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Darren Bent


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I have been a keen supporter of Bent and indeed questioned how the manager has treated him but maybe that isn't the question we should be asking.


It might be more prevelant to ask why would a Premiership manager give a player the honour of captaining his team and then retracting that honour while also alienating and making an example of him?


Paul Lambert is a great distance away from being stupid.

What's your theory?
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I think the point is that unlike previous managers Lambert simply tries to pick the best 11 on merit he has no favorites . With a big target up front like Benteke the other attacking


players have to have pace and energy to track back when required or get on to the knock downs. Given our defensive frailty and lightweight midfield Bent never fitted into that formation .Remember Southampton away for example.


I also think the extra 6m we may have had to pay sunderland given a certain amount of full games played had a bearing on the decision to drop him too.


He came in when we needed him, done his best within his skill set and now just wants first team football elsewhere. The 80 k wages is a bit of a burden at the moment but hopefully


someone will realize they need another forward who can find the net........spurs ? :angry:  :rolleyes:  :D

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Strange, the way we're all happy to see the back of the guy who's scored 25 in 64 games for us due to his perceived lack of effort....yet the the 'Fans favourite' who's scored 74 in 296 remains blameless 'cos he's Villa through and through'.

There's a reason why Gabby won't leave the Villa any time soon....it's called 'a lack of buyers '......this fella spends 10-15 mins of most games doing his headless chicken routine....the next 75-80 with his hands on his hips looking surly and disinterested.

He shows flashes of greatness admittedly....but flashes will win us nothing unfortunately.

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^ dafuq?

...it's in English mate....sorry for not being down with the hood....


I'm in no such "hood" - far from it in fact! I was commenting on the bizzare nature of the post. Gabby is an absolutely vital player for us. Especially in our current system. He's a player thats ALWAYS cropped up in times of need and if you hadn't noticed is our all time highest premier league goal scorer. Gabby does far more in this current system than Bent will ever do.


I loved Darren Bent and wished we could fit him into the system we have at the moment but it just won't happen

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^ dafuq?

...it's in English mate....sorry for not being down with the hood....

I'm in no such "hood" - far from it in fact! I was commenting on the bizzare nature of the post. Gabby is an absolutely vital player for us. Especially in our current system. He's a player thats ALWAYS cropped up in times of need and if you hadn't noticed is our all time highest premier league goal scorer. Gabby does far more in this current system than Bent will ever do.


I loved Darren Bent and wished we could fit him into the system we have at the moment but it just won't happen

Fair play, didn't mean to be disparaging but I fail to agree.....I find Gabby far from vital to our pattern of play and as for the ALWAYS tag ? So many times, this guy drifts in and out of games - and as for the highest Premier league total ?....I should bleeding hope so given the number of games played....on a goals per game basis, his return is barely better than mediocre.

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Just think about some of the important goals/contributions he's had though in local derby's, vs ManUre etc... Arguably Gabby's form at the end of last season kept us in the premier league, with goals against QPR, Reading, Sunderland, Stoke & Norwich (2 of which were goals that won the game).


I think he is such an important player in that wing role and the pace he provides can tear defences apart. 


Directly comparing him to Bent he does far more in games with the current system we're playing IMO. 

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Good at holding up the ball, been tracking back and offering something defensively under Lambert. Stretches the defense. Really stepped up for us during the last half of the season. He's been more of a winger the past 3 seasons, so his goal return isn't too bad. Considering he's been injury prone as well. 

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Just think about some of the important goals/contributions he's had though in local derby's, vs ManUre etc... Arguably Gabby's form at the end of last season kept us in the premier league, with goals against QPR, Reading, Sunderland, Stoke & Norwich (2 of which were goals that won the game).


I think he is such an important player in that wing role and the pace he provides can tear defences apart. 


Directly comparing him to Bent he does far more in games with the current system we're playing IMO.

...but if God forbid Benteke broke his leg tomorrow.....who would you want to see leading the line ? Gabby or Bent ?

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^ I'd see Helenius or Weimann leading the line. If you have to choose I'd still go for Gabby, far better hold up play then Bent.

Edited by Skruff
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Gabby every day of the week.


Bent is NOT going to work in the system we play so why try with him? 


As another poster has said, I'd see it being Helenius & Weimann with Gabby supporting from the wing.


In this system Bent is half the player Gabby is - if that. 

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