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Anyone Watching A Good Tv Show?


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I found the first half to be dull and boring, in fact at times just pointless and a waste of my time. But the second half really picked up for me and became a lot more interesting.

Homeland just has great actors, the main cast do their job brilliantly and always keep you guessing. Plus that Brazilian woman who plays Brody's wife is insanely attractive.

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i thought the whole thing stretched too far, carrie is chicken oriental, spends 90% of her screen time crying, spends the other 10% disobeying direct orders from the CIA endangering missions and other people, which seeing as she has already been booted out makes no sense at all

its certainly picked up towards the end

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Watched the last in the series of Boardwalk Empire the other day. Holy shit, what a good episode to end on! The only issue I have now though is, I'll have to wait till next year for series 4!

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Watching the first half of the last episode of Homeland I was thinking it was one episode too far and that they should have really ended it after number 11 but the final half hour was excellent.

I do know wonder if the theories about the mole in series one are actually correct.

For Brody to choose Carrie over his wife just doesnt make sense................on any level.

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There are two things that annoy me about HOmeland.

First is carrie. Am I supposed to hate her? Because I do. She's a moron, and she does things that make no sense. I'm guessing I'm supposed to like her, but I really really don't. I would love it if she got killed off (I realise that won't happen)

Secondly, the coverups. Every episode somethign huge happens, that puts Brody in the shit, and it gets covered up. By the end of the show he'll have racked up a Bin Laden-esque list of infringements at this rate!

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I don't know where I stand with respect to Carrie. For both seasons I spent essentially the first half hating her and the second half not really minding her.

It does help that she has a nice arse.

She is very marmitish

When i first saw her i was like where do i know that face from

It turns out she was in Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines

I'm surprised she got another acting job after that

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She is very marmitish

When i first saw her i was like where do i know that face from

It turns out she was in Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines

I'm surprised she got another acting job after that

Probably more famous for Romeo and Julliet though.

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The Killing is finished. This makes me very, very sad. But, and theres always a "BUT!"... A colleague has reliably informed me that I can get my Scandi-fix from one of two places... The Bridge, or, Borgen. Have any of my Villa brethren seen either of these two? Would love to get a series i can sink my teeth into over the crimbo hols!

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Heard a lot of good things about it from this thread. I shall be starting the first series soon. :) Having abandoned Boardwalk Empire (after five episodes). :(

Good grief man!!! Have you not seen it? Its mega. In football terms, its as good as Villa's 2nd goal against Liverpool. Its THAT good.

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