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I always preferred GT over forza, never liked dead rising always thought it was boring gameplay resulting in something that was nowhere near as good as it should be, not sure bout the way killer instinct will work "free to play", not interested in zoo tycoon and like I said im expecting ryse to be shite


so really until titanfall it does absolutely nothing for me


not that PS4s launch is that much better... but at least ps4 will have lego marvel at launch!

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Really, I just want to get my hands on some multiplatforms like BF4 and FIFA in the next gen to tide me over until the next wave of games. KIllzone:SF, from what I've played, should be more than fun enough on MP to hold for a while as well.


A lot better than last go around's launch line ups.

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I don't understand why anyone over the age of 14/15 would play COD over Battlefield.  It literally does not make any sense to me.. 

It's boring, to be honest. Me and my mates got 2, then 3. We all ended up trading in and going back to COD. Each to their own. I'll pick up BF4 at some point, but I already know it'll be gone within a short amount of time because I want to play a shooter and not have to sit inside a vehicle all game just so I don't get obliterated every  seconds by a tank while I'm trying to run around myself.


Honestly? That's a pretty lame reason.  


I've been in games and picked up 150 kills.. 


That doesn't make it not boring. MW2 was probably the most boring COD for me personally and that was easy to pick up 50+ kill games regularly. I hope BF4 improves upon the previous games, obviously, as having more good games to play is better for me.

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kojima has promised a mind blowing MGS announcement tomorrow for the ps4


this big reveal that's happening today / tomorrow, one of the things leaked is that naughty dog will be there with a trailer for the last of us DLC, so like someone else said hopefully they'll reveal their 1st ps4 game

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Looks like there's some issues with the PS4's hardware at the minute. Might be a blessing in disguise that we (UK) get it a couple of weeks later as they may resolve a lot of the issues by then.


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Edited by PieFacE
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Looks like there's some issues with the PS4's hardware at the minute. Might be a blessing in disguise that we (UK) get it a couple of weeks later as they may resolve a lot of the issues by then.


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Yeah, I saw that something like 6 out of 6000 were reported broken.


If it happens to a lot of the Yanks, I'll just cancel and wait for them to sort things out.

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Looks like there's some issues with the PS4's hardware at the minute. Might be a blessing in disguise that we (UK) get it a couple of weeks later as they may resolve a lot of the issues by then.


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I would imagine the uk stock is all boxed up ready to go.

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Looks like there's some issues with the PS4's hardware at the minute. Might be a blessing in disguise that we (UK) get it a couple of weeks later as they may resolve a lot of the issues by then.


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I would imagine the uk stock is all boxed up ready to go.

There's a lot of mixed reports on whether this issue is caused by upgrading software and installing apps such as Netflix, or some people are saying it's a genuine hardware fault with the HDMI. 


There isnt a console in the world which has a launch without issues so it's no surprise really.

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0.1% is hardly anything to be worried about either IMO id guess that's a pretty decent rate that's being blown out of proportion


that's said its now bound to be mine that's broke...


I had trouble with my PS2, sucked up some dust thanks to it being stood up and sony were actually really quick in reissuing me with one despite the supply issues (which were far worse than this is likely to be iirc)

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It's going to be a bit annoying over the next couple of months of people bickering, arguing, moaning and just completely failing to realise that we have the launch of two consoles that were clearly not ready to be released at this point and there will absolutely be a lot of issues to be ironed out, it may even take 18 months or so. Obviously when you're laying down the amount of money these things cost you expect a well polished piece of equipment, but it's not like buying a tele or stereo, it's a completely different thing. You'd think after so many lessons of previous generations people might be a little more patient but some on various websites seem to be exploding, it's all very odd. 

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Just can't get excited about it at the moment, I know that's usually the deal with launch titles, but the diminishing returns on hardware combined with the way the industry is focused on the blockbuster release pattern is really showing now.

PS2 Gameplay+PS3 Graphics+Shiny Shiny=Next Gen

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Although I'm getting one at launch, I know the first titles wont be up to much, but given a few months when the devs have had a bit longer to work with the hardware, I know the games will get better and better.  Didnt take long for it to happen with PS3.

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I think the big studios actively hold back on releasing launch titles.


They'd be milking the last of the current gen and letting other devs get used to the architecture of the next gen before sullying their hands and potentially tarnishing their reputations.

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