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I'm still going to talk to someone about it as I'm under no illusion that I'm 'fixed', it's just a good feeling at the moment.

Make sure you do, it's one good day remember. It's when it goes from good to bad to good etc..... (It's easy to think you are fixed)

Strike now and pick up the phone and get it arranged !

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Good on you fella, glad you are feeling better and glad you felt able to get it off your chest I think that is half the battle.

I think many of us have been where you are at one time or another and its not an over night thing to fix it but you can fix it and you can get back to your old self. I went through it a few years ago and it got so bad I didn't think I'd got anything of any value to contribute in converations with people even with my best mates and I just withdrew further and further into myself and away from the rest of the world. It is a slippery slope.

Make sure you talk to someone, talking on here is good but you need to talk to people who know about this from the other side, who make their living helping people feeling like you do. Other than that my biggest piece of advice and you probably won't like it all that much but will hopefully understand the logic, don't depend on the girl too much.

You can't depend upon her as an emotional crutch to prop you up, if you do and for whatever reason things don't work out you will be in a far worse place plus you could cause that to happen by doing so. Its great that she is around but you need to get yourself sorted as if she wasn't.

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Classic depression. Been there, done that, got some Citalopram from the quacks, feel great.

Can't believe I spent about ten years of my life with it before getting help.

Had to google Citalopram and the first thing it said was: Citalopram has been found to greatly reduce the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and premature ejaculation.

Mmm hmm....

Anyway, I'd always recommend alternative therapies first before trying prescription medication fella. Much better to get to the root of the problem rather than trying to mask it. Prevention is better than cure, etc etc.

Spot Laura, alternative therapies all the way which is what I have passed on through PM. Tablets just mask the problem.

I use kinesiology and use a great woman in Stourport on severn, just booked an appointment for myself tomorrow as suffering severe tiredness. £38 for 2 hours and think I have sent 10 people there now and all rave about it.

Right B6. I have wiki'd that and I still do not have a clue what it is about. Could you tell me what it is? in a really dumbed down way please?

I try not to go into it too much with people as people seem to think its a bit strange though everytime they come out after they are shocked.

It works on your muscles, the woman can ask the body questions and gather the reply from the information she gets by holding your wrist, works similar to a lie detector.

She has lead questions to determine an issue and go back to the time it was caused, once found she puts it right.

EVERY single person that I have sent have walked out speachless, not only because she picks out events and times that you just could not guess BUT also hows she does a few things before and after to prove that what she does works.

My mate was a doorman and my firend dumped him as she got sick of him baseball batting people, she sent him and with no help from him and just asking his body she asked him what happened when he was 9, he got upset as it was when his dad walked out on him. He is still a kick boxer but has no temper problems and (an extreme case) has found god

With me she got a load of dates spot on with things that happened in my past which I dont want to go into but 2 years ago I was having a serious serious panic attacks, she heard of a mate and rang me up offering a free session as she was worried. She managed to get it to a date and time with what caused it and it wasnt until I looked in my diary that i realised it was a day I had a text to tell me that my tennats had done a bunk, at the time I was quite cool about it but obviously I wasnt.

I do need to point out that she is not a Psychic and you have to ask the right question to get an answer which at times can take ages but £38 for 2 hours I cant complain, my gf's friend was there for 4 hours the other week and was charged the same

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Wow and that works even if you dont know why you are emotionless or anxious?

Yes, thats the idea. You have to have an open mind but so confident that I usually say to mates that if they dont get anything out of it I will pay for their session though have yet to pay. My mates come all the way from glasgow to see her.

I have read about some who say that most things require a minimum of 3 sessions but this one is honest and has quite often said that there is no need to come back and that if you need to come back you will know hence me going today.

One girl I know had severe post natal depression and she had to have 4 sessions but right as rain after. I f you want her details I can PM but she is in Stourport on Seven but worth the drive.

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Wow and that works even if you dont know why you are emotionless or anxious?

Yes, thats the idea. You have to have an open mind but so confident that I usually say to mates that if they dont get anything out of it I will pay for their session though have yet to pay. My mates come all the way from glasgow to see her.

I have read about some who say that most things require a minimum of 3 sessions but this one is honest and has quite often said that there is no need to come back and that if you need to come back you will know hence me going today.

One girl I know had severe post natal depression and she had to have 4 sessions but right as rain after. I f you want her details I can PM but she is in Stourport on Seven but worth the drive.

Cheers fella. If not she might know someone up her too

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Placebo effect? Sounds like mumbo jumbo

Hence why you have to have an open mind and why I dont go into how she proves it works.

I could go on for hours of what people have gone through but I am not selling it just trying to offer some help :winkold:

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I've spoke to a few mates about it this weekend and I'm feeling a lot better about the situation. Maybe I just needed to talk? I'll probably still go see someone about it though.

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It does work. It takes a while to kick in tho - a few weeks.

They key though is that in order to 'get better' you should have a mix of pills and different types of therapy, ie a program of sorts. Pills by themselves will have an effect, but are kind of a waste of time on their own. Like a plaster cast without crutches.

See your GP and ask for a comprehensive going over. Ooer etc.

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