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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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MMV is the truth!

Preach brother.

He is right what he says though. Career women aren't interested in a relationship and most are not interested in settling down until they hit 30. Career women are the worst type of woman. Avoid a career woman at all costs....unless you are an alpha male which frankly no one on this site is. Plenty of beta's on here though.

Edited by donnie
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Career women are the worst type of woman. Avoid a career woman at all costs....unless you are an alpha male which frankly no one on this site is. Plenty of beta's on here though.

Did you stop at "The Game" or did you read the sequel too?

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I just love how they're stating all this bullshit is fact. Career women aren't interested in relationships... really? Funny that, there are at least thirty women I work with that could all be described as career women on very good salaries and with various sets of skills and at least twenty of them are married or in committed long term relationships and the other ten I have no idea about.


You're talking absolute tosh and presenting it as fact. Ridiculous.

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And which bracket do you fall into, donnie?

Jesus wept, feels like I'm in a **** Frank T.J Mackey show. It is not only baffling how some people think, but utterly depressing too.

I fall into the middle in that im neither a beta or an alpha. No idea who Frank T.J Mackey is. Sounds like some beta boy shit.

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And which bracket do you fall into, donnie?

Jesus wept, feels like I'm in a **** Frank T.J Mackey show. It is not only baffling how some people think, but utterly depressing too.

I fall into the middle in that im neither a beta or an alpha. No idea who Frank T.J Mackey is. Sounds like some beta boy shit.



That's cool, I mean it wasn't a real question, I was just making a bracket joke, but thanks for playing anyway.

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What is an alpha male? I think thats a very loosely defined word in the modern human sense. I don't think you can really box humans in like that, we certainly very, very rarely fit the classic definition. Though I think you have attempted to define others on here as some kind of insult, which is not really much of a surprise. I also think you should assess why you even use this site when you clearly think so very little of the majority of its inhabitants.

I suggest therapy. Worked wonders for me.

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What is an alpha male? I think thats a very loosely defined word in the modern human sense. I don't think you can really box humans in like that, we certainly very, very rarely fit the classic definition. Though I think you have attempted to define others on here as some kind of insult, which is not really much of a surprise. I also think you should assess why you even use this site when you clearly think so very little of the majority of its inhabitants.

I suggest therapy. Worked wonders for me.

I think Donnie is on the wind up. Again.

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