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Darren Bent


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Bent came in, scored 24 (twenty four) goals in a season, went on a poor run, got bombed out (probably due to form and wages), went on loan and didn't pull up any tress, although did score 3 goals (oh how we could do with even 3 goals right now), came back, still bombed out but getting snippets of games now...somehow expected to perform in fits and starts (or non starts if you get me)


He never got 24 goals in a season for VIlla though, he hasnt even scored that many for the club

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Imagine being low on confidence and being bought on in a game where your team 1) can't get hold of the ball and 2) is sitting in their own 18 yard box. Was an impossible situation for him to do anything really.


Running would have been a start.


That's never been his strenght. The amount of grief he gets, is totally childish. He was bought because he was a poacher, but that is not enough the way Villa plays right now. Not his fault at all.



RUnning has never been his strength?

Then what ie he doing playing PL football then?

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Imagine being low on confidence and being bought on in a game where your team 1) can't get hold of the ball and 2) is sitting in their own 18 yard box. Was an impossible situation for him to do anything really.


Running would have been a start.


That's never been his strenght. The amount of grief he gets, is totally childish. He was bought because he was a poacher, but that is not enough the way Villa plays right now. Not his fault at all.



RUnning has never been his strength?

Then what ie he doing playing PL football then?


Being a successful goal poacher (playing in an ultradefensive side, ruins that).

Edited by momo
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Bent managed to score goals for the previous 3 managers before Lambert turned up.


Lambert has to take a portion of the blame for not getting the most out of the player and not selling him at his highest value (intact probably his mis-management has cost the club £10m+)


Good luck to Darren if he moves on - could have been different if we had a manager that wanted to attack rather than to bore the fanbase with defensive tripe.

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Bent managed to score goals for the previous 3 managers before Lambert turned up.


Lambert has to take a portion of the blame for not getting the most out of the player and not selling him at his highest value (intact probably his mis-management has cost the club £10m+)


Good luck to Darren if he moves on - could have been different if we had a manager that wanted to attack rather than to bore the fanbase with defensive tripe.


I don't think you can use this as a Lambert beating stick though. 


Lambert made him club captain and obviously wanted mroe from Bent than he got in return. He seemingly wanted to make Bent an important part of the team making him his captain, the fact that didn't last long must have been that Bent did not live up to expectations on and off the pitch. 

Now there's talk of Bent going to Brighton, could well be that they saw sending him on against Southampton as another chance for him to show how much he wanted the shirt. He waltzed about like a fat clearing in the woods and now they're packing him off to Brighton.

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Bent managed to score goals for the previous 3 managers before Lambert turned up.


Lambert has to take a portion of the blame for not getting the most out of the player and not selling him at his highest value (intact probably his mis-management has cost the club £10m+)


Good luck to Darren if he moves on - could have been different if we had a manager that wanted to attack rather than to bore the fanbase with defensive tripe.


Bent was given a chance by Lambert in his first season and also we didn't play defensively that season either.


Bent did nothing at Fulham either, is that Lamberts fault?


Bent looks unfit and out of shape and I suppose thats Lamberts fault as well.

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Bent inherited a decent player with at the time a big sell on value.


The player now will leave for next to nothing.


Yes, Lambert has to take some of the blame for that.





Bent clearly did not do enough as far as Lambert was concerned after being given the opportunity to be the main man. Bent f**ked it up, not Lambert. Bent has been given numerous opportunities since, inluding a FULL SEASON for Fulham in which he did next to absolutely f**k all. Bent and his advancing age and expanding waistline is the problem, not Lambert.

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We paid 24M for Bent.  The minute we  bought him his value dropped.  He then helped that value deteriorate.  And I am saying this as a Bent fan!


I saw him play for Fulham last year against Burton Albion.  He did not venture once into the Fulham half and did F all in the Burton half.  He was useless lazy and fat.  I would suggest Bent's attitude has reduced Bent's value and we were never going to get anywhere near 10M for him not ever no way.


But I suppse it's another stick

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Bent inherited a decent player with at the time a big sell on value.


The player now will leave for next to nothing.


Yes, Lambert has to take some of the blame for that.


That's mental.


Bent was 27 at the time, we gave him a 4 year contract, 31 year old strikers don't go up in value.


Also, as has been said, Lambert made him captain, he didn't do anything, even though he was given more than enough opportunity.


He's leaving for nothing because oddly enough, other teams don't bid on players that they can see with their own eyes that don't care and won't deliver.


We got what we needed out of him, survival.

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Do you think Paul Lambert wants a hard job? Do you think he is stupid? 


If daren bent could have helped us achieve what we wanted to achieve then daren bent wouldd be in the first team right now.  Benteke was is and always will be the better option for us.  Cant believe some people are destroying Paul for supposedly reducing Bent's value so OK here's one for you.  We bought Benteke for what 6m? He'll more than likely go for around 25M maybe even more with a fair wind .


So for the sake of arguments (an d I do not believe the Bent valuation I am about to use but I'll use it anyway as it has been quoted befor)


Darren Bent bought for 24M could have been sold for 10M. So Lambert has cost us 10M (i know its absurd)

Benteke Bought for 6M will go for 25M so Lambert has made us 19M


Paul is still 9M up on the deal.

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Have to agree with you Richard.


Bent screwed Bent!


And the thing is, PL didn't sign Bent. so it was an asset gained rather than an outlay spent by PL

So if Bent leaves for free, and Benteke eventually say sold for 29m.. PL would actually be 23m up on any deal!

Edited by AvfcRigo82
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An asset gained that he could have got more from both on a playing side and in a monetary value.


If Bent leaves for free then we've lost out on a fee for him.


If Benteke is eventually sold then we might have the rare example where Lambert has made a profit on a player for us.

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If Daren Bent was any **** good,  and I've posted this on the other thread but it bares saying here too) then why was there no other manager in the world of football (and by some people's opinion Lambert is the worst so every other manager must be better) that looked at Bent and thought "hey lad it's not your fault that dick Lambert is mis treating you you are a top striker easily worth 10M i'll offer 5M and get you [playing to your best" ???? 

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