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Well, I can't really argue with a lot of the points you made there to be fair. It was a bit cut and paste in some sections and I too encountered bugs, character glitches and AI pathing issues always seem to rear their ugly heads, but then again I don't think there's an Assassin's Creed game where I haven't, so maybe I've come to expect them and have gotten used to overlooking them somewhat more than I would in another series.

I think the setting really helped it for me, and the naval battles, but it was far from perfect. As for Desmond's story, I said from the first Assassin's Creed game that it was an annoying and pointless story that they could have done without, but I think I just wanted to see the conclusion since I was already invested in it after playing the other games.

I forgave AC3 for a lot of things, but I still did find it enjoyable. I can see why people didn't fall for it like I did though.

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Oh don't get me wrong, I don't think the series has ever been that polished, gameplay wise, it's always had bugs and niggles - the most obvious being the traversal system's foibles that they never sorted out entirely and was always a source of frustration in the series. I always managed to look past it because the games had charm and interest and sometimes where just downright so pretty you let it go - and there were also always those moments where it worked and it was magical.


AC3 just struck me as lacking that charm as well as being especially buggy and niggly, often feeling downright unfinished and rushed, so I ended up just really disliking it and it actually soured me on the entire series. I'd loved them, but they had started to lose their shine to me when they became annual releases and 3 just disappointed me so badly I didn't care any more.

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So glad I did an evening on morse code at Explorers last week - who knew it'd have practical uses!


Turns out I'm not very good at listening to it though - though thankfully it seems some other people have gone and translated it already for me - which is just as well as my ears were beginning to bleed from the beeping!

Edited by CardiffGreens
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Isn't it supposed to be a hoax? The domain was registered in Poland via GoDaddy and Bethesda's past registered websites have always been done in the US. You'd think a massive announcement like Fallout 4 would have been made months before the game was due to be out, not just one month.

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Sceptical but hopeful. If it is true then going on previous form it will be an acknowledgement that it's in the works along with a bit of artwork to tease the location of where this one is set. 


That'll do fine for me for now.

Edited by flamingsombrero
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Isn't it supposed to be a hoax? The domain was registered in Poland via GoDaddy and Bethesda's past registered websites have always been done in the US. You'd think a massive announcement like Fallout 4 would have been made months before the game was due to be out, not just one month.

Thats the European site, There's an American one hosted in Maryland or something.

The countdown is to the announcement, or it could be a release date for next year. There's no way a company would release a game without giving it plenty of time and exposure to build hype.

Edited by Phumfeinz
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Oh well that's good to hear. I don't know much about it myself, it's just what I read the other day. Hopefully it is legitimate though, I'd love to see a next-gen Fallout.


I think the Fallout universe is ripe with story potential. I love all the lore, like the stuff with all the other vaults that were used as social experiments. Very creepy.

Edited by Ginko
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Just finished Sleeping Dogs, great game. Really enjoyed it.

Gonna try for the Platinum trophy.

Then move onto GTA V.


Absolutely brilliant game, I thought about platinumizing it too but you have to buy DLC to achieve it so I didnt bother.


Ashes Cricket & Uncharted: Golden Abyss remain my only 2 Platinum trophies, though I'm very close on inFamous2 and Far Cry 3

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no no kuni is my only platinum, thought about it plenty of times and then cant be bothered, usually don't even try if it requires online trophies or DLC trophies


ni no kuni is probably still my favourite game this year, and I include GTA in that

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My only Platinum is Assassins Creed 2.

I loved Ni No Kuni as well. Such a charming game. Was considering the Platinum in that as well, but it seemed like a ton of work.

I think I might actually purchase the DLC for Sleeping Dogs though. I haven't checked the cost, but don't mind if it's value for money. I'd love a reason to spend a few more hours in that universe. 

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