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Doc has referred me to the GP surgery counsellor, but it may take up to 4 weeks for an appointment. He did say he'd try and get me one as early as possible though.

In the mean time I do have private healthcare, so I'm going to see if there is anything I can do privately using this. If I pay for it I might as well. 4 weeks is a long time.

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Lay off the Pop, get down to Haden Hill, beast it like a pro - I mean kill yourself with hard work, dont stop, get out of the house, see friends and family, talk to people you can sit down with, get stuff off your chest, sleep it over, get up, go to work, finish that shit, get back home, get down to the gym, more beasting that ass - rinse and repeat until you are 18lbs lighter, feeling good and ready to **** shit up with your life.

You gotta be happy with yourself before you pin any ever lasting hopes on a girl. If your happy - they will be happy.

If you look gloomy and unconfortable with yourself, I promise you - there will be no 'happy ever after'.

1st things 1st though, pour that shit down the drain and don't go back until you find youself.

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Don't worry. Haden Hill will get a beasting. Believe that.

I'm also looking at either taking a few classes up there, maybe meet some new people, or join an MMA/Kickboxing club (there's one next to JBs that I drive past a lot). Either way I'm doing something active that should keep me busy and will meet a new bunch of people.

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Don't worry. Haden Hill will get a beasting. Believe that.

If you want someone to have a run around Haden Hill with you, give me a shout. I need to shed a few Xmas pounds and I love HH.

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I use the gym 3-4 times a week up there. I expect it will be rammed for the next few weeks though which sucks.

What days do you go up fella?

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I use the gym 3-4 times a week up there. I expect it will be rammed for the next few weeks though which sucks.

What days do you go up fella?

I don't use the gym up there mate, but the park is one of the places I occasionally use for a run (when I fancy a change from my usual route).

More than welcome to join me next time I go up.

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A run eh? Suppose it wouldn't hurt one of the nights. I've never actually gone for a run outside, I barely even go on the treadmill so I might keel over and die, or at least stop every 500yards haha.

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Sure you're not just bored? I think a lot of people mistake boredom and emptiness to depression. The feeling of being stuck in a rut, which just naturally leads to self-hate, from my experience those people dont suffer from depression (even though they get prescribed pills from docs)... 'cos as soon as they get active doing something, either being finding a new girl or keeping themselves busy with learning new skills etc.... they soon all just get out of it and forget it happened.

I was one of those too, I used to think I was depressed but really I was just alone, bored and had little money. So I started learning Linux/Web Design/Electronics in my spare time which took my mind of it all and i've never really looked back.

I think replaying situations in your head and analysing them is nothing to worry about, in terms of evaluating how you reacted in a situation and if you should have done something different etc... is not a bad thing, in fact i think it's quite normal. You're probably just very self-aware. Wouldnt worry about it.

May not apply to you, who knows, hope you sort it.

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Get angry with the drink, not yourself, its making your problem worse. PieFace has a great idea, learn something new, something that interest you, mine was C+ then PHP..........start slow and you will be amazed at how achieving simple things makes you happier, gives you hope. Just pick something your interested in learning

The thing with drink is that it just numbs a bad thought, when your sobber it comes back but worse because you know you have let yourself down with drinking the night before, it becomes an endless cycle into full blown depression or alcholism/ both.

Dont pin to much hope on one person....the counsellor..........the ones based in your local doctorsd tend to be just a kind face and a listener, the advie they give tends to just repeat whats already been said....excercise and new hobbies.

Another avenue is work........some large businesses have their own to get the "work related stress victims" back to work, good luck. UTV

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  • 2 weeks later...

Figured it was about time for an update.

I'm doing a lot better. I've made some changes since new year, been focusing on CBT and making a log of when I've felt low and what I've done to counter it. CBT really is helping a lot. Amazing how it's all linked and changing one thing can change it all.

I've deleted Facebook off my computer. I realised that the 'Live Feed' on the right of the screen that tells you what your friends are commenting on and liking was messing with my head (RE: The girl flirting with other chaps), and since I've done this I've been a lot better, stupid as it sounds.

I still feel down, but I'm learning to snap myself out of it and do something instead of mope. I'm not drinking at home by myself, I'm going to try and stop smoking (Still angry with myself that I started up again during this period) and I'm going to really try to cut out the negativity and load up on positivity.

2012 is the year of the Dante.

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CBT is Cognitive behavioural therapy. Basically thoughts, emotion, physical and behaviour are all linked, and by changing 1 you can effectively change the way you react / act / think. As an example;


In my instance I was sitting alone at home thinking about seeing this girl and what I did wrong. So I'm blaming myself for the breakdown in the 'relationship', I'm getting anxious, I start getting a knot in my stomach and I'm thinking I'm going to die alone.

I made a log, I got up and I went to the gym. I did a good hours workout, got back and had a shower, felt a lot better about myself and then went out with my mates for a few drinks and had a good night. So because I physically changed my state it in turn affected the other 3 areas.

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Good post.

Did you just research this yourself or did you go to see someone?

I finally saw a counsellor last Thursday. He basically did an assessment of me and asked a lot of questions, had to fill in some forms. He explained CBT and how I had already started implementing it in my life despite not knowing what it was. He said to continue doing this and he's going to book me in for a few counselling sessions too. With both he reckons I can become a happy, well-rounded, positive person. :)

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One more if I may Dante - did you have to go to the doctor initially in order to get referred to the counsellor?

Yeah. Saw my GP and he referred me to the counsellor at the surgery. Took about 2 weeks for an appointment though. Will probably take the same for my next session.

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