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Have you tried just skipping it a couple of days forward?

Yeah, it just crashes though. One of the times I tried and it let me get through to the match preview screen and when I went to team management on there I had all my players back but in random positions. I changed it and played the game then afterwards when I pressed advance it crashed again!

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I have 5 of my starters injured. Bent, N'Zogbia and Gabby all are out for months and they are my front 3. My two CBs also are injured now. My front 3 are now Delfouneso, Weimann, Albrighton. I still am in 2nd place somehow..

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I took a break from the stressful career mode and played a couple of games online. I lost 4-2 the first time and won 2-1 the second time, but it was really good fun. I didn't think I'd say this but online is so much more entertaining than career mode against the computer. Playing the computer is so predictable (you still can't stop a lot of their runs and goals though) and it just gets frustrating. Playing online on the other hand is quite fun and much more open and the opposition doesn't have an unfair advantage like the computer does.

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Ok wtf my career mode keeps freezing at one point every time. First time I clicked advance and it was going through the week then it just froze on thursday and I thought it might have just because I had been playing for a while. I restart it and the same thing happens on the same day. I tried it two more times and again it just froze on that day. How the hell am I supposed to play?!

I am getting pretty fed up with this game to be honest.

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Anyone else having massive issues trying to play friendlies online? Seemingly everytime I accept game invites, either the game crashes and I have to go back to the dashboard or the whole **** Xbox freezes and I have to restart. Trying to get on now and it just keeps on **** crashing, and I had the same issue a week or so back when I was playing Briggaman. Seemingly the only time I manage to get on withouth crashing is if I've sent the invite out. :|

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Well... shit. Started a career mode as the mighty Inver Caley last week, I read one of those news flashes in season 2 that said that Dundee United were nouveau-riche following a takeover. So Dundee offered me a job at the start of season 3; their transfer budget was £140 million. :shock:

Stayed with Inver Caley though, out of a misguided sense of duty I guess. What a **** idiot I am. :)

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The games far from perfect but still really enjoying it. 2 v 2 online with mates and headsets has been a great crack.

Playing as crawley town on world class in CM and ive just scored a goal with my 56 rated left back ( who cost £45k ), ran with the ball from my own penalty area, beat 3 players and tucked it into the bottom corner in the 80th minute to give me the win. Truly epic !

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Played my first session of this last night against the guys I usually play FIFA with.

They've all got the game, I haven't got it yet. And boy did it show!

I am terrible at defending. I kknow everyone's probably figured it out by now, but I was shockingly bad.

It was ok 2v2 when I could rely someone else to defend.

But playing on my own, all they had to do was run in a straight line and half the time they'd get through!

It seems good, but I need a lot of practise. Found it really tough.

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Started my Scottish career over again, have just taken the Hearts job after winning the double with Aberdeen in my second season. £140m transfer budget, baby! I've hired a team of 4/5 star scouts to work their magic in Scotland, Ireland and Brazil and I've spent a ****-tonne of moolah overhauling the squad... 8)


•Everyone bar David Templeton, Barry Douglas, Chris Humphrey, Scott Robinson, Eggert Jónsson and Marius Žaliūkas (raising about £12m).


•Wayne Hennessey (£6m)

•Cameron Bell (£2m)

•Chris Gunter (£6m)

•Jonny Evans (£6m)

•Ashley Williams (£6m)

•Craig Cathcart (£3m)

•Danny Fox (£3m)

•Scott Allan (£6m)

•Graham Dorrans (£13m)

•James McArthur (£7m)

•Robert Snodgrass (£11m)

•Steven Fletcher (£9m)

•Shane Long (£8m)

•Jordan Rhodes (£5m)

•Jonny Hayes (£3m)

Just knocked out Juventus in the Euro League qualifiers. I am going to absolutely piss the league.


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Started my Scottish career over again, have just taken the Hearts job after winning the double with Aberdeen in my second season. £140m transfer budget, baby! I've hired a team of 4/5 star scouts to work their magic in Scotland, Ireland and Brazil and I've spent a ****-tonne of moolah overhauling the squad... 8)


•Everyone bar David Templeton, Barry Douglas, Chris Humphrey, Scott Robinson, Eggert Jónsson and Marius Žaliūkas (raising about £12m).


•Wayne Hennessey (£6m)

•Cameron Bell (£2m)

•Chris Gunter (£6m)

•Jonny Evans (£6m)

•Ashley Williams (£6m)

•Craig Cathcart (£3m)

•Danny Fox (£3m)

•Scott Allan (£6m)

•Graham Dorrans (£13m)

•James McArthur (£7m)

•Robert Snodgrass (£11m)

•Steven Fletcher (£9m)

•Shane Long (£8m)

•Jordan Rhodes (£5m)

•Jonny Hayes (£3m)

Just knocked out Juventus in the Euro League qualifiers. I am going to absolutely piss the league.


Are the takeovers random each time you start a career mode? Bolton got taken over in my game but started a new one this week and praying that someone wants to buy out RL so I can spend shit loads buying back Sidwell, Davies & Zat Knight.

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They seem to happen every couple of seasons to a team in whatever division you're playing in. Before I abandoned it, there were two SPL teams with massive funding a mere 3 seasons into my original Scottish career. Now what worries me there is if you're playing the career mode through 15 seasons, if teams keep getting bought up at that rate how the **** are you meant to compete when everyone else is mega-rich? You're gonna be forced to switch clubs. That said, it may very well be possible for the team you're managing to be taken over, but it hasn't happened to me yet so I don't know.

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I have a very volatile relationship with this game. Love hate at its finest.

Pretty much the same. I was actually shouting at the TV yesterday, in an incident which motivated my move to Hearts (as well as the money, of course :P). I'd bought Andrew Driver for Aberdeen in my first season, he was my marquee signing and best player. Good wages, got him tied down for 5 years and he played every game.

Come the January window of my second season (when I was going toe-to-toe with Celtic at the top of the table), 4 days before the window shuts Driver throws in a **** transfer request. For no reason! We're top of the **** table, I'd only **** had him a year and he had 4 years left on his **** contract!

Then, just to really piss me off, I get a message from my board saying they have had an "extraordinary meeting regarding Andrew Driver's future" and they ordered me to sell or I would get the **** sack! I only made enough money selling him to get a slight downgrade as a replacement, and it very nearly derailed my title push. I wanted to put my fist through the disk.

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