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Women's World Cup 2011


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Yesterday I stumbled into the game between USA and Brazil 12 minutes into O/T. Brazil leading 2-1 and the US one woman down. Anyway, quite exciting and I soon realised that the brazilian ladies watches what the men do in their national team. After a corner one of them lies down in the pen area looking very injured. She gets treatment and is carried off on a stretcher. Then they showed on the replays that no one really touched her, she takes 2-4 steps and then lay herself down seemingly in agony. And when carried a bit on the stretcher she jumps off and runs away without any problems to the sideline waiting to be allowed back in the game. At that moment I started to cheer for the US ladies. Didn't see the end but eventually USA got one goal back at E7T and won on penatlies. Justice done.

Btw, USA's goalkeeper Hope Solo is quite fit. :)

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Btw, USA's goalkeeper Hope Solo is quite fit. :)

With a surname like that I think the family have missed a trick there!

Yeh, I would've gone with Han(nah) Solo too

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Btw, USA's goalkeeper Hope Solo is quite fit. :)

I caught a bit of the ET of that game and noticed that as well! :lol:

Btw she HAS TO name her son Han.

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Louisa Necib <3


btw I am cheering for those dastardly Japs in the tourament now

I never managed to get her name, but the New Zealand right back vs England was stunning. Anyone know who she was??

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