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Euro 2012: Group C (Spn, Ita, Irl, Cro)


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Only if the ball is played forwards though, surely?

What I'm saying is, Jelavic was only 'onside' until the point where he became active, because positionally he was offside when the initial shot was taken by his team-mate. Basically, until that ball was cleared, Jelavic should not have been able to touch it no matter how it got to him, because his own player took the shot that started the whole sequence of events.

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Is that the interpretation of the rule they are taking in this tournament though? They change how they deal with active and passive so often I lose track and I have seen no clarification for Euro 2012.

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I haven't seen any clarification either, but I thought the active/passive thing was fairly well defined at this point, however subjective or prone to abuse it can be at crucial points in a game. What I will say is that if there is any interpretation of the rule that makes Jelavic onside in that scenario then it's an interpretation that shouldn't be used. He was off at the start and the move hadn't ended. Anyhoo, that's beside the point. The bigger decision was actually the non-award of the penalty at 2-1. One can only assume he didn't give it because he was conflicted about Mandzukic lying injured further up the field. I wonder how Mandzukic is this morning btw. He spent most of the 2nd half rolling around. I feared for his life as he was helped from the pitch; the poor soul.

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Yup, it has been a tournament of strange formations so far. I think we'll see the old 8-1-1 make an appearance on Thursday.

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If I remember correctly (I may not), I think it was St.Ledger who lost him but I'd have to see it again. I seem to remember both CBs ended up marking Dunne's man and the other fella was then free.

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Ireland could have beaten them, they played way too many long balls up to doyle. They needed to get it into the feet of mcgeady duff and keane instead.

Thought andrews was a liability too, should have played darren gibson in there.

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Problem for Ireland is we struggle against teams with deep playmakers as our midfielders are non existant at times and cant close them down for this Modric was immense last night and Xavi and Pirlo will be licking their lips now

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