way and all my favourite managers are positive, catenaccio, capello, mourinho, graham, etc. aren't for me. Thats just my taste, I'd rather lose trying to play the game than draw or nick a win against the run of play thinking first abotu how to stop the other team playing.

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Paul Lambert is a very good manager - unfortunately he has a major flaw in his inability to create a tight defence. I really think that will be his undoing. I m predicting another season of struggle next year - apart from Okore the players look to have a big step up to make next season - if even if they prove good enough, there will at the very least be a settling in period.


Main thing is to get the wage bill down - to hell with the football 


hmmm. to hell with the football ay? 

so you don't think we played some good stuff the back end of last season? I reckon we'll improve rather than go backwards too. So that would mean better football and better results. I think Lambert knows what he is about, you say he's a very good manager, I don't think he's doing the job with one hand tied behind his back when it comes to wages. If we manage to get rid of Given, Ireland and Bent this summer, with the extra revenue and a better performance next year then we will start to see wages in line with an increasing revenue in a sustainable way. A system in which continued progress will lead to continued resources for the squad.

I for one prefer that than just chucking fucktons of cash at the squad and then having to suffer for it for a few years like the last time we threw fucktons of cash at teh squad.

As for defensive organisation, he's not a defensive minded manager, he likes to win by playing football and scoring goals as a priority. I also prefer that as a priority to shutouts and clean sheets. All my favourite sides have played that way and all my favourite managers are positive, catenaccio, capello, mourinho, graham, etc. aren't for me. Thats just my taste, I'd rather lose trying to play the game than draw or nick a win against the run of play thinking first abotu how to stop the other team playing.



My to hell with football - its all about the wages, was more a dig at the resources made available by the clubs hierarchy than at Lambert. I don't expect Man City style millions - but equally I expected to be better funded then premiership minnows - which its whats currently happening. Reducing wage expenditure won't help matters on the pitch - no matter how Faulkner and Lerner try to spin it.


I to like like to see attacking football - but having a tight defence doesn't mean you can't attack or play entertaining football - it just means your CB'S \ FB's operate as a cohesive unit - and minimise defence mistakes - and can hold a lead for longer than about 20 minutes. Unless Lambert significantly tightens up in this area we will continue to flounder in the lower areas of the table. 

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It's a bit unfair to say Lambert can't create a tight defence when he pretty much had to put together a new one from scratch last season.


Yes thats true - also he is a young manager so still has time to get to grips with the defensive aspect of things. However its season 2 for him now - the defense has to be considerably better next season - there can be no more excuses.

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It's a bit unfair to say Lambert can't create a tight defence when he pretty much had to put together a new one from scratch last season.

Livingston,Wycombe,Colchester and Norwich were crap at the back too. I dont think the post was just regarding Villas defence.Its a problem that seems to come with Lambert.

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It's a bit unfair to say Lambert can't create a tight defence when he pretty much had to put together a new one from scratch last season.

Livingston,Wycombe,Colchester and Norwich were crap at the back too. I dont think the post was just regarding Villas defence.Its a problem that seems to come with Lambert.


It's already been pointed out before that with Norwich he never spent more than one season in the same league.

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It's a bit unfair to say Lambert can't create a tight defence when he pretty much had to put together a new one from scratch last season.

Livingston,Wycombe,Colchester and Norwich were crap at the back too. I dont think the post was just regarding Villas defence.Its a problem that seems to come with Lambert.


It's already been pointed out before that with Norwich he never spent more than one season in the same league.



Yes Ive heard this, Buts thats probably the case for quite a few managers of promoted clubs. No matter - the here and now is - those are his players, coached by him , Vlaar is in international CB - Okore is a highly rated prospect - there has to be improvement next season. 

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Not many managers achieve back to back promotions with their club and then leave for another club and have to rebuild the defence from scratch. Let's wait a while before jumping to conclusions.

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