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Houllier: Back him or sack him?


Houlier - back him or sack him?  

415 members have voted

  1. 1. Houlier - back him or sack him?

    • Back him - he needs more time
    • Sack him - we don't have time

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Gazton, I'll tell you why he's incompetent, because he employed a manager who cannot motivate our team. Then gives him votes if confidences every week to justify his decision was correct when in fact it's been a mistake from day 1. He continues to stand by him even though every man and his dog can see Houllier is failing big time, we will be going down and blame will be laid at his door for employing a manager who has been out of this game for 5 years.

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He has got to go now!

Tonight was sureal. In fact it was completely the opposite to the semi against blackburn last season. I'm still in shock!

The damage that has been done since this clown came in to our beloved club is imo irrepairable while he is in control.

From 6th last season, loose 1 player and now relegation material. Blame the players but the bottom line is they are being directed by an incompetent manager. What I witnessed tonight was not even championship standard football.

He persisted with young behind heskey when gabby would have been a better option with ash out left, or even better downing who is more natural there. also what fukwit waits 87 mins to make subs to try and get something from a game when after 18 mins its clear as fuking spring water that there need to be adjustments.

This cock will take us down and not lose one bit of sleep over it. I think after tonight his position is untenable. With the games coming up against sma and wigan if this isnt straightened out we could be right in the proverbial!

Get jol in now before its to late or kev mac and sidney cowans until the end of the season. Then we can re-evaluate and rebuild.

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Back him?

Even if the players dont want to play for him and the fans dont like him plus the fact we are losing nearly every game?

I backed him when he became manager but the liverpool thing made me change my mind.

Now with the way we are heading (which looks like the championship) i dont think i have the heart to back someone who just doesnt have the heart and love for the villa.

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The board, players and coaches must take some of the blame but for me the vast majority is down to Houllier. He has allienated senior players, fans with his underestimation of the club as a whole not to mention his Anfield love in. Blaming everyone but himself and looking and sounding like he doesn't have a clue or give a shit. He simply has to go. Mid jan nearly and we are bottom 3, that says it all. Not been there since 2002. Get Jol.

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Manchester City and Aston Villa signed a Memorandum of Understanding the week before the England international stating that an agreement had been reached between the two clubs for the transfer of James Milner for a fee of approx £18m plus Stephen Ireland. In that MOU, it was stated that were any party to cancel the deal, they would be liable to pay the other party approximately £5million as a cancellation charge as well as covering the costs (legal, medical etc) that were incurred. I believe that the only circumstances in which the transfer could be cancelled without the cancellation clause being invoked was if either player were to be found to have an injury causing sufficient concern to the club's insurers as to make the transfer impossible.

The MOU was signed after MON approved the transfer. I believe it was signed on the morning of the friendly vs Valencia.

When in this schedule did Ireland agree terms with Villa?

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Houllier out, Allardyce in on an 18 month contract with bonuses. Tell him the truth, but if he impresses he keeps the job, but we might be looking elsewhere.

Anyone but Allardyce for me. It's like treating a veruca by amputating the leg.

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Personally I think Faulkner is probably good at his job from a PR perspective. However, not only did he seek advice from an outside company about who to employ he also took 4 weeks to replace MON with our current woeful manager. This is not even getting into the ridiculous decision to not appoint a manager from another club, leaving us with manager's who are out of work for being shit, too out of touch, or both in Houllier's case.

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I still doubt that MOU stuff is true. I give the board the benefit of the doubt that they wouldn't be that stupid to sign such a thing.

If it is true... damning. Utterly, utterly damning. What a **** idiotic thing to sign.

But I'll say it again, I think it's untrue.

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Back him or sack him time. I personally think he has got to have a chance to bring some players in. A few quality additions and we will be a better much better side

To back him we would need to bring in about 7-8 players, this isn't gonna happen. We need to bring in a manager who, for now can work with these players and get us out of trouble.

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I still doubt that MOU stuff is true. I give the board the benefit of the doubt that they wouldn't be that stupid to sign such a thing.

If it is true... damning. Utterly, utterly damning. What a **** idiotic thing to sign.

But I'll say it again, I think it's untrue.

They exist, but are unenforceable...basically lawyer speak. Along with penalty clauses, they are used to pressure a side into finishing a deal.

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Houllier out, Allardyce in on an 18 month contract with bonuses. Tell him the truth, but if he impresses he keeps the job, but we might be looking elsewhere.

Anyone but Allardyce for me. It's like treating a veruca by amputating the leg.

I like this. Facebook thumbs up thingy. Great analogy. Not Sam. Not Sam.

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Right, probably going to get my head bitten off here but who cares.

MON bought a team of players who could play to the strengths he wanted to use them for. Houllier has not yet had this chance. Houllier has tried to play MON's team of players to the way he wants the team to play. It has obviously not worked. How many managers come in and stick to the ways of a previous manager? Almost every manager, if not all, try to get the team to play the way they want to. Every team goes through a bad run, some longer than others, but teams usually tend to come out of them. I know I shouldn't be comparing us to them but look at West Brom. They were on a great run at the start of the season and have now lost five games in a row and just about outside of the relegation zone. If that's a bad example look at Chelsea, and if that's a bad one look at Everton.

I guess what I'm trying to say is trying to do your job with someone elses tools isn't easy until you can buy your own, which Houllier WILL be given the chance to do. He won't be sacked tonight, tomorrow morning, or at the weekend. The only way he will be sacked is if we get relegated or he no longer wants the job and agrees to leave.

Until then, Gerard Houllier is our manager, and I think we will turn this around. Probably later rather than sooner but we will just about dodge relegation in my opinion. Our fixture list once we get past Man City at home is a lot easier than the games we've had to play under him.

Oh and RE: MON, of course he has to take some of the blame, not all, but some, considering he left his group of players in the lurch and walked out on us so close to the season starting. He knew this would happen this season due to player revolt and high wage bill (when he found it difficult to make it any lower) so left at the first opportunity. He has a decent CV and doesn't want to tarnish it by a relegation battling season at Aston Villa when he could much rather take a year out and look at options.

Have faith, I know it's difficult at the minute and no one will agree with me but the board see something in him, and this is why we don't own a football club and they do.

Up the Villa

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Houllier out, Allardyce in on an 18 month contract with bonuses. Tell him the truth, but if he impresses he keeps the job, but we might be looking elsewhere.

Anyone but Allardyce for me. It's like treating a veruca by amputating the leg.

Its not he would keep us up, we are getting relegated with this idiot.

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As for stopping the deal when MON left, that would have cost the club approx £5million in penalty clauses. In fact, I'd say it would have been incompetent of the Chief Executive to call off the deal at that cost.

No it wouldn't. Do you know anything about contract law?

I'll admit I don't know a lot about contract law so why don't you enlighten me?

Manchester City and Aston Villa signed a Memorandum of Understanding the week before the England international stating that an agreement had been reached between the two clubs for the transfer of James Milner for a fee of approx £18m plus Stephen Ireland. In that MOU, it was stated that were any party to cancel the deal, they would be liable to pay the other party approximately £5million as a cancellation charge as well as covering the costs (legal, medical etc) that were incurred. I believe that the only circumstances in which the transfer could be cancelled without the cancellation clause being invoked was if either player were to be found to have an injury causing sufficient concern to the club's insurers as to make the transfer impossible.

The MOU was signed after MON approved the transfer. I believe it was signed on the morning of the friendly vs Valencia.

Now, I admit I don't know an awful lot about contract law, so which part of the above is bollocks and shows Paul Faulkner to be incompetent?

I would be happy to enlighten you on contract law but Yankee has already done so a few posts prior to this,

Firstly, I don't want you to think I'm knocking you personally or trying to sound condescending so I'll just tell you that everything you have said there is bollocks...whilst also saying I appreciate you might have been told this by somebody else and you're repeating it in which case I will ask you where you're getting this information from. There is no way that a memorandum of understanding has anything to do with contract law nevermind a football transfer deal. Seriously Gaz, where have you got this lead from because it's complete bollocks.

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