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Playstation 4


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Absolutely, I'd imagine Sony make next to nothing on PS4 hardware.   The market leader thing is neither here nor there though, if you can make more money by extending your market lead in consoles than you would by catching up a bit on phones then consoles is the way to go.  I think remote play will be available on other manufacturers handsets by this time next year. 

It'll be interesting to see how much they charge for it initially. It'll drop to zero, but I think it'll start chargeable (bundled with ps+ though).


This streaming thing might just catch on :)

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Absolutely, I'd imagine Sony make next to nothing on PS4 hardware. 


This gen consoles have actually been profitable from the outset.

Sony are making money from their gaming division... and then losing it hand over fist on their smartphone division.

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It's the TV division which is hemorrhaging money as far as I understand things, and the insurance business is the most profitable section of Sony. The PS4 is reportedly being sold at a small profit, but the business model in consoles has always been make money in software which is why platform holders have been happy to sell hardware at a loss. It's easier to be a frontrunner too, if you get a big installed base early on and become the lead platform for third party development as a result of that installed base then you can really start to make some serious money three or four years in because people who join a console cycle late tend to go with the market leader.  


My question is that is it worth it for Sony to do everything in their power to extend their lead over Microsoft to build momentum going into the second, third, fourth year of the PS4?  Will having remote play on other Android devices and on iOS ultimately lead to them selling more games in 2015-2018 than keeping the remote play app on Xperia and will that extra money outweigh any extra smartphone sales they might make?  Basically it's a choice between trying to sell your phone to a relatively small bunch of people (PS4 owners looking for a new mobile) or trying to sell your console and games to a much larger bunch of people (other smartphone owners looking for a console).  I'm sure Sony have thought about it much longer and harder than I have, but I know that big companies don't always do the smart thing because of internal politics.  I still wouldn't be surprised to see the app on other devices within a year. 

Edited by The_Rev
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Been a very vocal Sony supporter this generation, but they're in the process of diddling the doggy from the looks of it. Lots of dropped balls, too few announcements nothing to grab them any headlines running into the Christmas. They might just about come out on top over the next month because of the disastrous Halo launch on Microsoft's side - but looking at the confirmed games lists, it's all Xbox right now for the foreseeable future in terms of games

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I think a lot of the troubles are stuff I don't use it for so it doesn't really bother me, can't wait to get my hands on ps tv and hopefully at least 1 of my friends will get one soon (I'm the only ps4 owner I know, don't know anyone with an xbone) so I can do that game share thing

As for games, not sure that xbone has anything Q1 that ps4 doesn't? And hopefully (but let's be honest probably not) ps4 will get it's 1st proper must own exclusive next gen game with the order in February, shame bloodborne was pushed back

Do you know what they are doing with deep down? Would have thought they'd have rushed that out here after drive club and LBP did pretty poorly, another exclusive on the books

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they've added a psone theme to the ps4 too which apparently changes some of the icons and the start up music


and ign have said that in europe it wont be available through traditional retail channels not sure what that means, maybe competitions only?

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they've added a psone theme to the ps4 too which apparently changes some of the icons and the start up music

It's very very gray, but otherwise not bad. The old start up tune and the following ambience is quite alright

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Sooooo, who else is dying to go home to play Game of Thrones?



Yeah, so I didn't get to play it in the end because it took 5 hours to download.  Are other people getting these kinds of times?  I sometimes have to wait and hour for games updates too!  Surely that's not normal?

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Sooooo, who else is dying to go home to play Game of Thrones?

Yeah, so I didn't get to play it in the end because it took 5 hours to download. Are other people getting these kinds of times? I sometimes have to wait and hour for games updates too! Surely that's not normal?

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