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Staying somewhat on-topic, has anyone ever tried st. johns wart? Ive been considering it a lot recently and have been told by a few people that it does work.

yes, I see a hebalist in brum who makes it into a mixture with a few other things. Within 2 weeks I felt a lot better to take on the rest of the battle.

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Staying somewhat on-topic, has anyone ever tried st. johns wart? Ive been considering it a lot recently and have been told by a few people that it does work.

yes, I see a hebalist in brum who makes it into a mixture with a few other things. Within 2 weeks I felt a lot better to take on the rest of the battle.

What does it do? How do you take it?

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Avenged Sevenfold - Victim came on my iPod.

2nd verse has the lyrics

"Nothing is harder than to wake up all alone

Realize it's not okay, It's the end of all you know

Time keeps passing by but it seems I'm frozen still

Scars are left behind, But some too deep to feel"

Stupid eh?

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Avenged Sevenfold - Victim came on my iPod.

2nd verse has the lyrics

"Nothing is harder than to wake up all alone

Realize it's not okay, It's the end of all you know

Time keeps passing by but it seems I'm frozen still

Scars are left behind, But some too deep to feel"

Stupid eh?

Stop listening to depressing music mate!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, that was a crap Xmas break.

I tried to cope as best I could, which resulted in drinking. A lot. Things went tits up with the girl I was seeing for one reason or another and I spent a lot of time being angry with myself for it. I just hate myself. I've not been sleeping because of this, I just can't switch off my mind. "If I did this different or that different, if I wasn't like this or that then I wouldn't still be single" etc... etc...

So I'm on my way to the doctors to get some help. I'm not accepting tablets as the answer. Either he can refer me to someone on the NHS or I'll go privately and see a shrink.

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Dante, believe it or not I have read only the first and last post of this whole thread, and want to say just this:

I once picked up a biography of George Best stopping only to flip through the pictures. The last black and white photo was of a pensive George wearing only his shorts, sitting on a chair inside a room with the sunlight streaming down on him through the french windows. The caption read, "I sometimes wonder where it all went wrong." Well he didn't have far to look, for the answer was right there... he was holding a drink.

Like it or like it not, it's the Jack that has to go. You may need a doctor, but most probably you don't. You may need medication, but most probably you don't. What is 100% for sure however, is that neither you nor any doctor in this world will ever be sure what is, or more likely what is not, wrong with you until you emerge from the fog of alcohol.

It's not easy, but good luck... I hope the penny drops.

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Alcohol doesnt help, that's for sure...

But just make 100% sure above anything else that you avoid anything harder (and of powdery substance) as that can literally leave you suicidal. (I don't think you're that stupid for one minute though).

Speaking from experience though, the therapy can be amazing. I only dropped in for a couple of sessions, got a few things off my mind and whilst I still have the same penchant for anxiety and obsessing over things, I've never really been troubled by serious depression since.

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